

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇1

  The teacher came into our classroom Tang Youquan, your eyes would be attracted to the north of flowers and plants on the cabinet, that's our class plants Angle. Look, the POTS of flowers and plants all hold your head high, more spirit, more proud! Dahlia leaves are dark green, the branches with six flower wankou large flowers open. Pink petals in the green leaves foil below, appear more gorgeous, is really red flowers need greenery line! Chrysanthemum indicum compared with dahlia is more small, but it has to be able to compete and dahlia. Not, clusters of flowers to get full, nearly, like little round round: well look, like a big ball. Gather together the past smell, a fragrant, refreshing. Pepper is no less, the trunk has several branches, strewn at random have send, around. Green leaves, dotted with dozens of small, heart-shaped chili, pale yellow, with purple, red. "Hey, why the same strain of chili have different color?" Tang teacher told us: "just grow chili is pale yellow, gradually, became the purple, etc. It has matured, turned red." Look again at bracketplant "the three musketeers". Their leaves are elongated, but different colors. Look, on the right side of a basin of middle leaf is white, the edge is green, like a Mosaic of two jade belt; In the middle of a basin with it on the contrary, leaf is green, middle edge is white, like the two white necklace; And a pot of blade are all green, showy. Three basin of chlorophytum each have each elegant demeanour, is worth watching. Just described is only the tip of the iceberg, to tell you the truth, in our class there is a lot of attractive flowers and plants in Angle of plants, like the tender is about to drip drip guanyin, small and exquisite of aloe vera, pure white and flawless, faint scent of jasmine, tightly attracted the line of sight of you, let you linger. Listen to my introduction, you eyes are bigger? As the saying goes, seeing is believing. You must have time to see oh, guaranteed to feast your eyes. n types, all received.


  老师唐有泉 走进我们的教室,你的目光准会被北边柜子上的花草吸引,那是我们班的植物角。瞧,那一盆盆花草个个抬头挺胸,多精神,多神气! 大丽花的叶子是深绿色的,枝头开放着六朵碗口大的花儿。粉红的花瓣在绿叶的`衬托下,显得更加艳丽,真是红花还需绿叶衬啊! 野菊花跟大丽花比起来可就小多了,但是,它却能和大丽花媲美。这不,一簇簇花挨挨挤挤,近看,像一轮轮小太阳:远看,像一个大绣球。凑过去闻一闻,一股清香扑鼻而来,令人神清气爽。 彩椒也不逊色,主干上有几个分枝,错落有致,向四周展开。绿叶丛中点缀着几十个小小的、鸡心形的辣椒,有淡黄色的,有紫色的,有红色的。“咦,同一株上的辣椒为什么会有不同的颜色呢?”唐老师告诉我们:“刚长出来的辣椒是淡黄色的,渐渐地,就变成了紫色,等它成熟了,就变成了红色。” 再看看吊兰“三剑客”吧。它们的叶片都是长条形的,但颜色不同。瞧,右边的一盆叶片中间是白色的,边缘是绿色的,像镶了两条碧玉带;中间的一盆跟它相反,叶片中间是绿色的,边缘是白色的,像带了两条白项链;还有一盆叶片全是绿的,油亮油亮的。三盆吊兰各有各的风采,都很值得欣赏。 刚才介绍的只不过是冰山一角,不瞒你说,我们班的植物角还有好多迷人的花草呢,像娇嫩欲滴的滴水观音啦,小巧玲珑的芦荟啦,洁白无瑕、清香四溢的茉莉花啦,都会把你的视线紧紧吸引,让你流连忘返。 听了我的介绍,你是不是眼馋啦?俗话说,百闻不如一见。有时间你一定要来观赏哦,保证会让你大饱眼福的。

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇2

  plants seem to know which way is up and which way is down; besides, they seem to know right from left. if a cutting from a tree is kept alive, new shoots will grow from the end that grew in the highest part of the tree.

  there is no noticeable difference between the top and the bottom of the living stick, even under a microscope. even so, the stick will not send out shoots from the end it regards as bottom even if this end happens to be on top!

  scientists studying this subject further split their cuttings in the direction of length.

  to their surprise, they made another new discovery. a good many more buds grew on the righthand side of the split surface than on the left. they split the sticks again and found that the buds again grew on the right side.

  the results of the entire study showed a 60% choice for the right side, proving that growing plants are mostly "righthanded.”

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇3

  There are many kinds of plants I like, such as: Sunflower, Cactus, Morning Bull u0026 Hellip; u0026 Hellip; where I like the plants.

  Morning, sunflower always laughs, the first one greets the sun; noon, the sun is empty, sunflower is a smile; in the evening, the sun, the sunflower is also facing the sun, as if Say goodbye!

  Summer arrived, sunflower flowers, like a wheels. Golden, laughing, they are for the sun, and the heart is blooming. I have a number, each sunflower has countless petals, squeezed, that little petals is so cute, then beautiful!

  a wind, a rain, sunflower in the storm Swinging, the naughty windbow, like the sunflower, but the sunflower is not falling, the wind doll is dissatisfied, blowing more fierce, the sunflower is not low, its face is looking forward to the sun.

  In winter, the sunflower has been over, it leaves the fruit of the harvest, bringing a joy!

  Ah! How beautiful sunflower, I love you!

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇4

  Every year on March 21, is the world's forests.

  "Photosynthesis" green plants to beautify our environment, let our living environment better. Can resist the sand in the forests, protect human.

  In recent years, due to the consumer consumption of wood and forest products in great quantities, cause the global forest area is significantly reduced, the world disappear every year nearly millions of hectares of forest, it is not just a certain country's internal problems, it has become an international problem.

  1971 the 7th world congress decided to forest on March 21 every year as the world's forests, in order to attract countries to the attention of the human green protector, forest resources, through coordinating the relation human and forest, to realize the sustainable utilization of forest resources.

  Walk in the nature, can see the plants, in the park, in the grass, in the field, on the mountain... Plants everywhere, they accompany us, raising us. Plants and people's relationship is very close, human beings can not be separated from them, their role can be large! Every day we eat cereal, barley is gone, sorghum shell, processed into corn. Such as we eat rice is rice to the skins, and heart everyday cannot little, vegetables, fruits and other plants into the?!

  We drink, tomato juice, coconut juice, etc.. Don't look down upon the plants, you see! We wear clothes, but also depend on it, the clothes are made of cotton woven into cloth, usually cover the quilt, bed sheets, are derived from plants. When the festival, people always buy some flowers and bonsai decorative home. In addition, trees can also carry out photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, bring us fresh air, trees can prevent noise. Plants are widely distributed in the vast sea, in the scorching sun of the desert, but with the environmental pollution, the survival of plants has been a great threat, some plants have been extinct. The relationship between plants and people is very close, we have to protect the environment, to create a better world for plants, so that they can grow.

  In 1971, the Spanish naturalists suggested that we should set up a day to call on people to protect the forest and make the full use of it. Then the representatives of the naturalists from all over the world decided that March 21 is the world forest day. In some countries, this day is also deemed as the tree-planting day. After 4 decades, the world forest day is more than a day to call on people to protect the forest, making people realize the relations between human being and the forest is also the aim of the forest day.

  It’s generally accepted that the forest has the functions of cooling off the global temperature, refreshing the air, preserving soil and water, protecting the nature links and so on. The forest is also the key to solve the severe environmental problems. In American Indian’s cultural, the local people believe that the forest raise up the sky. If the forest disappears, the sky will collapse, and the living beings would die out. With the rapid development of human society, the forest coverage rate is decrease. While the demands of the woods and papers products keep increasing. It can hardly meet the needs of human beings. Everyday, countless trees are cutting down to make various paper products. In order to make more money, people destroy the forests, and there comes different kinds of problems. For instance, soil erosion, global warming, glaciers melting, and sea level rising. The forest is so important to this planet. We should do something to protect the forest.

  First, stop cutting down the forest blindly. If we really have to, plant more trees. Second, the government should do something to enhance the people’s awareness of forest protection. Last but not least, we can reduce the use of paper, such as avoid using disposable paper goods. Protect the forest is to protect ourselves. Without the forest, we can not live on the earth either.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇5

  This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

  Pruning makes no sense. You cut off parts of a plant. Yet the plant is supposed to grow back even better than before? This demands an answer.

  The explanation begins with the apical bud. This bud is at the end of the actively growing tip of the plant.

  Apical buds produce a growth hormone called auxin. The buds release this hormone down the plant stem. When the top of the main shoot is removed -- by pruning or breakage -- the auxin is no long produced.

  This causes buds to the side, called lateral buds, to wake up and start growing. The result: better plant development.

  Pruning can also remove unhealthy or unneeded parts of a plant, and increase the growth of flowers and fruit.

  Generally, the best time to prune is in late winter, before spring growth starts. But gardening experts at the University of Florida extension point out some exceptions.

  For example, spring-blooming plants like spireas and azaleas should be pruned after they bloom. Then pinch the new shoots between your thumb and forefinger. That will help them develop branches that produce new blooms.

  Plant expert Doug Welsh says when you prune a rosebush, crape myrtle or shade tree, first remove dead, broken or diseased parts. Cut at the place where the problem begins. "Deadhead," or take off, dead blooms.

  Remove any branches that touch another branch; leave the stronger one or the one that is in a better position. Remove any branches growing in the same space as the branches next to them. Also prune branches growing toward the ground, high branches growing straight up and shoots growing from the base of the tree.

  But Doug Welsh, a professor at Texas A&M University, says not to go too far with pruning. He says a lot of it can be avoided just by choosing the right plant for the right space. "People can ruin what nature has created," he says.

  Melissa Snyder, a master gardener in Manatee County, Florida, says pruning wounds a plant. People do not need to put anything on the wound, she says. But they do need to be careful not to wound themselves with chainsaws or other pruning tools.

  Also, tools can spread disease from one plant to another. So be sure to disinfect tools with alcohol or bleach after each plant.

  And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. Next week, learn about new scientific understanding of how pruning works. And for more gardening advice, go to 51voa.com. I'm Steve Ember.









  植物学专家Doug Welsh表示,修剪玫瑰丛,桃金娘或者能遮荫的数木时,应该首先剪掉枯死,断裂或患病的部分,从出现问题的地方开始修剪。除掉枯死的花朵。


  但是得克萨斯A&M大学的Doug Welsh说,不要过度修剪。他说,选择正确的植株,种植在正确的地方可以避免许多修剪工作。“人们会毁掉自然界创造的东西。”他说。

  佛罗里达Manatee郡的主要园艺师Melissa Snyder说,修剪会使植株受伤。人们不需要在伤口放置任何物质。但是,需要注意,不要使锯条或其他修剪工具伤到自己。


  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇6

  This is the country of three seasons. From June to November it lies hot, still, and unbearable, sick with violent unrelieving storms; then on until April, chill, quiescent, drinking its scant rain and scanter snows; from April to the hot season again, blossoming, radiant, and seductive. These months are only approximate; later or earlier the rain-laden wind may drift up the water gate of the Colorado from the Gulf, and the land set its seasons by the rain.

  The desert floras shame us with their cheerful adaptations to the seasonal limitations. Their whole duty is to flower and fruit, and they do it hardly, or with tropical luxuriance, as the rain admits. It is recorded in the report of the Death Valley expedition that after a year of abundant rains, on the Colorado desert was found a specimen of Amaranthus ten feet high. A year later the same species in the same place matured in the drought at four inches. One hopes the land may breed like qualities in her human offspring, no tritely to .°try.±, but to do. Seldom does the desert herb attain the full stature of the type. Extreme aridity and extreme altitude have the same dwarfing effect, so that we find in the high Sierras and in Death Valley related species in miniature that reach a comely growth in mean temperatures. Very fertile are the desert plants in expedients to prevent evaporation, turning their foliage edge-wise toward the sun, growing silky hairs and helps them. It roll up dunes about the stocky stems, encompassing and protective, and above the dunes, which may be, as with the mesquite, three times as high as a man, the blossoming twigs flourish and bear fruit.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇7


  There is a basin of foliage plant on the balcony of our house. Its branches are cylindrical. On both sides of the branches, there are many very strong petioles. At the top of the petioles, there is a big green and shiny leaf like the palm of the hand. There are many cracks like feathers on the leaf. This foliage plant is planted by my mother-in-law. I began to think its name is balanopsis, because I think it's very similar to tortoiseshell bamboo, but my mother-in-law told me that it's not called this name, but she can't say its name, so I asked my mother to accompany me to check it on the Internet. It turned out that it had a very nice name called Chunyu.


  I like Chunyu of our family, I hope it grows more green under the careful care of my mother-in-law!

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇8

  Spent a lot of my family, but my favorite is the cactus flower.

  Cactus green body is kind of different. Stems and leaves its oval-shaped, flat, and each piece of the middle are two small, like a strong vigorous growth of the palm of your hand upward. His whole body covered with a brown small thorn, small thorns short, dense hand, it will mercilessly hard to root you, wah-wah bar you have pain.

  Cactus home in the desert regions of Africa, in particular, drought-tolerant, that is, in the arid desert, but also the survival proudly. Because the cactus stem is very thick, which can store a lot of water, the water can dry it in extreme cases of life-sustaining. Some people have done experiments, not to the cactus watering six years, it still proudly survival.

  He established the ability to cold, as well as indomitable vitality. Even if it's root rot, and still survive. Had a cold winter I remember, to whir north, snow goose feather floating in heaven, on the ground end of the thick ice. I did not to take care of it, a few months later, it became haggard, wither, and fade of the Baba. I watched, thinking it dead, and almost want to throw away. Who knows the following spring, the cactus or the tenacity to live over, is still as fresh, green, and become more strong, and soon, it was 23 out of yellow flowers.

  Cactus not only has strong vitality, but also gives medical treatment. Listen to her mother, said: If someone had mumps, put off a piece of cactus, thorn to scrape, mince, put in the neck, you can play the role of swelling. Cactus juice is said to have the efficacy of this beauty!

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇9

  Rose is the most popular flower all over the world.It has colourful petals,green leaves and small thorns along the stem.Because of it's beautiful colours and lovely smell,rose is considered as the most romantic flower that suitable to be a gift for girls.

  There are many types of rose according to the colours,which include the most traditional red,pink,white,yellow and the most recently blue.Different colours of rose carry different meanings.

  Rose's price is not very expensive but can't be considered as cheap also.The price is flexible depending on season and festival.During valentine's day,the price of rose will rises since the sale of this day is the highest around the whole year.

  I like rose,because of its beauty,I hope everyone in the world can be as beautiful as rose!

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇10

  On last Saturday,all my classmates and I went out for a trip to the park and we had good time there.

  At eight o'clock early in the morning,we got together at the school gate.When all the students reached the school gate,we took a bus which we booked in advance on Friday to the park.After an one-hour drive,we got to the park.Then,first of all,we started to climb the mountain.When we got to the top of the mountain,we began to tell stories,sing songs and play games together which made us very happy.In the noon,we started to have food and water we brought here.In the afternoon,we visited the museum.

  After a day's outdoor activities,I felt very tired.However,I was happy with it.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇11

  What a beautiful scenery , our first place is the Hefei Forest Recreation City, there are lovely elephants and the fierce tiger, this is all some cute toys, then to the naughty Chengbao really fun. Yueyang door flowers smile to us in the clouds in the sky singinghigh trees really fun on this day we wait easy step that cerium is bamboo lane, abamboo bridge, bamboo stool, stop, they are now making US officials around the size and shape of each bamboo billion, hanging in the sky the test wind variety, today is a happy day。

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇12

  A Trip to Botanical Garden

  Today our school organized a trip to Botanical Garden. At 8 o'clock this morning, we left school and went to the garden, which is only five kilometers away from us. All of us rode bikes, therefore we only spent about twenty minutes on the way. There are so many beautiful flowers in the garden. Everybody had a good time.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇13

  GO hiking

  On Sunday,I go hiking with my classmates.Our destination is Zhongshan Park.The weather is very good,our mood is good too.We take some food and some useful things,when we arrived at the park,we are very exciting,so we climb the hill.

  On the way to the peak,we feel very interesting,but after a period ,we feel a little tired,so we stop and have our lunch.What a delicious food!Cookies,apples,fruit,even sweets!After a good lunch ,we continue our trip,we arrived at the peak after a short time.The view is so beautiful!

  After we get to the foot of the hill,we play some interesting games in park.Like Crzay Mouse,Shooting Game.We are enjoying it very much.

  when sun set down ,we return,the hiking is so interesting that I never forget it for ever!

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇14

  Today, daddy leads me to buy the flower to the flower shop, I elected three to plant flowers: Fresh refined lily, warm moving carnation, what I most like is that posture myriad rose. In the flower shop rose has many kind of colors: The white like snow, the red elephant fire, yellow resembles the gold, flesh color like rosy cloud .I have chosen a most lovable purple-red rose. Gets in the home, I  them in have in the water jar, sits before the table the careful observation rose. Rose's stem very straight very straight, has the penstock to be so thick, on is also bringing several spinules. The bottle green leaf is the Chinese olive shape, also soft is also thin, the edge becomes the zigzag, the arteries is the forked arteries. It is an opening flower bud, the desire in bud puts it is similar to the charming charming young girl, the smiling face contains the spring, beautiful extremely. The second day early in the morning, I discovered the rose already split open the smiling face, a flowers small wine class, the flower petal slightly has become likely screw type splits open, but has not looked at the inside stamen and pistil. The rose seems beautiful and the rich charm, I draw close to it gently, inspired deeply! A light delicate fragrance greets the nostrils. The rose is the rose family plant, its ancestor is an everflowering rose, afterward was mixed with the wild rose, has become present's rose. Although the rose is bringing the thorn, but my equally I like tenderly and beautifully pleasant, fragrant four overflow rose.


  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇15

  Plants are very important living things.Life could not go on if there were no plants.This is because plants can make food from air,water and sunlight.Animals and man cannot do so.Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals.Man gets his food by eating plants and animals,too.Therefore,animals and man need plants in order to live.

  If you look carefully at the plants around you,you will find that there are many types of plants.Some plants are large while others are small.Most plants are green.

  There are two main types of plants:flowering plants and nonflowering plants.

  Flowering plants have roots,stems,leaves,flowers and fruits.Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants.You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits.

  Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees,mosses,liver-worts,algae and fungi.You cannot see many nonflowering plants around you.

  Most plants do not grow from seeds.They grow from spores.Spores are very,very small.Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air.We may say that spores are quite similar to seeds.When these spores fall on wet and shady places,they usually grow into new plants.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇16

  The winter holiday is coming.My classmates are planning to go travelling to some places and have a relax,of whom 15 of my classmates will go to large cities,visiting some museums and places of interest.

  10 of my classmates would like to go to smaller cities and taste the delicious food there.The rest 20 of them will go to the countryside,breathing some fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇17


  There is a sunflower on my balcony. It was brought from Grandma's house.


  Its stem and pen are straight, like the soldiers on the grassland standing there, and its waist pole has small hairy thorns. Touch on the hairy spikes, you will feel a little bit tied.


  There is a big flower plate on the top of the stem. There are many small holes in the big flower plate. In the hole are its fruits and sunflower seeds. You can eat them in summer. There is a circle of golden petals around the fruit, like a group of golden soldiers protecting sunflower seeds. When the sun came out, he kept opening to the sun, stubbornly; when the sun set in the evening, he lowered his head, like a child who lost his beloved toy, and his round face was full of loss.


  He not only has a strong vitality, but also has many medicinal values. He can treat hypertension, headache, tinnitus, sore rash and other diseases.


  We want to be like sunflowers, not afraid of the wind and rain, always smile to welcome a beautiful day.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇18

  On October 1st, I went to the botanical garden with my mother, father, grandma, Grandpa and sister norno.

  Walking into the botanical garden, I saw mountains, lakes, bridges and many flowers. Many bees are flying in the flowers, small boats are floating on the lake, and small fish are swimming happily in the water.

  Walking along the crooked path, a small flower is blooming, which attracts many butterflies flying between the flowers. Sister norno and I cant help running after the butterflies. We had a good time!

  Time to go home, I reluctantly out of the botanical garden. I think the botanical garden is beautiful. Ill play again.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇19


  A few plum trees in the corner of the wall, Ling Han alone opens.. Everyone has their own favorite flowers, my favorite is the perseverance of the plum blossom.


  Plum blossom is opened in winter, a myriad of colors. It looks like a small ball. Its small. Plum blossom has many colors, including white, red, yellow and pink. White as snow, yellow as gold, red as fire, pink as Xia. The leaves of plum are pure green, with fine serrations on the edges. The flower bones in bud are dazzling, just like a big and sweet peach.


  I think the fragrance of plum blossom is special. Its fragrant and full-bodied. You take a deep breath and its refreshing.


  In the cold winter, I am very cold, as long as I see the plum blossom in such a cold weather is still open so gorgeous it is not cold. These clubs are like a fire.


  I like plum blossom. Its different from other flowers. Do you like it?

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇20


  The botanical garden is in the west of Luoyang. It's very beautiful with trees.

  一走进大门,一排排整齐的树木在迎接我们。公园中心是一个人工湖,湖面上的仙鹤正在展翅高飞。水面上的荷花开了,非常漂亮。岸边的假山奇形怪状,假山上有一座优雅的.亭阁。一棵棵垂柳把 它的长辫子伸到水里,周围还有许多五颜六色的鲜花,好像给人工湖镶上了花边。在这里游览就像到了仙境一般。

  As soon as we entered the gate, rows of neat trees greeted us. In the center of the park is a man-made lake, on which cranes are flying. The lotus on the water is blooming. It's very beautiful. The rockery on the bank is in a strange shape. There is an elegant Pavilion on the rockery. Weeping willows stretch their long braids into the water, and there are many colorful flowers around them, as if they have laced the artificial lake. It's like a fairyland to visit here.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇21

  As a person holds various kinds of interest in life, i have both grown plants and kept pets for quite some time。 But not until recently have i realized that the former is easier and less energy—consuming。 With the same function of adding joy to life, plants can live their own, be more money —saving。 As far as I’m concerned, plants make better enjoyment than pets。


  Firstly, plants are less energy—consuming than pets, which need to be fed several times a day, and some of which need to be walked early in the morning。 But for plants, regular watering and fertilizing will do, provided they are placed in appropriate places with proper sunshine。 However, pets need constant care and training so as to form good habits, or they may go wild。 As to plants, no such worries are involved。


  Secondly, plants consume less money than pets。 You have to spend a considerable amount of money buying pet food, toys and other accessories。 Some people even compare that sum of money to the expenses of raising a child。 When pets fall ill, they need to be sent to the special hospital for pets, which are also quite expensive。 In this sense, plants are very economical to grow in terms of the same purpose of producing joy and beauty to people’s daily life。


  All in all, plants make better enjoyment than pets, since they are easier to handle, less expensive and troublesome。 Take the above reasons into account, the next time you think of raising something for fun, plants should be a better choice, unless you have too much free time to kill。


  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇22


  I have a plant friend whose name is rose.


  There are many kinds of rose colors, rose red, pink, and lavender It's very colorful!


  There are many roses in my backyard. Some of them stand guard with their backs straight. Some of them are like wearing bright skirts. How beautiful!


  Every day I am observing its changes. Slowly, those flowers open their petals and rush to open their buds. They are very beautiful!


  When a breeze blows, you can smell a strong fragrance. Let me tell you a little secret. Not only does rose smell sweet, but also its petals are soft. It feels very comfortable.


  How can such a lovely rose be disliked?

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇23

  Generally speaking, plants are able to manufacture their own food, by using substances in the environment through the process which is known as photosynthesis. They can grow very well if they have enough sunshine, rainfall and fertilizer.In contrast, all animals, including man, get their food either directly from the plants or indirectly by eating animals which feed on plants or other animals. Animals, therefore, need a wide range of food than plants. Plants are stationary. They do not have the power to move. Animals, on the other hand, can usually move about.Consequently, plants appear to be less sensitive then animals although they respond in some ways to light, heat, physical contact and other stimuli. Plants are usually green. Animals, however are very diverse in external appearance. They may appear in any color you can think of.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇24

  Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge. For many thousands of years it was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what our stone age ancestors knew about plants, but form what we can observe of pre-industrial societies that still exist a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient.

  This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungles of the amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them, botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of " knowledge" at all.

  Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid.

  When our neolithic ancestors, living in the middle east about 10,000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season the first great step in a new association of plants and humans was taken.

  Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops. From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild- and the accumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wild would begin to fade away.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇25


  When spring comes, spring girl comes to us quietly. It wakes up all kinds of plants and animals on the earth. Among them, my favorite osmanthus is open, small, yellow, how lovely.


  Osmanthus is not only yellow, but also orange. Osmanthus is squeezed. Some are whispering, some are waving to the sun Some of the osmanthus flowers are all open, some of them look full and will burst soon. I look, look, as if I am a osmanthus, wearing yellow clothes. When a breeze blows, I dance.


  It's not just me, a piece of Osmanthus forest is dancing. When the wind stops, I stop dancing and stand there quietly. The birds come and tell me how big the sky is. The dog came and told me the joy of running.


  It took me a long time to remember that I'm not osmanthus. I'm looking at osmanthus.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇26

  Botany, the study of plants, occupies humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but form what we can observe of pre-industrial societies that still exist a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them, botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of " knowledge" at all.

  Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season the first great step in a new association of plants and humans was taken. Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops. From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild- and the accumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wild would begin to fade away.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇27

  Some people love the elegant moon, some people love the white jasmine, but I love my strong brave plant friends u0026 mdash; u0026 mdash; plum.

  When the naughty winter child quietly came to us, the plum blossoms quietly blocked the pink and soft petals, and some were only launched two or three petals. Some petals were fully launched. Yes, some are still a flowers that are inseparable. There are only a few pink plums on the unburable branches, and they have a posture, see this, very beautiful, look at that, is also beautiful. If you look at the few plums in front of you as a living painting, the skill of the painter is really great.

  Plum blossom petals touch soft, slid, comfortable! Looking far, the petals is like a circle. The floral flowers are very rich, they can smell the fragrance from two or three meters, it is: u0026 ldquo;遥不知不, for a dark fragrance. u0026 rdquo;

  I suddenly feel that I seem to be a plum flower, wearing a pink clothes, standing in the snow, the wind blows, I will sway the body. Snowflakes, told me that winter, the wind blows, tell me the cold in winter. Wang Anshi written u0026 ldquo; the wall of the wall is plum, Ling Han alone u0026 rdquo; showing us that plum is not afraid of cold, strong spirit, I want to learn like Plum.

  How, friends, listen to my story, do you like strong beautiful plum?

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇28

  My father likes to plant flowers, and the hometown of the house is full of flowers. There is a small and exquisite chrysanthemum, with bright and beautiful peach blossoms, there is a gorgeous camellia flower.

  Dad raised the lotus fish tank before the fish tank, once in the morning, I smelled a burst of fragrance together. I quickly ran to the lotus pool, and lotus flowers have already opened a lot. Some lotus flowers expand two and three petals. Some petals are all expanded, showing light yellow little lotus honest. Some still flowers, it seems that I have to rupture immediately. Dad bought ten lotuses, each color is different: pink, pale yellow and snow. So much lotus, a posture. Look at this beautiful; look at that one, is also beautiful. I seem to feel like a lotus flower, the breeze blows, I started to dance, the little frog is accompanied by me, and a beautiful and beautiful concert began. After a while, the wind stopped, I also stopped the dance, quietly stood there. After a while, I just remember that I am not a lotus, I am watching the lotus.

  I like the lotus, every week will go to the lotus. Lotus is like my plant friends.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇29

  We all know that water is very important for human beings, while rainwater is also very important for plants. Their mother gives their first life, but rainwater provides them the second life. Without rainwater, the plants, especially the wild plants will thirst to die. As living in the wilderness, they can’t get the attention from human beings. So they have to drink the natural water, which is from the rainwater. We all know that we can bear hunger for a short time, but we couldn’t stand thirsty. So do the plants. So, you can see how important rainwater is to plants.



  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇30

  there are a variety of factors to be considered when explaining plants become sickly or die.

  first of all, dryness in the soil causes the leaves to loose freshness, or wilt, and may result in death of the plant.

  on the other hand, too much water may result in the leaves loosing their strength and drooping, or in their becoming yellow, and occasionally in the rotting of the leaves and stems.

  while sunshine is necessary for plants, if it is too strong,the soil may be baked and the roots killed. however, if there is no light, the leaves will become pale and the stems thin, and

  if not corrected, the consequence will be the death of the plant.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇31

  Our school is surrounded by green plants everywhere. Autumn is coming. The oranges on the orange trees are ripe. The leaves of willows change from dark green to golden yellow. Sometimes when the wind blows, they fall slowly from the trees. Willow branches are no longer as delicate as spring, but now they are very tough. I really like autumn plants.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇32

  We all know that water is very important for human beings, while rainwater is also very important for plants. Their mother gives their first life, but rainwater provides them the second life. Without rainwater, the plants, especially the wild plants will thirst to die. As living in the wilderness, they can’t get the attention from human beings.

  So they have to drink the natural water, which is from the rainwater.

  We all know that we can bear hunger for a short time, but we couldn’t stand thirsty. So do the plants. So, you can see how important rainwater is to plants.


  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇33


  Children, have you seen the kite tree? Ha ha, I'm sure I haven't seen it. There is a magic kite tree near my home.


  This kite tree is in the fairy tree park. There are many people flying kites there all the year round. Some kites are hanging on the branches. There are many kinds of kites on trees, such as Fuwa kites, swallow kites, car kites, airplane kites...... I will call her kite tree.


  Whenever the wind blows, I always wonder if the kite on the tree will bring the tree to the sky, and then she will become a real kite tree.

  观察植物日记的英语作文 篇34

  Huangjueshu is a city tree in Chongqing. It can be seen in the campus, the street and the cliffs.

  The vitality of the tree is very strong, and there is little soil on the cliff wall. It will try to extend its roots to other places to absorb nutrients, so as to maintain its growth needs.

  There is a yellow Jue tree in our school campus. It has a history of several decades. The top is four stories high. The trunk of the tree is brown and the surface is very rough. In spring, the Jue tree sprouts. The little buds are red in the exchange. It tastes sour and astringent. In summer, the Jue tree is like a big green umbrella, covering most of the playground. We have PE under the tree, play games and enjoy the cool. In autumn, the leaves are more recorded, which adds green to the autumn of gold and palladium. In winter, other trees become a bare trunk, while the Jue tree still bears the severe cold. How tenacious its life is!

  Huangjueshu, I love you. I love you for your vitality and selfless dedication.