

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 1

  A couple of days ago, my dad and I go to the supermarket to buy things. Kingwe saw the sea shark, a shark that is cut in two, I think: sharks in the ocean so ferocious, and King of the sea anyway! But for now, or are we human beings killed, for sale, sell us to eat.

  In my opinion, there seem to be two kinds of sharks (character), but the fact that sharks have only one character, in my imagination, the first is: fierce sharks, second: no use of sharks. In these two species of shark, ferocious sharks is under what circumstances could use the title of it? Is swimming around in the ocean, and very handsome King in front of the sea. Useless shark is a shark be captured by humans, killing, for sale with title.

  In the evening, father settle when I went to bed, my dad said to me: "today we see that the shark was cut in two in the future will be eaten by humans, do we humans are cruel, dont you think? "I replied:" its very cruel, but, if not cruel, we would starve. Because we still have to eat meat or something. Also, what other herbivores, for example eating cattle, sheep, and our homes not turned into a desert. Grass, we have better homes. But we are a little cruel. "Dad just smiled and walked out of my room.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 2

  A new high-performance swimsuit,developed by mimicking the skin of sharks,will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.

  The revolutionary new fabric,developed by Speedo,is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .

  The new swimsuit,called Fastskin FSII,increases a swimmers speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.

  Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.

  Tiny teeth cover the surface of a sharks skin and the shape and positioning of these teeth vary across the body to manage the flow of water.

  With these findings Speedo created a full bodyskin with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time,male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 3

  When did this old story come from? When did it happen? Whether could be explained as a real one or just a legend? Who knows.

  Sadness blooming, the old captain sat along the shore, his feet touching the chill seawater, however it cant match the chilling factor in his heart. Whatever, this damned sea swallowed all the happiness he had owned just several days before, his beloved wife,his pretty babies, nothing can be compared with his hatred for the unexpected storm, which unexpectedly brought his life into endless darkness, more or less, at this moment.

  Slowly he closed his eyes with blank mind,nothing coming into it except desperation.

  So funny, a bitter smile slipped crossing his face, "who said that stupid thing Tomorrow is another day. why cant I feel anything different when the sunshine falling down this cruel coast"he said to himself, eyes red.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 4

  Some 200m years before dinosaurs made their appearance on earth and thus quite some time before Homo sapiens began celebrating nuptials at extravagant wedding banquets, sharks swam the oceans. Sharks are older than trees. They have survived at least four planetary mass extinctions.

  The link between these ancient predators and contemporary wedding receptions is that, among Chinese people, it is a sign of generosity and prestige to serve guests shark-fin soup. Since there are more than 1.3bn Chinese people, and since they are getting more affluent by the day, that is of no little consequence to the shark population. Some 70m sharks are killed each year for their fins. Much of the time, the fins are sliced off with a blade at sea and the bloody shark torso thrown back in the water to die.

  The California state legislature is debating a bill co-sponsored by Paul Fong, a Chinese-American Democrat, to ban the sale, consumption and trade of shark fin. Hawaii, Oregon and Washington state already impose similar bans. California accounts for 85 per cent of shark fin eaten in the US. The bill sailed through the lower house assembly, but is being held up in the state senate because of concerns it discriminates against Chinese Americans.

  What people eat is, indeed, a sensitive topic and one that generates much hypocrisy. Different cultures have formed their own taboos about what is proper, and not proper, to eat. Muslims and Jews don’t eat pigs, Hindus don’t eat cows and most Americans don’t eat snake or whale. Jains, and vegetarians of all cultures, don’t eat any animals at all.

  Westerners are particularly prone to turning up their nose at what other people eat. Their position is mostly illogical and sometimes offensive. They tend to mentally divide animals into those you eat (like pigs, sheep and chickens); those you cuddle or stroke (cats, dogs and horses); and those too ugly, unusual or intelligent to eat (say beetles, zebras and dolphins). Many profess to loathe barbarity – think clubbing seals – yet are happy to eat veal or to ignore what goes on in their friendly neighbourhood abattoir.

  Michael Moore, the American documentary film-maker, brilliantly – if possibly inadvertently – exposed this self-delusion in Roger & Me. In a scene that was meant to highlight the poverty of Flint, Michigan, a woman selling rabbits is shown asking customers if they want “pets or meat”. If the answer is “pet”, the cuddly bunny is handed over to a delighted child. If “meat”, the hapless creature is clubbed to death with a lead pipe and skinned on the spot.

  The richer societies get, the more finicky they tend to become. Many (including myself) waste half the animal they have had killed on their behalf, refusing to consume its organs, intestines, brain and so on. These parts are often eaten, and sometimes prized, in non-western societies, particularly in Asia. In their willingness to consume almost all the animal, both China and Japan score far better than most western countries.

  Surely, then, one can’t object to eating shark fin? Yet one can and one should. The reasons are to do with conservation and our broader ecosystem. Some species of shark have been depleted by 70 per cent and a few, such as smooth hammerhead, bull sharks and tiger sharks, by 90 per cent or more. Sharks are the ocean’s top predators. Their absence causes havoc. Off the east coast of America, sharks used to eat bottom-feeding rays. With shark numbers massively depleted, the rays have had a field day devouring scallops, clams and oysters, rapidly reducing stocks.

  Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned. At one store in the Sheung Wan district of Hong Kong, a city where half the world’s shark fin is traded, a salesman admits he has no idea whether the fins come from endangered species. His shop does not sell shark meat, and he says it could be true that the carcase is simply tossed into the sea. As well as the cruelty, there is also the incredible waste. The average shark stretches to about 10 bowls of soup.

  Certainly, shark fin is traditional. As one writer points out, to ask people to stop eating it is the equivalent of suggesting Americans give up turkey for Thanksgiving. There is doubtless a case for banning other types of food, such as some types of caviar and some species of whale. But cultures are not immutable. Traditions change, especially when they are unsustainable.

  Fortunately, many of the most prominent campaigners against shark fin are Chinese, with Yao Ming, the recently retired basketball sensation, among the most passionate. In Hong Kong, where shark fin used to be de rigueur at Cantonese banquets, many young people refuse to eat it. Besides, sharks have less cachet now they are siphoned from the oceans on an industrial scale.

  In Canada, more than a few ethnic Chinese couples have made a show of not serving shark fin at their wedding. Judy Lao recently told the Vancouver Province why she didn’t have it at her reception. “We don’t really care, our friends don’t care, and shark fin has no nutritional value anyway,” she said. “So why should we serve it?” Why indeed.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 5

  Dear humans, I have to write to you because my friends are dying.The reasons are as follow.First,you damage the forests and take up too much land where we live.Second,you humans even kill the endangered animals for food,many of us have been killed over the past years.But as you all know,animals and humans are good friends.We live in Earth,relying on each other.Without animals,humans wont live long.So,humans should protect animals,that means protecting yourselves. Best wishes Yours Panda

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 6

  The sharks are big. They are gray and very fiercely. They have a strong tail, lt makes them swim very fast. They have a big mouth, there are many sharp teeth in it. If their teeth are blunt, they can change them in a week. Every day, they eat a lot of fish, a grown-up shark can eat fifty kilograms of fish a day. They are dangerous for us.

  Some sharks never hurt people, they often live in the Ocean Park. We can watch them through the glass. I like to watch the sharks. How about you?

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 7

  A new high-performance swimsuit,developed by mimicking the skin of sharks,will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.The revolutionary new fabric,developed by Speedo,is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .

  The new swimsuit,called Fastskin FSII,increases a swimmers speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.Tiny teeth cover the surface of a sharks skin and the shape and positioning of these teeth vary across the body to manage the flow of water.With these findings Speedo created a full bodyskin with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time,male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 8

  A couple of days ago, my dad and I go to the supermarket to buy things. Kingwe saw the sea shark, a shark that is cut in two, I think: sharks in the ocean so ferocious, and King of the sea anyway! But for now, or are we human beings killed, for sale, sell us to eat.In my opinion, there seem to be two kinds of sharks (character), but the fact that sharks have only one character, in my imagination, the first is: fierce sharks, second: no use of sharks.

  In these two species of shark, ferocious sharks is under what circumstances could use the title of it? Is swimming around in the ocean, and very handsome King in front of the sea. Useless shark is a shark be captured by humans, killing, for sale with title.In the evening, father settle when I went to bed, my dad said to me: "today we see that the shark was cut in two in the future will be eaten by humans, do we humans are cruel, dont you think? "I replied:" its very cruel, but, if not cruel, we would starve. Because we still have to eat meat or something. Also, what other herbivores, for example eating cattle, sheep, and our homes not turned into a desert. Grass, we have better homes. But we are a little cruel. "Dad just smiled and walked out of my room.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 9

  When did this old story come from? When did it happen? Whether could be explained as a real one or just a legend? Who knows.Sadness blooming, the old captain sat along the shore, his feet touching the chill seawater, however it cant match the chilling factor in his heart.

  Whatever, this damned sea swallowed all the happiness he had owned just several days before, his beloved wife,his pretty babies, nothing can be compared with his hatred for the unexpected storm, which unexpectedly brought his life into endless darkness, more or less, at this moment.Slowly he closed his eyes with blank mind,nothing coming into it except desperation.So funny, a bitter smile slipped crossing his face, "who said that stupid thing Tomorrow is another day. why cant I feel anything different when the sunshine falling down this cruel coast"he said to himself, eyes red.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 10

  Many businesses are now on the sharks fin to create their own wealth, but we have not thought about the sharks feelings yes ,we dont need not think about their feelings they are just a dumb creature.

  Sharks are a rare species of marine life, shouldnt we think about our country? Do they really want to destroy it?

  Do businesses in this line always put the shark catch up and then the two fins it cut off ,then put it back to the sea. The shark is alive firms have put it this way was suffering. You said if the shark did not have two fins you can swim in the sea? They have to wait for the pain to die.

  After all the sharks are dead the sea will be very smelly

  Here I advocate the protection of sharks remember: no trading no killing!

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 11

  Today, I saw the scene of shark hunting on TV, which had to remind me of the "hounds of the ocean" - sharks.

  The shark is the most outstanding "predator expert" in the ocean, the reason why it is called "the hound of the ocean", mainly lies in its hearing and smell, sharks can detect the existence of other fish 1 km away. According to real information, sharks have lived on the earth for more than 400 million years.

  There are many kinds of sharks, great white sharks, whale sharks, blue sharks, tiger sharks... Among them, the most powerful is the whale shark, which is the largest fish found.

  However, due to the killing of humans and similar species, sharks have been nearly extinct, even the newborn baby will be eaten only two or three.

  Protect our "ocean hounds" - sharks!

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 12

  Today, my uncle took me, my sister and my brother to visit Shanghai Ocean World.

  We first looked at the small goldfish, small goldfish colorful, very beautiful, and then we came to the tunnel, the tunnel above, left and right are glass, glass inside are fish, multi-polar. Finally, we came to see the shark place, some sharks thin, some long, and wide and long, listen to an aunt said: the basket is a special selection of docile sharks, after washing hands can also gently touch, so I went to wash hands, strong courage gently touched, sister also washed hands, to touch, she told me: The sharks body was so rough, I said, "Its okay," and we went to visit the next place.

  Have fun at Seaworld. Come back next time.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 13

  One day, the shark and the little goldfish are playing together. They are playing and talking about the ocean contest to be held tomorrow. The little goldfish said to the shark, "How do you want to play tomorrow?" Shark money said: "I love sleeping in and not getting up." The little goldfish said, "Its okay, Ill call you." The shark said, "Thank you!"

  Early in the morning, the little goldfish was up, but the shark was still sleeping in. The little goldfish forgot what he said to the shark yesterday, so the little goldfish went to the race by himself. It won the competition and won the first prize. The little goldfish came back with the trophy. The little goldfish thought about yesterday and then went to look for the shark. At this time, the shark has sharpened its teeth at home, waiting for the small goldfish, and the result is that the small goldfish just arrived at the sharks home, the shark swam over and ate the small goldfish.

  From then on, the shark and the little goldfish became bitter enemies.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 14

  My name is Jaws.

  Although I was born shortsighted, I have a good sense of smell. For example, far, far away, I can smell an object, and then use my head senses to determine the location and quickly catch up with the object.

  I can swim 56 kilometers an hour. Im a fast swimmer. I finished the 3840km swim in three days. My teeth are so sharp that I can tear through a grating door. Im never picky about food. Although my favorite foods are seals and sea lions, scientists have found straw hats, clocks, bottles in my stomach.

  Im an ocean killer. I can attack any animal, I can eat people, I can even attack fishing boats. Thats why I can attack people, but all the beaches have shark nets to prevent me from attacking them, and, hey, without shark nets, Id be eating people swimming in the ocean.

  These people are so annoying. They treat my sharks fin like a delicacy.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 15

  Now many businesses rely on shark fins to create their own wealth, but have we ever thought about the feelings of sharks, yes, we do not need to think about their feelings, they are just a non-talking creature.

  Sharks are also a rare species of Marine life nowadays. Shouldnt we think of our country? Is it really necessary for them to become extinct?

  The merchants in this line always catch the shark first, then cut off its two fins, and then kick it back into the sea, and the shark is alive, and the merchants torture it like this. Do you think a shark would swim in the ocean without two fins? They just wait for the pain to die.

  When the sharks die in there, the sea stinks. Do we want that?

  Here, I advocate for shark conservation and remember: no buying, no killing!

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 16

  Sharks are very fierce, but they have a sense of justice. So I like sharks very much and I want to be a shark.

  Then one day, I really became a shark. My family lives in the East China Sea. There are many of my friends there. They often play with me.

  Suddenly, one day, the sea near my house was polluted by a group of octopuses. My mother said, "My son, go to the dragon King and ask him to help." I went to the Dragon King immediately. I said, "Dear Dragon King! You have to help us! My home has been contaminated by a herd of octopuses." The Dragon King asked dolphin scientists to investigate, and the result was that my home was contaminated by octopus. The dragon King called the octopus over and shouted loudly, "I give you one month, you must clean up the pollution in the sharks house, or I will kill you!"

  A month later, my home was clear and transparent again, and our whole family lived a happy and happy life.

  描写鲨鱼的英语作文 17

  The blue sky was cloudless, and the sun shone brightly on the sea. The white seagulls are flying over the sea, and the beautiful shells on the beach seem to be whispering to the beach! You know what? The sea is a colorful world.

  One day the little fish were playing in the sea when suddenly a big shark came. The little fish hid quickly. The shark was very sad. He wanted to play with everyone. Then the shark said, "Dont hide! I came to play with you, I wont eat you." A little fish heard this and swam out to play with the shark. The shark really didnt eat it. Other small fish saw that the shark did not eat and swam out to play with the shark. The shark never ate them again, and they became good friends.