

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 1


  Because AIDS is highly contagious, we discriminate against people with AIDS. In fact, the spread of AIDS is not so terrible. We should not discriminate against AIDS patients. In fact, their pain is not only physical, but also spiritual. They are struggling with the disease, as well as suffering from the scorn of others, which is a great trauma to them. So everyone should learn and understand the way of AIDS transmission, because daily contact will not infect AIDS.


  In daily life, we should care for AIDS patients. If you find people infected with AIDS around you, dont be afraid, let alone look down upon and reject them. The correct attitude towards people infected with AIDS virus is to sympathize, care for and try to help them so that they can live and work normally and not spread their illness. It is not easy for the families of people infected with AIDS virus to bear both the great pain of their relatives suffering from AIDS and the care and care for the patients. We should treat the families of people infected with AIDS virus with full sympathy, care and help, just as we treat all other unfortunate families. This is very necessary to create a safe social environment conducive to the control of the AIDS epidemic.


  "AIDS patients are vulnerable groups. We should care for AIDS patients as we care for our brothers and sisters."


  Now, we have to establish a sense of social responsibility and correct sexual ethics, volunteer to share prevention and control knowledge with peers and others, care and help people living with AIDS, provide support and care, reduce the trauma of discrimination, and we all extend a hand of fraternity and care to help those suffering from HIV. Help teenagers enhance their sense of social responsibility, start from the side, and actively carry out AIDS prevention publicity to make AIDS patients feel warm.


  In this unified day when people all over the world fight against AIDS, pay attention to AIDS, open the window of the soul, light the light of the soul, re illuminate the road of life, and give people unlimited care.


  Therefore, we should let the flowers of our hearts bloom, spreading the fragrance of love. Dont become notorious for AIDS patients, and dont lead them to death. We should take up the gun of wisdom and fight AIDS to the death. Make the tree of life stronger, and fill our tomorrow with hope.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 2


  I know you - AIDS


  I know nothing about AIDS except that it is a terrible infectious disease. But through the "AIDS awareness campaign" and knowledge lectures organized by the school, I learned that AIDS is not as terrible as the rumors.


  AIDS is the abbreviation of Acquiredmumo -- DefictioneySyndrome in English, and its full Chinese name is "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome". In many countries, AIDS is known as the "world plague" or the modern "Black Death". Although it has only been more than 20 years since its discovery, it has been widely prevalent in the world. In fact, it has been confirmed that AIDS can be prevented, and daily contact cannot infect AIDS. AIDS can be spread in three ways: "sexual transmission, mother to child transmission, and blood transmission", as long as we remember it.


  At the same time, we should also know that: sharing swimming pools, hugs, eating at the same table, sharing tableware, sharing office and school supplies and other ways do not spread AIDS, so AIDS patients should not be discriminated against. When we were playing, they had no one to accompany us. AIDS patients, how are you? We know that you are suffering and that this disease will not be infected under normal contact. But perhaps from the moment you know that you are sick, there is only us, only love and only hope left in your heart. Believe me, the knowledge about AIDS is being popularized. I believe that there will be more volunteers to help you and more caring people will pay attention to you. The world is a home full of love. I am still young, and I may not be able to do anything for you. Take me to study hard, develop drugs to treat AIDS when I grow up, alleviate your pain, let this terrible "devil" disappear, and leave hope and warmth to you.


  Only by recognizing AIDS, can we better prevent and cure it. Lets take action and learn relevant knowledge together, so that everyone can know HIV as the enemy of mankind as soon as possible, stay away from AIDS, and fight AIDS to the end.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 3


  There is a group of people who are afraid wherever they go, perhaps their bodies will be isolated, perhaps their hearts are always lonely, friends are far away, and family members are abandoned. They are afraid, afraid that the rising sun of the next morning no longer belongs to them.


  They will find that the sky is so blue, the grass is so blue, and the world is so beautiful before the end of their lives, but they will lose all these beauties.


  However, they do not need pity, do not need charity, and have no high demands from God. What they need is just a hug from us, just a heartfelt greeting from us, just a smile when we face them. Only in this way, they will be grateful to you and remember your smile on them for a lifetime.


  Perhaps because life is really too short, or perhaps because for them, love is really too extravagant. Perhaps the world has already abandoned them! What about you? Will they strangle their dignity and fragile hearts with strange eyes?


  AIDS is like a devil released from a bottle, mercilessly devouring our soul. Although they are constantly proposing and calling for more care for AIDS carriers and reducing social discrimination against them, they can not get rid of peoples treatment of vulnerable groups. It is impossible to live in this world like a normal person when being found infected with AIDS virus.


  They just want to live a normal life, and never expect to be a miracle in the history of AIDS. They just dont want to be feared, isolated, lonely and happy with their relatives and friends for the rest of their lives.


  If the world had abandoned them, would you hate and fear them? Or... love them deeply?


  Please love them deeply! Make their lifetime meaningful, help them resist strange gazes, and treat them equally!


  That way, they will live forever, even if its just in our hearts.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 4


  For us young people, the stories in movies remind us to be disciplined and learn to protect ourselves. In the current situation that there is no specific drug for AIDS, once infected with AIDS virus, it is too late to cry, which is tantamount to being sentenced to death.


  AIDS is like a devil released from a bottle, which mercilessly devours our soul. Although they constantly propose and call for more care for AIDS virus carriers and reduce social discrimination against them, they can not get rid of the treatment of amblyopic groups. When found to carry this virus, they can no longer live in this society like normal people.


  We know that in fact, AIDS is not fundamentally different from the Black Death, SARS and other diseases. It is a catastrophic infectious disease in human history. It can be said that the vast majority of infected individuals are innocent. Since they are innocent, why should they "repent"?! What distinguishes AIDS from other deadly infectious diseases is that it can be transmitted sexually. Up to now, in the subconscious of the public, AIDS is still not divorced from its ethical and moral derogatory positioning. We should scientifically deal with AIDS. First of all, we should understand how to decouple the disease from ethics. Only by relying on science can we defeat the disease without the shackles of Taoism.


  At present, our young people are in the midst of AIDS. Relevant information shows that one young person in the world will be infected with AIDS virus every 14 seconds. Therefore, it is very important to publicize and educate young people to prevent AIDS. At present, many young people and their parents still believe that AIDS is far away from them. The Confession of Youth is just to remind more young people, parents, schools and the society to strengthen their awareness in this regard and strengthen the prevention and treatment of AIDS. It is worth noting that we in Yunnan are the hardest hit areas of AIDS, especially Gengma County, which is one of the centers of the disaster areas. The real AIDS is around us, so remind young people that each of us should know how to protect ourselves.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 5


  I know very little about "AIDS". My parents are busy with their work, so I have to use the Internet.


  I searched Baidu for records about "AIDS", which is really too much. Looking at the text materials and pictures about AIDS on the computer, I think it is very scary, very scary. Especially when I see the skinny bodies, lifeless eyes, and bloody pus on the skin of those African or Indian children in the pictures... I cant bear to see them.


  There is a "AIDS" village in Henan Province of China. More than half of the people in this village are infected with "AIDS", but because of the backward local economy and poor health conditions, the villagers who cannot get treatment have to wait to die. When a reporter went to the village to interview a little girl and asked her "Where are my parents?", the little girls expression was very painful, but she could not help crying and replied: "My father died, and my mother went to see a doctor with stomach pain." The reporter continued to ask: "What ailments do they have? Who cares about you at ordinary times?" The little girl finally couldnt help crying: "Nobody cares about me at home. I can cook and take care of my mother. They all have AIDS." Seeing this, I couldnt help shedding tears. How many people in the world still endure pain like a little girl!


  AIDS is so terrible, cant we have normal contact with people with AIDS? No, its not. Although AIDS is terrible, we can still prevent it in our daily life, and we can also have normal communication with people with AIDS, such as general courtesy handshakes, eating at the same table, talking face to face, sharing cleaning supplies, talking on the phone and swimming in the swimming pool.


  To prevent "AIDS", start from me: care for people around, care for "AIDS" patients, and give them the courage and confidence to overcome the disease!

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 6


  Today, I had nothing to do at home. I didnt know whether it was crazy or something. I suddenly thought of AIDS, and then I fell asleep unconsciously.


  I had such a dream that I actually became a lymphocyte in a persons body. This person has AIDS, and AIDS bacteria are specialized in destroying human lymphocytes! My dream was so sad. Suddenly, a lymph node said to me: "AIDS bacteria are moving to us."


  "Ah! We will be killed by AIDS soon!" I said. Suddenly, a lymph node said, "How can you do this? Our masters fate depends on us, so no matter what, we must win!" Suddenly, I saw their army moving towards us, and we were also ready to fight. When the battle began, we rushed to fight, and the AIDS bacteria showed no weakness. They immediately caused heavy losses to our army. I saw my colleagues falling one by one, got angry, rushed to a place with a lot of bacteria and started beating them randomly. The bacteria were quickly eliminated by me. Later on, many companions gathered around one pathogen to fight, and this was also the last one! But I never saw that pathogen get injured, so I followed over and went to get a few shots, but it didnt have much effect. Suddenly, the pathogen said they wanted to fight me, ah, I was stunned. My companions said, "Its up to you, come on, we must defeat him!" "Okay!" I said. When the pathogen slapped me, I saw a black band rushing towards me, and I showed no weakness. With my hand blocking it, a light and the black band collided and exploded. From here on, we started using real kung fu. Suddenly, I saw an undefended area of his and slapped him, causing him to explode all over!


  After the victory, my companions were celebrating that I defeated AIDS when the alarm clock rang. I opened my eyes and knew it was a dream

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 7


  There is a group of people who are intimidating and isolated. Their hearts are always lonely, their friends are far away, and their loved ones are abandoned. They are afraid that the rising sun of the next morning no longer belongs to them.


  They become the source of infection of diseases and feel that their life is totally meaningless. When they know that they will die, they find that the sky is so blue, the grass is so green, and the world is so beautiful. But they will lose all these beautiful things. They will think of a problem we never thought about: if we can live a good life again, if we can not have AIDS


  However, they do not need pity, nor do they need charity. For God, they do not have any lofty desires. They only want a little bit of love from everyone, perhaps just a hug with open arms, or perhaps just a short five minute play. In their hearts, until death, they will always remember you. Perhaps because life is really too short, or because for them, love is really too luxurious.

  或许世界已经抛弃了他们吧!但,你会忘记他们吗?他们,仅仅是想要正常的生活,也从不奢求可以成为艾滋病史上的奇迹,仅仅是,不希望人们畏惧,不想被隔离,不想心总那么孤单,想和朋友、亲人在一起。 如果,世界已抛弃了他们,你会厌恶、害怕他们吗?还是……深爱他们? 请深爱他们吧!让他们有生之年感到有意义,帮他们抵挡怪异的目光,平等的看待他们吧。

  Perhaps the world has abandoned them! But will you forget them? They just want to live a normal life and never expect to be a miracle in the history of AIDS. They just dont want people to be afraid, isolated, lonely and want to be with friends and relatives. If the world had abandoned them, would you hate and fear them? Or... love them deeply? Please love them deeply! Make their lifetime meaningful, help them resist strange gazes, and treat them equally.


  That way, they will live forever, even if its just in our hearts.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 8


  Today, I had nothing to do at home. I didnt know whether it was crazy or something. Why did I suddenly think of AIDS, and then I fell asleep unconsciously.


  I had such a dream that I actually became a lymphocyte in a persons body. This person has AIDS, and AIDS bacteria are specialized in destroying human lymphocytes! Ah, why is my dream so miserable? Suddenly, a lymph node said to me: "AIDS bacteria are moving to us," ah! We will soon be killed by AIDS! "I said. Suddenly, a lymph node said, "How can you do this? Our masters fate depends on us, so no matter what, we must win!"


  Suddenly, I saw their army moving towards us, and we were also ready for battle. When the battle began, we rushed to fight, and the AIDS bacteria showed no weakness. They immediately killed our army. I saw my friends fall one by one, got angry, rushed to places with a lot of bacteria and started beating them randomly. The bacteria were quickly killed by me. Later, many of my friends gathered around one of them, and this was also the last one! But I never saw that pathogen get injured, so I followed over and went to get a few shots, but there was no effect.


  Suddenly, the pathogen said they wanted to fight me, ah, I was stunned. My companions said, "Its up to you, come on, we must defeat him!" "Okay!" I said. When the pathogen slapped me, I saw a black band rushing towards me, and I showed no weakness. I also used my hand to slap it, and a light and black band collided and exploded. From here on, we started using real kung fu. Suddenly, I saw an undefended area of his and slapped him, causing him to explode all over!

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 9










  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 10


  AIDS is a disease that people are afraid of. When they know that they are infected with AIDS, their lives will soon be taken away, and their lives begin to enter the countdown stage. Most of the patients with AIDS will feel that their lives are completely meaningless. When they know that they will die, they will find the sky is so blue, the grass is so green, and the world is so beautiful. But all these beautiful things will be lost. They will think about a problem we never thought about: if we can live a good life again, if we can not AIDS


  However, they do not need pity, nor do they need charity. For God, they do not have any lofty desires. They only want a little bit of love from everyone, perhaps just an open embrace, or just a short five minute play. In their hearts, until death, they will always remember you. Perhaps because life is really too short, or because for them, love is really too luxurious.


  Perhaps the world has abandoned them! But will you forget them?


  They just want to live a normal life and never expect to be a miracle in the history of AIDS. They just dont want people to be afraid, isolated, lonely and want to be with friends and relatives.


  If the world had abandoned them, would you hate and fear them? Or... love them deeply?


  Please love them deeply! Make their lifetime meaningful, help them resist strange gazes, treat them equally, so that they will live forever, even if its just in our hearts. Give them more care! Let them live more exciting lives.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 11


  AIDS is a terrible disease, which makes people afraid. AIDS is also the common enemy of the world, which is always threatening our lives. At present, there are more than 14000 new infected people in the world every day, and more than 8000 people are killed by the HIV devil every day. In 1985, China confirmed the first case of AIDS. By the end of 2002, the country had reported 40560 cases of people infected with AIDS virus, including 2639 cases of AIDS patients and 1047 deaths. According to expert estimates, the actual number of people infected with AIDS virus in China has exceeded 1 million. According to internationally accepted standards, China is still in a low prevalence period of AIDS in terms of infection rate. However, due to the large population base of China and the large absolute number of AIDS virus infected people, the situation of AIDS prevention and control is not optimistic. It can be seen that preventing and controlling the spread of HIV has become an arduous task in China.


  The awareness of preventing AIDS is something we must always have, and there should be no sense of luck; Dont try taking drugs out of curiosity; When sick, it is necessary to seek treatment at a formal clinic or hospital, pay attention to blood transfusion safety, and do not go to medical institutions, especially individual clinics, where disinfection of medical equipment is unreliable, for injections, tooth extraction, acupuncture, and surgery. Do not use unsterilized tools for ear piercing, tattooing, and beauty; Do not share razors, toothbrushes, etc. with others, try to avoid contact with their body fluids and blood, and disinfect contaminated items in a timely manner.


  We can tell people around us that although AIDS is an incurable disease, it can be prevented. The most important thing is to comply with government decrees, observe sexual ethics, and pay special attention to illegal black blood stations - no matter how poor you are, you cant go there, no matter how urgent you are, you cant transfuse blood that may pollute HIV, so as not to be infected with AIDS virus and ruin family happiness.


  We should always keep in mind the awareness of AIDS prevention.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 12


  Holle! AIDS virus, where did you make trouble recently? I heard that humans are about to eliminate you, Im really worried about you!


  Your hometown is in South Africa, right! There, you blow the trumpet in your window - the name (sound) is outside. As soon as people there hear the word "AIDS", they will immediately be scared to death. You are intimidating and keep a respectful distance from those who have been poisoned by you. You have won many victories. In South Africa, nearly 200 children suffering from AIDS are born every day. A quarter of these people will not live to their second birthday. You may be too happy to sleep when you hear the "war report"!


  Your temper is really good! There was a AIDS patient named Nkosi in South Africa who lived to the age of 12! He once said, let people in the world care about AIDS patients; Also, let the government provide pregnant women with AIDS drugs so that they will no longer transmit their own virus to their children. After hearing this, you were furious and extended your claws towards him, killing him to the death. You dont have to send him to the West at all. Hes just a paper talk Zhao Kuo, only able to empty talk. Besides, if you kill him and spread it, the consequences would be unimaginable. Everyone would say that you are cowardly and cowardly, only daring to bully people like Encosi.


  You havent traveled abroad, have you! That would be great. Think about it, traveling abroad requires not only obtaining a passport and procedures, but also taking a plane. How troublesome! If someone hijacks a plane on the road or the plane malfunctions, then your life is at risk


  Dont breed offspring either! If your child grows up and his wings become hard, he may be about to usurp the throne!


  In this technologically advanced 21st century, humanity will find a way to eliminate you. As your "loyal" defender, I warn you:


  Accelerate your steps and stay away from humanity!

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 13


  What do you think about AIDS? Is it fear or acceptance, it doesnt matter? If you encounter AIDS patients, how do you treat them, discrimination or care? I think theres no need to be afraid or discriminate, right?


  Once when I read a book, I told a lady that her brother was a sailor who suffered from AIDS because he sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. She loved her brother very much. At first, she could not accept it. Later, she learned that normal contact with AIDS patients was not harmful. So she took good care of her brother, who fought against illness for many years before passing away.


  I still remember that several college students, wearing masks, said to passers-by: "I am a AIDS patient, can you give me a hug?" However, within half an hour, no one gave them a hug. Some people said that they knew that hugging with AIDS patients would not be infectious, but they should be on guard.


  Seeing this, I am very dissatisfied. Although I am not a AIDS patient, I know that they are suffering from lack of care from others. The biology teacher said that AIDS is only transmitted from mother to child, blood and sex. Eating and living together is not contagious at all.


  I learned a text in primary school about a black child, Nkosi, whose mother died of AIDS after birth. At the same time, he also inherited the disease. Fortunately, a kind-hearted white lady adopted him, which moved me very much. But the school didnt want him. Maybe because he was black and had AIDS, he made a big fuss.


  Later, he gave a speech about not discriminating against AIDS patients, but giving them love... On an International Childrens Day, all children cheered, and Nkosi, who was tortured to death, fell asleep quietly. He was only 12 years old that year, so pathetic!


  Maybe it was because I was not interested in AIDS at that time. Last year, when watching TV, there was a documentary that said, "A little black boy got AIDS..." I exclaimed "Nkosi" and talked about those things again. But then I became interested in these things and sat down on the sofa to watch them.


  What I want to tell you is what our biology teacher said: "Eating and living with AIDS patients will not be infected..." We should use the slogan of "Anti discrimination, promote care" to publicize to people around us.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 14


  AIDS is a disease that people are afraid of. When they know that they are infected with AIDS, their lives will soon be taken away, and their lives begin to enter the countdown stage. Most of the patients with AIDS will feel that their lives are completely meaningless. When they know that they will die, they will find the sky is so blue, the grass is so green, and the world is so beautiful. But all these beautiful things will be lost. They will think about a problem we never thought about: if we can live a good life again, if we can not AIDS.


  However, they do not need pity, nor do they need charity. For God, they do not have any lofty desires. They only want a little bit of love from everyone, perhaps just an open embrace, or just a short five minute play. In their hearts, until death, they will always remember you. Perhaps because life is really too short, or because for them, love is really too luxurious.


  Perhaps the world has abandoned them! But will you forget them?


  They just want to live a normal life and never expect to be a miracle in the history of AIDS. They just dont want people to be afraid, isolated, lonely and want to be with friends and relatives.


  If the world had abandoned them, would you hate and fear them? Or... love them deeply?


  Please love them deeply! Make their lifetime meaningful, help them resist strange gazes, treat them equally, so that they will live forever, even if its just in our hearts. Give them more care! Let them live more exciting lives.

  12.1国际艾滋病日英语作文附翻译 15


  In order to attract everyones attention, since 1988, the "World AIDS Day" has been set as December 1, from which we can also see that AIDS has attracted great attention around the world. Care for AIDS patients and prevent the spread of AIDS. This is a manifestation of our own responsibility. Now let me introduce the purpose of World AIDS Day in detail!


  The symbol of World AIDS Day is the red ribbon. The significance of the Red Thick Belt logo: The Red Thick Belt is like a bond that tightly connects people around the world, working together


  The symbol of AIDS in the world -- Red Ribbon The symbol of AIDS in the world -- Red Ribbon


  The fight against AIDS symbolizes our concern and support for AIDS patients and infected people; Symbolizing our love for life and thirst for peace; It symbolizes that we should use "heart" to participate in the prevention of AIDS.


  Purpose of setting up "World AIDS Day"


  First, let people know that AIDS can be controlled and prevented globally;


  Second, let everyone know that one of the most important things to prevent AIDS is that everyone should be responsible for their own behavior;


  Third, through the publicity of AIDS Day, people will be aroused to sympathize with and understand people living with AIDS virus, because their body and mind have been suffering from disease, and some people living with AIDS virus may be passive and innocent;


  Fourth, we hope that everyone will support the AIDS prevention and control plan formulated by their respective countries, so as to arouse the global people to act together to support this work.


  Through the introduction of the above four "World AIDS Day", we can know the importance of this festival of caring for AIDS patients and defending against AIDS. Let our world family work together to resist this disease.