because of后面可以接名词性短语。because引导原因状语从句,即后面接完整的句子。because of是介词短语,在句中一般用作状语,可置于句首和句末,后面接名词、代词及名词性短语。常用来表示引起事件发生的直接原因。

because of后面接什么

because of后面可以接什么

because of 后面接名词动名词,或者主句、从句,because后面接主句,例如:I didn't buy it because it was too expensive. 我没有买是因为它太贵了。

because所引导的从句除用作原因状语外,还可用作表语。例如:It is because he loves you. 那是因为他爱你。

because of是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what从句等。because of之后可接what 从句,但不能接that从句或没有引导词的句子。

例如:He didn't come because he was ill. 他因病未来。

because of的双语例句

Our plans fell through because of lack of money.


The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds.


No new power stations have been built, principally because of the cost.


He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight.
