

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 1

  Safety is the cornerstone of life, and healthy life is the source of happiness and joy. Mention the word "fire, fire we not only think of a word, the people said, and ruthless, fire make how many families homeless, let the countries suffered huge losses, of all the natural disasters, the highest frequency than fire. A small Mars can make valuable resources destruction of nature, can make the human material and spiritual wealth created by the ashes, can mercilessly taking people the most precious life. Because peoples paralysis and ignorance, every year there are many innocent lives were relentless infernal trample upon, the national fire more than 130000 per year on average, nearly a decade killed 2500 people, a direct economic loss of 1.35 billion. The fire has become one of the enemy to the safety of peoples life. Therefore, we are enjoying the fire bring convenience to mankind at the same time, always alert to the fire.

  As a pupil, we must first study fire control knowledge, to master the basic knowledge of fire prevention and fire escape of basic skills, meet disaster will calm, orderly and safety in a timely manner, minimize loss, avoid personal injury. Second to do the following: comply with national laws and regulations, they dont play with fire, dont play with dangerous fireworks, use liquid gas should be paid attention to when people dont walk away when, after use, should close the valve. The use of heaters and mosquito-repellent incense should steer clear of flammable, the use of the computer use should be shut down after three hours and a half hours, when people leave, should close all the power. Another encounter hazardous to fire safety in a public place should be pointed out that, to stop or report to the police.

  Life, belongs to every one of us only once, in this world nothing is more important than a mans life. Dear students, please cherish life, for your own safety for the sake of family happiness, please a little less lucky careless, a sense of fire control safety! I hope we can hear the number of fire engines siren less and less!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 2

  How do you do!

  Fire, along with human development, prosperity, stability and progress, is the most basic condition for peoples survival and development. Start from me, stay away from fire accidents, start from small things, start from bit by bit! Enhance the awareness and concept of fire safety, so that the fire safety system can be truly implemented!

  Usage of dry powder fire extinguisher:

  1. Before use, shake the fire extinguisher several times to loosen the dry powder in the bottle;

  2. Pull out the safety pin, aim at the root of the flame and press down the handle to spray;

  3. In the process of fire extinguishing, it shall always be kept upright and shall not be used horizontally or upside down; 4. Prevent re ignition after fire extinguishing.

  Thank you!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 3

Dear teachers and students,

  What is the most precious thing in the world? There is no doubt that it is human life!

  Everyone is lucky to come to this beautiful earth. In a short life, as long as you live forever, you can enjoy the fresh air, the warm sunshine, the love of your relatives, the filial piety of your children, the changing life, and look forward to one beautiful hope after another.

  Common sense of family fire prevention:

  1. Cigarette butts and matches should not be thrown about

  Do not throw cigarette butts and matchsticks in waste paper baskets or combustible sundries at will. Do not smoke in bed or on the sofa.

  2. Frequent inspection of wires and sockets

  Do not connect and pull wires privately, and do not overload power. Do not use too many electrical equipment on the socket, and do not use copper, iron, aluminum wire to replace the fuse on the knife switch.

  3. Cut off the power when you leave home

  Before leaving home or going to bed, check the electric appliances, gas switches and left kindling. When the electric equipment is not used for a long time, cut off the power supply or unplug the plug.

  4. Safe use of gas

  When using liquefied gas, open the gas valve before ignition. After use, turn off the gas valve before turning off the stove. Do not dump residual liquid of liquefied petroleum gas at will. If the gas leaks, close the gas valve quickly and open the window for ventilation. Do not touch the electrical switch and use open fire. Remember not to call in the place where the gas leaks.

  "A lesson from the past and a teacher for the future", fire safety work has only a starting point and no ending point. Establishing a good fire safety management order is the premise and key to the development of our education.

  "Stay away from fire and create a harmonious society" is our common goal. Lets work together to care more about life and fire safety. May each of us be full of love, love ourselves and loved ones. For fire safety, start with me. Work together to protect yourself and others peace and happiness!

  Thank you!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 4

Dear teachers and students,

  hello everyone!

  Im xxx from class 14, senior 3. The theme of my speech under the National Flag today is fire safety.

  According to the national large-scale survey of China Youth Research Center, safety accidents have become the first killer of teenagers.

  When winter comes, the climate becomes very dry. Affected by the dry environment, it is easy to cause fire in this season. Therefore, in order to increase the peoples awareness of fire safety, the Ministry of Public Security launched in 1992 and designated November 9 as the national fire day every year.

  In the crowded campus, we should ring the "119" alarm bell in our mind for a long time to improve our awareness and skills of fire prevention. We should understand the danger of fire and constantly enhance fire awareness. Each of us should strive to learn fire control knowledge and consciously abide by fire control laws and regulations. At ordinary times, do not bring matches, lighters and other kindles, as well as gasoline, fireworks, firecrackers and other inflammables and explosives into the campus: consciously take care of various fire-fighting facilities in the campus; consciously turn off the electrical switch before leaving the classroom; do not pull wires or use electrical equipment without authorization in the classroom and bedroom. In this way, you can stay away from fire and pass safely.

  Of course, if you really encounter a fire, dont panic. Because there is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are desperate in the face of difficulties. In the face of billowing smoke and flames, as long as you keep calm and wisely use the knowledge of self rescue and escape in the fire, you can save yourself and even others.

  I hope you can pay attention to fire safety, cherish life, take fire problems seriously, and learn to protect yourself and respect the lives of others.

  My speech is over, thank you!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 5

Dear teachers and students,

  hello everyone!

  Im xxx from class xx.

  Students, do you know what the fire alarm is in our country? Yes, did you know that international fire day is November 9?

  Chinas fire telephone 119 is exactly the same as the month and day of international fire protection day on November 9. Fire is a friend of mankind. It brings light and warmth to people and the progress of human civilization and society. However, if the fire is out of control and leads to fire, it will cause huge losses to peoples lives and property. Lets take a look at some fire fighting skills.

  First of all, students should form the good habit of unplugging the power plug. When they run out of electrical appliances, they must unplug the power plug immediately. It is strictly prohibited to bring matches, lighters and other kindling, gasoline, fireworks and other inflammable and explosive articles into the campus. In case of fire, be sure to keep calm, dont panic and call the police in time.

  When you call the police, be sure to make your name and address clear. Keep in mind the principle of saving people first and then saving things. The elderly and children should be evacuated from their homes. Dont rush to grab things, so as not to delay time and cause casualties.

  Secondly, in case of fire, we should obey the command. If there is competition and crowding with each other, it will not only block the passage, but also cause serious safety accidents. Dont panic if surrounded by smoke.

  Never walk upright, crawl quickly with your knees and elbows, and breathe small and light until you are safe. When the clothes are burned, roll to the ground quickly and put out the fire. When there is no way out, try to find a wet towel or wet clothes to cover your nose and mouth. Take refuge in a place with water to protect yourself. Immediately look for a suitable opportunity to escape or wait for firefighters to rescue.

  Thirdly, we should consciously take good care of all kinds of fire-fighting facilities. Fire fighting facilities are important tools for putting out fires. Therefore, do not play with or improperly use fire-fighting equipment at ordinary times. If any damage is found to the fire-fighting equipment, it shall be reported to the teacher immediately.

  Finally, I sincerely wish you: happy every year and safe every minute!

  Thank you!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 6

Dear leaders, teachers and students,

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "fire safety, start with me".

  Life is like a flower. Although it is beautiful and fragrant, it is also very fragile. There is only one life. This is a journey that cant be repeated. Life is invaluable to each of us. Paying attention to fire protection is the guarantee of safety, and safety is the God of life. Therefore, we should pay attention to fire safety to protect our lives.

  Over the past few years, scenes of blood lessons have engraved an indelible impression in our hearts: the heroism of xx fire; Ignorance of the fire of xx commercial building in Jilin; The ferocity of xx ridge fire; The pain of xx explosion. We can only sigh that after the fire ruthlessly destroyed everything, all that remains is pain and reflection.

  On the occasion of the coming of fire day, I would like to put forward the following suggestions to you:

  1. Take seriously the monthly fire evacuation drill;

  2. Learn the correct operation of fire-fighting equipment, observe and understand the placement position of fire-fighting equipment in the school;

  3. When using inflammables and explosives in the chemical laboratory, follow the teachers arrangement and be careful;

  4. It is forbidden to use sockets in the dormitory. If any abnormality is found, report it to the dormitory in time to avoid fire.

  Creating a safe campus is our common goal. Lets work together, care for life, pay attention to fire fighting, share the sunshine of safety and the joy of safety. Students, in order to protect others and their own lives, and build a harmonious and safe campus!

  Thank you!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 7

  hello everyone!

  November 9 is the "world fire protection day" every year. November 9 is the same as the fire alarm telephone number 119. At this time, it is autumn and winter in China, with dry air and dry materials and frequent fires.

  The lack of fire safety knowledge and weak fire safety awareness can always let us see and hear blood lessons. In order to increase peoples awareness of fire safety and make "119" more popular, China has designated November 9 as the national "fire Publicity Day" since 1992.

  As primary school students, how can we prevent fire accidents? Here, I would like to make a few suggestions:

  1. Do not bring matches, lighters and other kindles, as well as gasoline, fireworks and other inflammables and explosives into the campus.

  2. Consciously take good care of various fire-fighting measures on campus, such as fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, etc.

  3. In the classroom, do not pull wires or use electrical equipment without authorization.

  4. After school, remember to turn off the electrical appliances and cut off the power supply.

  How to escape and save yourself in case of fire? Fire experts introduced the methods of escape and self rescue in case of fire in public places. Please listen carefully:

  1. Understand and be familiar with the environment. When you walk into commercial hotels, hotels and other public places, pay attention to the location of emergency exits and fire extinguishers, so as to evacuate and extinguish fire in time in case of accidents.

  2. When the fire strikes, dont panic. Call 119 or ask for help around in time.

  3. Evacuate quickly. Once you hear the fire alarm or realize that you are surrounded by fire, you should immediately try to evacuate. Dont be greedy for property.

  4. Evacuate from the passageway. For example, evacuation stairs, fire elevators, outdoor evacuation stairs, etc., windows, balconies, roofs, downspouts, etc. can also be considered for escape.

  5. Protect the respiratory system. When escaping through thick smoke, try to keep your body close to the ground and cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel. Otherwise, it is easy to be poisoned, or be burned by hot air and suffocate the soft tissue of respiratory system.

  "Keep away from fire and create a harmonious society" is our common goal. Teachers and students, lets join hands to care more about life and fire safety. May each of us be filled with love, love ourselves, love relatives and fire safety, starting from me.

  Thank you!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 8

Dear teachers and students,

  hello everyone!

  In order to ensure the safety and stability of the school, prevent various accidents and create a good safety environment for the construction of a "safe campus", I used todays speech time under the national flag to carry out winter safety education for all the students of the school, and talked with the students on how to prevent fire safety in winter. It is hoped that students will not only popularize safety knowledge, but also enhance safety awareness through such safety education activities.

  1. Fire is a friend of mankind. It brings light and warmth to people, human civilization and social progress. However, if the fire is out of control and becomes a fire, it will cause huge losses to peoples lives and property. Students should fully understand the harm and possible serious consequences of playing with fire, and resolutely refrain from playing with fire at any time. Students should urge and remind each other.

  2. Students should take good care of the fire-fighting facilities in the teaching building and dormitory building, and protect all kinds of electrical switches, power lines, fire hydrants and fire extinguishers in the campus.

  3. Be especially careful with fire. Do not place inflammables and explosives near the fire source. In case of air leakage, quickly close the valve and open the window at the same time. Do not touch electrical switches or use open flames to avoid explosion. 4. In daily life, in case of fire, you should dial "119" to call the police quickly. When smoke comes out, you should cover your mouth with wet clothes and escape near the ground. Never be greedy for money, because life comes first.

  5. Pay attention to the circulation of indoor air in winter, especially when heating and bathing, open windows for ventilation to prevent gas and carbon monoxide poisoning. The lessons of history are heavy.

  Safety first is the most fundamental guarantee of family happiness. Improve your ability to prevent and protect yourself anytime, anywhere, and connect you and me safely! Lets work together to make our life shine, share safe sunshine, enjoy safe happiness, and work together to create a harmonious, healthy and lively campus atmosphere!

  Thank you!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 9

  Dear students, respected teachers, Hello everyone.

  Im xxx from class 4, grade 5.

  The topic of my speech today is "fire safety, start with me".

  Fire is a natural phenomenon. Tame fire is a friend of mankind. It brings light and warmth to people and promotes human civilization and social progress. However, if the fire is out of control and leads to fire, it will cause huge losses to peoples lives and property.

  According to statistics, there were more than 140000 fires in China in 19xx, with more than 7000 casualties, of which 8% were caused by children playing with fire. It can be seen how important it is for students to understand and master some fire control knowledge and reduce and prevent fire.

  (1) Play with fire

  Many students are new to fire and often play games with fire behind their teachers and parents. Some ignite paper and firewood, pile up waste tires and waste plastics in the field, others burn matches, play matchsticks and set off fireworks in the dark, and some burn horse beehives in the field

  However, almost every play has the risk of causing fire. Students are young and lack the ability of self-protection, so they should pay attention to:

  1. Fully understand the harm and possible serious consequences of playing with fire, and do not play with fire at any time.

  2. Lighters, matches and firecrackers are often items that induce children to play with fire. Dont carry these things on your body at ordinary times.

  3. Students should supervise and remind each other. If students play with fire, they should stop it immediately, report to teachers and parents, and criticize and educate them.

  (2) Take good care of fire-fighting equipment and keep the passage unblocked

  In order to prevent major fire accidents, people have set up fire-fighting equipment in many places. Once these equipment are misappropriated or damaged, people will be helpless in case of fire.

  1. Do not move, misappropriate or damage fire hydrants, water guns, water hoses, fire extinguishers and shovels, pickaxes, hooks, sandboxes, buckets, etc. specially used for fire fighting.

  2. Modern shopping malls, hotels, libraries and many other public places have red fire alarm buttons installed on the walls. Students must not press it at will.

  3. The stairway is a way for people to escape in case of fire, and it is also the only way to rescue the trapped people in the fire site. Be sure to keep it unobstructed. Do not store bicycles and pile up sundries in these places.

  My speech is over. Thank you.

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 10

  hello everyone!

  This years November 9 is fire awareness day. The theme of this activity is "enhancing the fire safety responsibility and fire safety awareness of the whole people". When it comes to fire fighting, students will naturally think of the creepy word "fire". For the primary school students in our campus, how to escape and save themselves in case of fire? To solve this problem, fire experts introduced the ten methods of escape and self rescue in case of fire in public gathering places.

  Please listen carefully:

  First, we should understand and be familiar with the environment. When you walk into shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, song and dance halls and other public places, you should pay attention to the location of emergency exits, emergency exits and fire extinguishers, so as to evacuate and extinguish fire in time in case of accidents. Second, evacuate quickly. Once you hear the fire alarm or realize that you are surrounded by fire, you should immediately try to evacuate.

  Third, protect the respiratory system. Towel or napkin cloth, mask, clothes, etc. can be used to cover the mouth and nose tightly during escape, otherwise there will be the risk of poisoning and suffocation of respiratory system soft tissue burned by hot air. Fourth, evacuate from the passageway. Such as evacuation stairs, fire elevators, outdoor evacuation stairs, etc. Windows, balconies, roofs, lightning wires, downpipes, etc. can also be considered for escape.

  Fifth, use ropes to slide. Use a strong rope or tear the curtains, sheets and bedding into strips, screw them into ropes, wet them with water, and tie them to the firm heating pipes, window frames and bedsteads. The trapped people slide one by one along the rope to the next floor or ground.

  The sixth floor is the low floor jump off, which is applicable to the second floor. Before jumping, throw some soft items such as quilts, pillows, mattresses and coats to the ground for "soft landing", and then hold the window with your hands, droop and slide naturally, so as to shorten the jumping height.

  Seventh, we should use equipment. Commonly used are descent device, life bag, net, air cushion, soft ladder, slide rod, slide platform, guide rope, life-saving gangway, etc.

  8. Temporary asylum. When there is no way to escape, the toilet can be used to temporarily make it difficult. When taking refuge, spray the fire doors and windows with water to wet all combustibles in the room and prolong the time. During the period of temporary asylum, take the initiative to contact the outside world in order to be rescued as soon as possible.

  9. Using signs to guide people out of danger. Signs such as "emergency exit", "emergency exit", "safety passage", "fire alarm telephone" and brief escape direction are set on the walls, ceilings, doors and corners of public places. The trapped people can escape in order according to the direction indicated by the signs, which can solve the "urgent need".

  10. we should promote self-interest. We should resolutely stop the behavior of disregarding the life and death of others and the phenomenon of front hugging and back crowding. Only orderly and rapid evacuation can minimize casualties.

  There are still a lot of common sense about fire safety. Please log in to "China fire protection network" and other relevant websites at home or with the permission of your computer teacher this week to learn more about fire safety.

  Thank you!

  中学生消防安全日英语演讲稿 11

Dear teachers and students,

  hello everyone!

  Fire has brought warmth and disaster to people. Many people have lost their lives because of their weak awareness of fire. Some people feel that fire has nothing to fear. They play with fire dangerously and dont understand that a disaster will come on him. Therefore, we should learn fire safety knowledge, understand the harm of fire and use fire safely.

  How can we use fire correctly? What if there is a fire?

  Dont set off firecrackers, fireworks and other dangerous goods in inflammable and explosive goods or public places at will. Dont throw the lit firecrackers at random. We children cant play with matches or lighters. In case of fire, dont panic.

  When the room is on fire, do not open doors, windows and paper easily; When wood or cloth is on fire, water can be used to put it out, while when electrical appliances, gasoline and edible oil are on fire, soil, sand mud or dry powder fire extinguishers can be used to put it out.

  You can also turn to firefighters for help. The fire alarm number is 119, which everyone should remember. When escaping, you can cover your mouth and nose with a towel or napkin, mask, clothes, etc., lower your posture, and escape from a safe exit. Otherwise, there will be a risk of poisoning.

  You must keep these escape methods in mind so that you can get out of danger in case of fire.

  Thank you!