

  秋天里的校园英语作文 1

  Our campus is a beautiful big garden.

  One into the campus, on the left side of the bed in a thick bamboo south day, each red fruit, like ruby, the original green leaves have now with a red border around the, as if to say: "autumn is coming!" Look! There in a buttress to hedge red Ji, full of purple flowers. Every flower is divided into six buds, every five petals, flower buds of petals, resemble a small chrysanthemum. Its colorful leaves, with purple, yellow, orange, and red... Though grass under wall has been no spring, summer, pale green, is like a piece of yellow and green carpet.

  There is a circular flower bed in the middle of the school. In the flower bed full of the sunflower. Each flower with five petals, they have many colors, red like fire, yellow like gold... Each color is so bright. A gust of wind blowing, petals intermediate pinpricks of light yellow flower bouncing, fantastic!

  There are several greening the building on the right side of the. "The laurel blossoms filled the air. Flowers, aroma", trees, stars is that countless osmanthus in the race to the open, rich floral notes. A graceful lotus flowers adorn in green hibiscus tree, from a distance, yellow flowers like a red agate.

  The red, yellow, purple, green... Foil with red and white buildings, like a beautiful fairy tale world.

  I love autumn campus!








  秋天里的校园英语作文 2

  Autumn girl took advantage of the autumn wind and quietly arrived at our campus, decorating it well.

  Just entering the campus, a White Marble statue came into sight. Three Young Pioneers held their heads high. You see, one was beating a drum, another was blowing a horn, and the other was holding a torch. It seemed that they were telling students that "to enter the campus, we must be an excellent Young Pioneer."

  There is a small flower bed to the south of the statue. Autumn girl put on beautiful new clothes for the little flower bed. Beauty banana was wearing a red dress and excitedly said, "Thank you, Autumn girl. I really like the red dress you gave me." Cockscomb flower touched her plush clothes and happily said, "Haha, thats great! Im not afraid of the cold now!" Chrysanthemum shook its golden curly hair and proudly said, "Thank you, Autumn girl. This will be the most fashionable and trendy hairstyle of the season!" The plant horned loofah and bitter gourd said, "How can a beautiful appearance be more popular than our delicious taste?" The little flower bed was filled with excitement as you spoke to me!

  Further ahead is the playground. Rows of wutong trees are like soldiers on guard guarding the children who are playing and chasing. Their leaves stretch towards the blue sky, like big hands, like cattail fans. Some are still emerald green, some have already been gilded, some are slightly yellowed, some are impatient and keep clapping their little palms to welcome the arrival of Autumn Girl!

  The campus scenery in autumn is so pleasant, dont you want to come and visit it?

  秋天里的校园英语作文 3

  Autumn is rich and colorful, and our campus becomes lively.

  Stepping into the door, a refreshing fragrance wafted in. Is that the scent of autumn, the fragrance of osmanthus? It will lead you into this wonderful campus. On the left, there is a cage with two peacocks. If you come to them, they will curiously look at you, and if you give them food to eat, they will flap their wings. Thank you. Continuing forward is the towering teaching building. When you are at seven or eight oclock, you will hear the sound of students reading loudly, coming in and out of your ears. At this moment, you will smell a fragrance again. Is it osmanthus, chrysanthemum, or sunflower? All of them are available.

  In a place where the sun couldnt shine, a bamboo forest was once again stained with light. The green bamboo leaves blocked the sunlight, but a few mischievous rays of light still squeezed in. Appearing more serene and beautiful.

  Behind the rockery, there is a small pond with a small pavilion standing in the center. Its usually very quiet here, but when autumn arrives, the small animals become restless. Walking on the stone bridge, occasionally a few small fish swim past and jump out of the water, with a silver light flashing in their purring sound. Throwing the crumbs in, colorful little fish swam over, competing for food one bite at a time... Looking up, the pavilion was also a bit old, with dust scattered from the fingers

  The campus in autumn. Extremely wonderful.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 4

  Our school is located opposite Jiaozuo Railway Station, with an elegant environment and fresh air, like a beautiful big garden.

  When we walked into our campus, the first thing we saw was a tall wutong tree. It is already several decades old, taller than the four story teaching building in our school. A gust of autumn wind passed by, and the wutong leaves made a "rustling" sound, telling the students that winter was coming. Wutong leaves are like golden butterflies dancing with the autumn wind. After class, students came to the wutong tree. Some picked up leaves as specimens, some picked up leafstalks to compare their strength, and some played under the wutong tree. This wutong tree brought us endless joy.

  To the west of the wutong tree, there is a small flower bed, in which the grass is covered with a golden coat. The pine tree is still so tall and straight, so green, and the two osmanthus trees are unwilling to be outdone. The flowers of the whole tree emit a faint fragrance, which makes people intoxicated.

  The campus in autumn is so beautiful! I love the campus in autumn.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 5

  The campus in autumn is beautiful, the campus in autumn is joyful, and there are many pleasant smells hidden in the cool autumn breeze.

  The osmanthus trees on campus have bloomed, with yellow and gold flowers, one cluster here and one cluster there. The trees are full of flowers, and a gust of wind blows. The osmanthus flowers seem to be playing hide and seek with us, disappearing and then emerging again. I came to the tallest and largest osmanthus tree on campus, closed my eyes, slightly opened my mouth, and took a deep breath, ah! It smells good, thick, and makes people feel happy when they smell it. I picked a few small flowers and put them in my hand. I leaned my nose forward and sniffed them carefully. They were fragrant, really fragrant. I put some osmanthus on my body and it feels fragrant all over. What a lovely little osmanthus, what a pleasant smelling osmanthus.

  There are many pleasant smells on campus, as long as you can observe them carefully, you will definitely be able to find them. Let me tell you where you can find it - under the big trees, in the flower beds, among the grass... I love the campus, I love the autumn on campus.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 6

  I love autumn on our campus the most.

  As soon as I walked into the campus, I could see the osmanthus tree on the flag raising platform. Rows of osmanthus trees stand straight like warriors, guarding our campus. The golden osmanthus is like a golden ocean, some are like shining stars, some hide in the grass, as if playing hide and seek with those osmanthus flowers! Some are floating on the ground, like a golden carpet. The scent of osmanthus is so fragrant. I picked up the osmanthus on the ground and smelled it. The scene was indescribable. I stood under the osmanthus tree, and the osmanthus drifted down one by one, like a rain of osmanthus.

  I love the back garden of our campus the most. There is a beautiful flower in the back garden, which is yellow in color, one by one. You squeeze and touch it, as if whispering. When a gust of wind blows, they seem to be dancing. There is a type of fruit that is red, round, hanging on high branches, as if competing with flowers for beauty.

  There are also ginkgo trees there. The tall ginkgo trees are lush, like a yellow umbrella. The leaves of the ginkgo tree are like a small fan, fan by fan! The fan brings the coolness of autumn.

  The autumn on campus is so tempting and beautiful.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 7

  After experiencing pure winter, bright spring, hot summer, and then entering autumn, the campus in autumn is particularly beautiful and charming.

  There are two wutong trees on both sides of the school gate. They stand proudly like soldiers. When I walk into the campus, the two wutong trees nearby seem to protect us.

  Looking inside and to the left, there is the playground, with a green lawn and a running track outside. It is fiery red and even redder than fire. In front of the playground is the podium, and by the podium is the national flag we long for. The national flag flutters and dances in the air. Behind the playground is the basketball court, and to the left of the basketball court is the beautiful small garden. The flowers in the small garden are red, yellow, and purple, like rainbows.

  On the left side of the small garden is my favorite teaching building. The teaching building is shaped like a mouth, with red walls and a pure white interior. My classroom is the largest in the school, spacious and bright, ventilated and dust-free.

  Behind the teaching building is the small vegetable garden, and there are several ginkgo trees. Their yellow leaves are like putting a new yellow sweater on Mother Earth, which is beautiful. The yellow leaves also have a faint fragrance, which goes from my nose to my neck, to my stomach, and even spreads throughout my body.

  My campus is full of birds singing and fragrant flowers in spring, green trees shading in summer, cool autumn, and snowy winter. Its not just autumn thats beautiful, but other seasons are even more beautiful.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 8

  Throughout the year, I love autumn the most. The campus in autumn is the most beautiful, refreshing and breathtaking.

  I just walked into the autumn campus, and waves of cold autumn winds rushed towards me, as if greeting me.

  I was walking on the colorful runway with my backpack on my back when I suddenly noticed that chrysanthemums were blooming on both sides of the road! I looked carefully at the chrysanthemums, ah! Chrysanthemums are like beautiful fairies. Colorful, There are purplish red, sapphire blue, golden, peach red... They still carry morning sparkling water droplets, appearing even more delicate and soft. The osmanthus standing next to the chrysanthemums is not inferior to beauty. She opened the golden, delicate petals. I counted, there are a total of four petals. I smelled it again, and the smell was fragrant and fragrant. I walked far away and could still smell the fragrance of those osmanthus flowers.

  I am delighted to come to the teaching building. Look, the ginkgo tree at the door has dyed its golden hair. The autumn wind is like a mischievous little girl, blowing away the hair of the ginkgo tree, "rustling, rustling.". Golden hair danced gracefully in the air, then slowly drifted to the ground.

  Look, the playground is really lively, some bear kids are digging soil. Their faces were covered in dust, but they hadnt noticed yet. Some boys are playing a game of jumping rope, "one, two, three, four!" They count up. "Ah! Its so fun!" They shout happily. Some children are singing loudly, and a group of people are racing hard

  The campus in autumn is very fragrant, colorful, and lively. I love the campus this autumn!

  秋天里的校园英语作文 9

  Autumn girl quietly entered the campus carrying a basket of magical petals. With her left hand scattered and her right hand scattered, a miracle occurred, and several beautiful scenes appeared before our eyes.

  Entering the campus, the first thing that catches your eye is the crystal square surrounded by flowers. The autumn wind blows, and the flowers nod frequently and say with a smile, "Welcome to Anzhou Dongchen School." Passing through the crystal square, you arrive at the lobby on the first floor of the teaching building. On the left side of the lobby is a tea tasting area, with small white flowers and green grass planted on both sides. There is a stone path in the middle, and at the end of the stone path is a place for drinking tea, resting, and so on. There are also several banana trees behind. On the right side, there are small flowers with white to purple and purple to white, as well as several shrubs and hydrangeas. In the middle, there is a white hanging basket that looks like half an egg, where you can play.

  Across from the hall is a sun shaped flower bed, and at a glance, you can see eight white characters "Anzhou Dongchen International School" welcoming every child in the autumn breeze. There is a trophy in the middle that looks like the sun, and the four paths are the radiance of the sun, representing happiness and sunshine. There are many bright flowers, with green shrubs that outline the shape of flower beds, blue snowflakes, purple sage, golden layers of gold, and a small trophy in every corner. There are small wrinkled chrysanthemums planted in the small trophy, and beautiful banana trees planted next to them. Little bees dance happily among the flowers.

  The autumn on campus is beautiful, it brings us beautiful enjoyment and joy.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 10

  In the blink of an eye, autumn has arrived. Autumn girl held Fengers hand and brushed past Xia girl. As it walked past our campus, it stopped, as if appreciating the beauty it had brought.

  In the autumn campus, the dancing fallen leaves can also be considered a beautiful sight. Autumn leaves are not as emerald green as spring, but they are golden and yellow, Give people a different kind of beauty. The soft leaves stretched out their bodies, and when the wind blew, the sound of "clattering" echoed in their ears. Then large and large leaves fell, like yellow butterflies dancing in the air. I love stepping on these fallen leaves the most, because every time I step on a leaf, it makes a different sound, and these sounds blend together like playing a beautiful song. Observing the fallen leaves carefully, each one is different and has its own unique beauty, some like a delicate small fan; Some are like peacocks opening their screens. Its hard to forget its appearance at a glance. This kind of scene is interpreting the arrival of autumn.

  Autumn, what a beautiful word. It blends the warmth of spring, the warmth of summer, and the coolness of winter. If the golden autumn combined with the beautiful campus, wouldnt it be a beautiful picture? Learning in such a beautiful painting can also make one feel relaxed and happy, and one should reap full rewards.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 11

  Approaching, approaching, Autumn Girl has entered our campus and come to our side.

  White clouds float in the blue sky, like boats sailing in the deep blue sea; Upon closer inspection, it resembles a graceful goddess dancing in the sky. A few birds were crossing through the air and chirping, "All the birds flew high, and the solitary clouds drifted away leisurely," which contrasted sharply with the sound of reading books in the classroom. Standing in the hallway and looking out, a few big trees on the playground were sprinkled with specks of gold. It may be that Autumn accidentally dropped the golden hairpin on her head and turned it into sparkling gold. Grandma Feng gently breathed a breath, and golden leaves fluttered down from the tree, like "fluttering butterflies dancing constantly" or like dancers spinning and falling; Its like a small vortex in the river, spinning and falling on the tender yellow grass. The lawn is adorned with fallen leaves, more like a yellow green carpet. After class, I strolled on the playground, looking up at the sky, smelling the scent of autumn and the unique fragrance of autumn girls - the fragrance of osmanthus wafting from nine miles away. Looking at the colorful chrysanthemums smiling at me in the flower bed, fatigue and troubles fly into the sky.

  At this moment, I am welcoming the arrival of the next class with a fresh and energetic appearance.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 12

  Firstly, you will see a straight road, with willow trees on both sides swaying in the wind, and golden leaves floating all over the sky, as if clusters of beautiful withered butterflies are dancing. And in the middle stands a five-star red flag, woven with fresh blood! Turning left along the road, you can see the patches of roses, red and purple, as if they were sleeping beauties, yawning and stretching lazily, as if saying to us, "Hello, look, how beautiful that place is!"“

  Turn around, turn your head, and run forward. You can see clusters of yellow dots, which are osmanthus flowers! Suddenly, a refreshing aroma rushed in, truly intoxicating. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, making one feel a bit cool. Taking a sudden breath of fresh air made one feel even more comfortable.

  "Bell, bell, bell!" After class, the students flew out like little sparrows, some kicked a ball, some ran, and had a great time playing!

  Look, this is the beautiful school in autumn!

  秋天里的校园英语作文 13

  Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon shuttle like a shuttle. Unconsciously, the flowers, plants, and trees on the campus have changed into yellow, red, and yellow green coats. Autumn has arrived.

  Autumn is a season of abundant harvest, joyful and cool. Our campus is as beautiful as a painting scroll. Autumn girls take away the heat of summer, and our campus is colorful. The small trees on the roadside turn red and yellow, and the leaves dance gracefully like butterflies, gracefully drawing a perfect arc in the air and slowly falling to the ground; Shrubs and grass also seemed to be dyed, turning into the yellow of autumn; The fruits on campus are not to be outdone, and the roadside is filled with abundant fruits. The red apples bulged their bellies on the branches, and the pomegranates opened their mouths to smile at us. The hawthorn tree had the most fruits, and they sat proudly on the branches, shaking their heads and heads... The whole campus was filled with the sweet aroma of fruits.

  What about the classmates? After class, the students were wearing colorful autumn clothes. Some of us sweep fallen leaves, some play games, some race, and some look up at the wild geese flying south, just like a group of happy little birds.

  I love the campus in autumn because it is colorful; I love the campus in autumn because it has abundant fruits; I love autumn because it makes us full of vitality

  秋天里的校园英语作文 14

  The campus in autumn is as beautiful as a painting.

  As soon as I walked into the campus, I smelled the fragrance of osmanthus. Look, the tall cinnamon branches are lush with leaves. Autumn has arrived, and the leaves are still so emerald green. Osmanthus flowers hide in the middle of the leaves, each one as golden as a grain of rice, emitting a strong fragrance. Some of the osmanthus flowers lowered their heads, as if thinking about something; Clusters of people crowded together, as if whispering quietly.

  The pomegranates on the pomegranate tree have matured. They were wearing red clothes, with chubby bodies and pointed "mouths", as if saying to us, "Im already mature!" The classmates drooled as they looked at them. The pomelo tree was covered with big pomelos, and the heavy pomelos bent the branches. The green pomelo and leaves blend together, making it difficult to distinguish between pomelo and leaves.

  The leaves of the ginkgo tree gradually turn yellow, like small fans, fanning away the heat of summer. The wood hibiscus bloomed, with its slender stem supporting the huge flowers, which looked extremely beautiful.

  The campus is full of autumn, as long as you look carefully, you will definitely find its beauty.

  秋天里的校园英语作文 15

  Throughout the year, the campus scenery is breathtaking. However, I think the campus in autumn has a unique scenery that people can never tire of seeing. I love the campus in autumn the most.

  As soon as you enter the school gate, you can see colorful chrysanthemums blooming on the roadside, including red, yellow, purple, yellow with red, and white with purple These chrysanthemums not only come in various colors, but also have different forms. Some are like the "Thousand Handed Guanyin" with countless small hands stretched out, some are like crabs waving their teeth and claws, some are like round and rolling balls... Some of these chrysanthemums are flower bones, some are in bud, and some are already in bloom, especially beautiful.

  On both sides of the road are sturdy wutong trees. They are tall and straight, like a giant, and guard our school dutifully. A gust of autumn wind blew, and wutong trees waved "big hands", as if they were applauding the hardworking gardeners!

  The lawn in front of the teaching building is a small world for students. You see, there are a few sitting on the lawn chatting, while there are a few playing and frolicking. After the commotion, when they get tired, they lie down on the grass and tell stories... The colorful dreams woven on the grass are slowly dancing in the clear sky.

  The campus in autumn is so beautiful, I love the campus in autumn!