

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 1

  From her diary I can imagine she was helpless fearbut a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.

  Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl living a happy life but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazis killing. She could not get close to nature can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her the diary as her friends her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint more of the outside world the natural yearning for thinking about life.

  After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank" my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Annes children. War is always nasty it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.

  Do not like history repeating itself pray for world peace forever.

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 2

  Anne is a distinctive girl. She had her own mind. Maybe in the views of others she is a naughty girl. Especially she has a quiet sister. Comparing with Margot she was not favorable. At the beginning her general appearance her character her manners were discussed from A to Z. But with the time going by she were becoming sensible. One must apply one’s reason to everything earning to obey to hold our tongue to help to be good to give in. Life has the great power to change us to adapt it. In addition Anne started afresh and tried to get to the bottom of it all. As she said we should examine the whole matter carefully ourselves and find out what is true and what is exaggerated. In our daily life we often meet arguments with parents. We can stick to the Anne’s principle. If parents are wrong we shall try first of all to make them alter their ideas and if we don’t succeed we shall stick to our own opinions and judgement. Although she lived in a small room she still had a brightful heart. She believed that it was spiring within her she felt that spring was awaking she felt it in her whole body and soul. And in the book she wrote and thought much of the time about things which very sensitive. For example she described a lot about the affair with Peter. It’s normal for a teenager. I think parents should read this book so they can regard this question correctly.

  Anne said “One certainly could not call us rich now but all my hopes are pinned on after the war.” Now we are in the peaceful world hope is full of our life. So there is no reason putting off achieving dreams we should treasure everyone everything every moment that we have.

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 3

  Last summer, I read the world-renowned book The Diary of Anne Frank, written by a Jewish girl named Anne Frank. Anne Frank was once called the eternal angel by people around the world. She is also my most admired writer.

  The book "Anne Franks Diary" tells the story of a thirteen year old Jewish girl named Anne Frank who hid with her family on the top floor of her fathers company in the late stages of World War II. They lived in a secret room for twenty-five months. During this period, Anne used her pen to record her own growth in the narrow space. Faced with the fear of death, she began to contemplate war, nature, religion, and so on, gradually growing into a mature person with a deep understanding of life.

  In order to commemorate the eternal angel Anne Frank, everyone specially made the book "The Diary of Anne Frank", the movie "The Diary of Anne Frank", and built the Anne Frank Memorial Hall.

  After finishing the book "The Diary of Anne Frank," Anne Frank left behind a sentence: "I can feel the suffering of millions of people. I am often discouraged, but never hopeless. I see this life as a fun adventure. It is just the beautiful beginning of a fun life." This sentence has been deeply imprinted in my heart. It will benefit me endlessly throughout my life.

  This book brings tears to my eyes, but it has given me a profound understanding of life.

  Now, after reading my introduction to The Diary of Anne Frank, you must have also fallen in love with this book and really want to read it! Find an opportunity to read!

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 4

  During winter vacation, I read the book Anne Franks Diary, its really a good book!

  Through Annes diary, I believe she should be a kind, lively, strong, and beautiful Jewish girl. She regards her diary as a friend and often writes letters to it (the name of the diary is Kitty).

  Unfortunately, Anne was hunted down by Hitler because her country was Jewish. With no other choice, Anne and her family had to leave their warm home and move to a secret cottage in their fathers company. At the same time, four more people moved into the cottage, and the eight of them couldnt make a sound every day to avoid being discovered by others. The 8 people in the cabin have different personalities, and interesting little things always happen between them.

  After reading The Diary of Anne, I feel immense admiration for Anne. Anne is 16 years old, yet she can write such words, which shows her potential and wisdom! In the end, the 8 people in the secret room were betrayed by others and all were sent to concentration camps. What a pity! We can imagine that if it werent for Hitler, if Annes family hadnt been betrayed, then Anne must have been a genius! Perhaps she will become a famous writer or thinker when she grows up.

  Annes writing is very good. From every word she says, I see the personalities of the eight people in the secret room, understand them, and most importantly, I see Annes innermost thoughts.

  We should remember Anne, her innocence, and strength!

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 5

  Anne went through a life journey of happiness, expectation, concealment, depression, desire, grief, struggle, and death. Anne truthfully recorded in her diary two years of secret and difficult living conditions, her loneliness and distress, fear and hatred of reality, pursuit and hope for life, longing and wishes for the future, and deep reflections on war and humanity. She yearns to embrace nature and the world with youthful passion, courage, and innate kindness, but the war rewards her with suffering and death. During the more than two years Anne spent writing her diary, her life was difficult. She wrote about the fear caused by the bombing of Amsterdam multiple times and constantly condemned racial discrimination. Her hidden and terrifying daily life deeply touched peoples hearts amidst the ordinary. She is witnessing war and persecution. In 1947, Annes father, who survived the disaster, compiled Annes diary and published it. So far, the diary has been translated into 55 languages and distributed 30 million copies worldwide, becoming a common spiritual heritage of humanity. Anne truly fulfilled her wish: "I hope to continue living after my death." "Enter the world and contribute to humanity

  I think there will be many children like Anne, who smiled and said, I believe in kindness, amidst the fascist frenzy. They will never forget Annes hollow eyes with her naked body shaved off, forever…

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 6

  The Diary of Anne Frank "is a book written by a thirteen year old girl named Anne Frank during her difficult, lonely, and fearful hiding period.

  The diary was written in 1942 when Anne was only thirteen years old. Due to persecution by the Nazis, their family was forced to live in an underground chamber and began a dark two-year hiding life. In 1944, the door of the secret room was knocked on by German police, and all eight hideouts were arrested. The only survivor - Annes father, devoted himself to spreading his daughter Annes diary after the war ended.

  The reason for the arrest of Anne and her family is only one, and that is because they are all Jewish. Historian Anne Rommels husband read the diary and wrote in the article, "The diary stuttered and expressed the voice of a child, reflecting the horror of fascism, even surpassing the Nuremberg Trials

  I believe that no matter how big mistakes Jews make, they should be forgiven and forgiven. Anne experienced hardships, loneliness, and fear in her hidden life, but the flame of hope still lit up in her heart. She was confident that she could become a writer and persevere until the smoke of war dissipated. Although these were just fantasies, her heart was still filled with hope.

  After reading this book, I admire Anne very much because she still maintained an optimistic attitude, hope for survival, and hope for life under the persecution of the Nazis!

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 7

  During winter vacation, I read a book called The Diary of Anne Frank.

  The Diary of Anne is a depiction of the real-life experiences of people living in secret rooms during World War II from the perspective of a Jewish girl named Anne. Anne originally lived in Frankfurt, Germany, and after the rise of the Nazis, she sought refuge with her family in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She received a diary as a birthday gift and recorded every little bit of her life from then on. During the long 25 months, you recorded every day of your growth experience and reflected on issues such as war, relationships with parents, nature, sexuality, religion, etc. But the people living in the secret room were eventually arrested by the Nazis and sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. Among the eight of them, only their father Otto Frank survived and walked out of the concentration camp. In the days to come, he continued to spread his daughters diary for people around the world to share.

  I think Anne is a lively, outgoing, and daring girl. What impressed me the most was the eight people living in the secret room who were on edge every day. One night, when everyone was out for an activity, they heard a thief stealing something. The three men in the secret room immediately went to catch the thief, while Anne listened to the commotion from above. Unexpectedly, the real thief ran away and they became scapegoats. Fortunately, when the police arrived, they had already run back to the secret room.

  The Diary of Anne Frank is a great book, and I hope everyone can also read it.

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 8

  This summer, my aunt gave me a book called "Annes Diary". I read it carefully and made a new friend, Anne.

  She is a kind and helpful child who often says to others, I really want to help you.; She is a polite child; She is a child who loves learning, living in a secret room where she never forgets to read the books constantly brought by her Dutch friends. She also writes a diary, including everything she wants to tell a close friend. She longs to return to school; She is an optimistic and cheerful child who loves life. Despite being in prison, she wrote in her diary, "I want to live, even after I die." Watching Anne talk about herself, friends, school, and other happy and unhappy things, I decided to write a diary like Anne and record some of my own events, such as visiting my great grandmother; Learn to ride a bicycle; Cute little dog Xiaoli; Learn to draw matches... like Anne, share your own growth process with good friends.

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 9

  Today, I finished reading Annes diary and the teacher asked us to write our reflections. I only started writing today and was the latest one to do so.

  Annes diary records her life and experiences, and I sympathize with her very much. However, sympathy during times of war is useless because she has already passed away. The war was really unfortunate because it made Anne and others people who were about to be arrested. They fled everywhere and found a very peaceful place to live.

  Sample Reflections on Reading Anne Franks Diary 5

  The Diary of Anne is written by a Jewish girl named Anne. Frank left behind a private diary during the World War, which truthfully recorded Anne and eight others including her family hiding.

  The two years of secret room life spent under Nazi persecution.

  On June 12, 1942, Annes thirteenth birthday, she received a diary and began writing from then on. Until August 1944, their secret room was raided by the German army. Before long, the girl under the age of sixteen was suffering from typhoid fever.

  Took away life. This diary became a profound reflection on the brutal war.

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 10

  The book Annes Diary is written by Anne from Germany. Written by Frank. This book depicts Anne being forced to leave her original school due to the war and attend a Jewish school, but the war became increasingly urgent and the massacre of Jews continued to intensify. Annies family, a doctor, and Fan. The Danes hid on the top floor of their fathers company, and from the day of their hiding in July 1942, the eight of them lived in a secret room for 25 months. During the day, they cannot speak, wear shoes, make any movements, and are prohibited from using the restroom. Only at night can taboos be broken. They could only rely on the help of colleagues in their fathers company to obtain food, daily necessities, and information from the outside world. During the long 25 months, Anne could only use her diary to record her life during this period.

  I think there must be many strange thoughts hidden in Annes mind. I think Annes fear of war and worries about life are incomprehensible to ordinary people! Anne yearns to embrace the world with youthful passion, but the war rewards her with suffering and death. This reminds us to stay away from the persecution of war and seek peaceful development, so as not to be displaced and live a happy life.

  《安妮日记》英文读后感 11

  Recently, I read a new book called The Diary of Anne Frank

  The content of this book is a diary written by a girl named Anne from 1942 to 1944. The main content of the diary is that Annes family lived in a "secret room" with the Van, Dane, and Dr. Dussel in order to avoid persecution.

  The Diary of Anne Frank "is a personal diary left by Jewish girls Anne Frank during World War II. She truthfully documented the two years of difficult life that Anne and two other families spent in a "secret room" to escape persecution, as well as her reflections on war, humanity, and the future... Although Anne, who was strong and optimistic, did not witness the victory of the war with her own eyes, her diary became a precious material for people to deeply reflect on that human tragedy.

  Annes father used to say many things to Anne, and what touched me the most was As long as you can live in this world for one day, you will be very happy. After listening to this sentence, I can feel that Annes life was very difficult at that time, and I think I should cherish my current life well. These are still much different from before.