

  喜欢篮球英语作文100字及翻译 1


  Today, I played basketball with my cousin. My cousin is a member of the schools basketball team. She taught me how to play basketball with a three-step shot. Step 1:; Take a big step with the blue ball, the second step, take a small step with the blue ball, and finally throw the ball into the blue. I didnt succeed several times, but I didnt lose heart and finally succeeded!


  Finally, I fell in love with playing basketball and will practice every day in the future!

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  My hobbies are playing basketball and swimming. My favorite thing is playing basketball.


  On Sunday morning, my friend and I made an appointment to be on the basketball court. We started grouping, and my friend Xiao Lai and I formed a group. I started playing basketball and rushed up to grab the ball from someone elses hand. I kept charging forward and they also came towards me, and I immediately passed the basketball to my player Xiao Lai. Now they are heading towards Xiao Lai. I said, "Pass the ball to me quickly." He passed the ball to me. I immediately rushed forward and threw the ball into the basket, and we won.


  This is why I love playing basketball.

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  Today, I played basketball with a few children from our village. There were a total of five of us. I first divided the team into two teams. If the number of players was not enough, I assigned one team to play best and one team to play decent. I was assigned to a team of three people.


  After the start, they passed the ball first, and we started to grab it, but they kept letting the person who played the best get the ball. Soon, they scored a point, and we fought hard to catch up and finally got a point The final score is 4-2.


  Although we lost this time, we are all very happy. Next time, we will definitely work hard!

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  On Saturday, my dad takes me to play basketball.


  I was surprised when our basketball court turned into a fire station, with fire trucks, fire towers, and many firefighter training equipment inside.


  I thought I was still playing basketball for two hours today as usual, but today I was actually playing for one and a half hours, which made me so happy!


  I am much more experienced in dribbling and other movements than before, and it feels like exchanging old for new.

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  I like playing basketball because I am a member of the basketball team. We played a game in Zhengzhou, and we played two games. My younger brother, this is my second time playing a game. Thats why I love basketball. When I wasnt on any team, I also loved basketball very much. The teacher saw it and got me into it.


  So now I am a member of the basketball team, and I will win in the basketball team. I have worked hard and practiced well. We are all practicing not to approve laziness because our captain is very serious. We were lazy together, so he punished us with 100 and 1000 push ups.

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  I like playing basketball, and I consider it my good companion. It brings me a lot of fun. When playing games, with my tacit cooperation with it, I can score N goals alone.


  As long as I hold the basketball, I guarantee to hit every shot. I am suitable for three-step shooting in games, and my long-range shooting is particularly good. You may not be able to score, but I can guarantee that I can.


  Playing basketball not only helps to exercise our bodies, but also cultivates our team spirit. Generally, each team has around 5 players, and it requires close cooperation from everyone to complete the game and ultimately achieve excellent results.

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  I like playing basketball. I like playing basketball because it can strengthen my body. One day, I went down to play basketball. I teamed up with Ai Boming and Huang Junjie and Xu Shaoyang.


  The game started, and we didnt make any progress. I launched an attack, but they couldnt defend against it. Li Dian said, "Good ball, good ball.". The other group was also unwilling to be outdone. We divided our minds and let them score a goal, and the game ended. We have two points, they have one point. As long as we win the game every day, I am so happy that I dont know how to describe it. I like playing basketball. Playing basketball is really a healthy game.

  喜欢篮球英语作文100字及翻译 8

  Enjoying Basketball English Essay 100 Words and Translation 8


  This afternoon, my mother asked me to play basketball. I couldnt wait to get on the electric bike and set off. Walk, walk, walk, finally arrived. I entered the basketball court and saw many people!


  We first ran two laps, and as soon as the teachers whistle sounded, we started running and said, "One, two, one, two, one." After we finished our steps, we did warm-up exercises and could start playing basketball. We learned how to defend, play, and pitch the ball. Im so happy today!

  喜欢篮球英语作文100字及翻译 9


  Today, our basketball tutoring class had a skills match. The content of the competition is to bypass the marker bucket and then take a 5-second penalty from the shot. Whoever has the least number of seconds is the champion. Our skills game is not very difficult either, if we cant shoot into the basket. So its really not possible to choose a name.


  Since I am 15 seconds, if I make a shot, it will be ten seconds. I didnt make a shot into the basket, otherwise I would have taken the second shot. My ranking is quite similar, but I think playing basketball is a sports activity that can help me lose weight, exercise, and play, so I really enjoy it.

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  On this day, the physical education teacher invited us to join the basketball club. Anyone who wants to report can report it. Many of our classmates have gone to apply, and I really want to do the same. I told my mom about this when I got home, and she said, "If I fall, I wont be able to go to school.".


  I know my mother is worried about me, so I obediently listen to her. I didnt join the basketball club, but I also love playing basketball. My mother said, "I am an obedient and good child.".

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  Every time I pass by the basketball court and see my big brothers playing basketball, I think to myself, if I could play basketball like them, I would be so happy!


  One day, my grandmother found a basketball at home. I started learning to play basketball on my own. At first, I could only play five times, but later my mother taught me how to play, and I gradually became proficient. Now every day after school, after finishing my homework, I play basketball. After a period of practice, I can now play a hundred times.


  I think I will learn to play basketball like my older brother and them in the future.

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  Classmates, what sports do you all like? Everyone has their own favorite sports, and some like more than one, while I only like basketball as a sport. Whenever I think of basketball or play basketball, I always think of third grade. When I was in third grade, during a physical education class, the physical education teacher said that the schools womens basketball team was about to enroll. She asked us who the girls wanted to sign up for, and our friends and I signed up together. As a result, we all chose to join.


  It was from then on that I fell in love with basketball. School is about to start, and by the time it starts, our basketball team can continue playing basketball!

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  Dad and I are going to play basketball together. Dad first taught me how to throw a ball. When throwing, I need to put my hands in front of my head, put my feet together, and jump up and throw hard. My dad taught me simple movements, and I will practice them slowly on my own. He also taught me three steps of layup, changing hands, turning, and passing the ball. I am practicing diligently under my fathers guidance, and the sweat seeps through my shirt. Gradually, my movements become more and more proficient, and I seem to have some professional athletic qualities.


  I like playing basketball, and I will definitely get better and better.

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  In the evening, my grandfather and I went to the playground to play basketball.


  We first practice dribbling, then passing the ball. My grandfather asked me to shoot. The basketball hoop in high school was too high, and I had to put in a lot of effort but couldnt hit it. My grandfather encouraged me and cheered me on, and I finally hit the hoop. Im so happy. If only I had hit the hoop in our elementary school, I could have thrown it. I will persist in practicing.

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  Today after school, a few classmates and I were playing basketball on the basketball court, and we tied. At this moment, a few people came and I recognized two at a glance, one named Xiaojun and the other named Xiaojie. I have long heard from my classmates that they are very good at playing basketball.


  Today, we can finally play basketball with them, and soon we lost. They are really good at playing basketball, but we dont think they are as good as them.