

  最新的植物的观察日记中英 1

  This evening I walking in the neighborhood, thought of science teacher the assignment, I decided to see from the Angle of "science" neighborhood of all kinds of plants.

  Our neighborhood of plants are ningbo typical varieties, there are mainly four categories: trees, flowers, herbs, and fungi.

  Joe didnt: sending out the aroma of camphor; Has been hailed as a living fossil ginkgo; Symbol of the noble and pure pine; The flowers can make tea greening; And small elm crooked neck stands on the main road on both sides.

  Neighborhood of the four seasons flower. They are: spring open azalea and wisteria. Summer leaves of gardenia and crape myrtle; Autumn, not tall greening do not help; Camellia has two kinds: one kind is open in spring, grow larger; Another kind is open in winter, is small, only a foot high, As well as Chinese rose, open every month.

  The most obscure village is the grass: large lawns are planted; And theres some weeds, they tenacious vitality, being on land, settle. I know a plantain and clover, and some I dont know.

  Neighborhood there is a special plant - the worlds smallest house "mushroom". Especially after a light rain, grass, tree, you will find lots of little mushroom.

  Neighborhood, most plants are green. Surface of the leaves of these trees and flowers are coated with a layer of wax, shine the light. Only ginkgo trees are deciduous plants. One to its leaves turn yellow in autumn. All the weeds are annual herb, they all die in the fall.

  Through the observation, combined with the science books, I learned a lot of knowledge. Nature is really wonderful!










  最新的植物的观察日记中英 2

  There is a sunflower on my balcony. Sunflowers smell good. In Grandmas "little garden," the sunflower is her "lifeblood." Grandma likes it best.

  In the morning, the breeze awakens the sunflower. It opened its sleepy eyes, looked around at its familiar surroundings, stretched, and waited for noon.

  Finally at noon, the sunflower can not wait to open the bud, enjoy the warm sunshine, with a satisfied smile. Look! The five pink petals are small and oval in shape, with a small golden core in the middle. The core is like the tip of a small brush dipped in a little yellow paint. The branches were thin and tender, and the leaves green and green, like grains of rice. I thought, "It only blooms at noon when the sun is shining, so people call it a sunflower."

  In the evening, the sunflower collected its petals and bowed its head, ready to rest. In the dream, it and the sun have a common agreement to meet again at noon the next day.





  最新的植物的观察日记中英 3

  Black wolfberry is the "king of anthocyanins" and is the sacred fruit of snow that makes people live long.

  I gently touch with my hand, naughty black bean like also wrinkled black wolfberry, turned my hand into "purple fingers". I put it gently into the water, and in less than a minute, the black wolfberry that I put down turned the water purple, and I was so surprised that I could not speak. I smelt it hard, and a faint fragrance struck my nostrils. I soaked the water for a while, and the water gradually took on a lilac color. I thought to myself, such a valuable thing must be delicious? I cant wait to taste, taste sweet, delicate greasy dense.

  I heard that black goji berries only grow on the plateau and snowy mountains. I think this black wolfberry if there is ancient, must only be eaten in the palace. No wonder there is now a plateau "soft gold" called it!




  最新的植物的观察日记中英 4

  The most amazing plant - Nepenthes.

  Most Nepenthes grow in the Indian Ocean islands, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and other humid tropical forests, Chinas Guangdong, Yunnan and other provinces also have this plant.

  Nepenthes eat insects by virtue of their peculiar leaves. The midvein of its leaves protrudes into tendrils that can cling to others and rise east to west. At the top of the roll comes a sac, like a milk bottle, with a lid on the mouth that can be opened or closed. The edge of the mouth of the bottle is rolled inward, and the bottle is half full of water. The inner wall of the bottle can secrete sweet and fragrant honey, and greedy insects will climb over to eat the honey when they smell the fragrance. Perhaps when they were eating proudly, their feet suddenly slipped, a head fell into the bottle, was stuck by the water, unable to escape, and became a meal of pitcher plants!



  猪笼草吃虫,全靠它奇特的叶子。它的叶片中脉伸出去变成卷须,可以攀附着别的东西向上升。卷的顶部生出一个囊状物,像奶瓶子一样,口上有一个盖,能开也能关。瓶口边缘向内卷,瓶 内有半瓶子水液。瓶口内壁能分泌又甜又香的蜜汁,贪吃的小昆虫闻到香味就会爬过去吃蜜。也许就在它们吃得正得意的.时候,脚下突然一滑,一头栽到瓶中,被水液粘住了,无法逃命,便成了猪笼草 的美餐了!

  最新的植物的观察日记中英 5

  Last week, the team of rich farmers had planted seeds of chicken cabbage and spinach on their contracted fields, and the chicken cabbage grows particularly fast.

  We excitedly went to the garden to watch, I was surprised to find that the cabbage has been drilled out of the dirt, is sucking the sweet dew it!

  After only one day, the leaves grew a little bigger and put out two small buds. Some of their leaves are yellowish and may need more water!

  Every day after the exercise, we cant wait to see them, there are new changes every day, this is only a few days, the cabbage has grown densely, they are long and short, each one is very straight, as if they are scrambling to grow up, the color is green and green, like a group of wings of green butterflies.

  Today, the small cabbage is growing tall, more and more lush, I look forward to them quickly grow up!






  最新的植物的观察日记中英 6

  Today, my mother and I planted the sunflower seeds in the small pot, then watered them and put them on the windowsill to receive the sunlight.

  After a few days, I saw them sprout, like little bugs. I was very happy, because my mother said that the germination of the seed is the first step to success.

  In a few days, the white shoots turned into small green leaves, and grew a few centimeters taller, and I transplanted them into my garden.

  After about ten days, the sunflower grew a lot thicker and taller, and the leaves turned yellow-green.

  Two weeks later, the dried sunflower became thicker, the leaves grew wide and large, and the bud was faintly visible. Looking at them, I was excited and excited, because soon I could see the beautiful sunflowers.

  One morning, they finally blossomed, the yellow petals are so beautiful, I love this beautiful sunflower, just like the sun smiling at me.







  最新的植物的观察日记中英 7

  I started my observation diary after school this afternoon.

  I found a paper cup and put two small holes in the bottom with a pencil. Then I put some soil in the cup, buried the beans in the soil, poured water on them, and put them in a warm place.

  As soon as I got up this morning, I went to see my soybeans. Ygghh! The original soybean has sent out a small yellow bud about the size of a grain of rice. I was very happy, so I quickly watered it and put it in a place where it could get the sun. Slowly, slowly, little bean sprout grew taller and bigger. First the yellow bud turned green, the green bud was like a question mark, and the skin on the top had not yet fallen off. Slowly the skin fell off, the small bud straightened its waist, and grew two small leaves. Then the little leaves slowly opened, and finally became the word "ya". A few days later the third and fourth leaves came out.




  最新的植物的观察日记中英 8

  That day, I planted a bowl of peas that soaked all day and night. But I waited day after day, and the pea plant did not sprout. When I was about to lose patience, one morning, I opened my eyes, let me absolutely did not expect is the pea sprout, it is already two centimeters high. Hey, this guy! Its growing when Im not looking!

  Soon, one pea plant like a strongman like the clod lifted up, slowly, the pea plant grew higher and higher, but also grew leaves. Until now, it has grown into an "ant forest".

  The pea plant continues to grow, I take good care of it, every day I have to do three things: at noon to put it on the balcony in the sun; Take it into your room at night to keep it out of the cold. As soon as you find it is short of water, water it quickly.

  Under my care, the pea shoots have grown into luxuriant branches.

  I love my pea plant!






  最新的植物的观察日记中英 9

  Today, the mung beans finally sprouted.

  I carefully observed the location of its germination, that is the white line in the middle of the mung bean, its root has 7-8 cm long, much thicker, its bud like a green scissors, extremely weak, you can easily pull it off. The roots harden, and the deep purple roots float in the water, and the water in the "little pool" is yellow with a hint of lavender, like a paint dish. The stem of the mung bean is about 1 mm thick and 1 cm long, and the leaves have numerous veins, the number of which is between 10 and 25.

  Mung bean sprouts are so small, when will they grow up? Looking at it, I thought: a few months later, mung beans are full of light yellow flowers, full of branches hanging heavy fruit...




  最新的植物的观察日记中英 10

  As soon as I got home, I put down my schoolbag, picked up the diameter of the magnifying glass and ran to the balcony, carefully looking at my mung beans, and then something happened that surprised me.

  The mung beans have taken off their green coats and revealed their white bodies. I was so excited that I called my parents over at once, and they thought something big had happened. Seeing only a small mung bean peeling, he went back to the room, saying, "I thought something serious had happened." "This has been the only situation for today, and the result is that I also accidentally found a mung bean with a small tooth, and then shouted like a madman." Mom and Dad were alarmed again, ran out, and then went back disappointed.

  I believe they will be better tomorrow.




  最新的植物的观察日记中英 11

  Today I began to observe green beans, I first took a dozen green beans, put green beans in a basin, add some water, put on the ground. When I first put it in, it was hard, like little stones. In the evening, the small green bean became fat and soft, as if it wanted to burst its green clothes.

  On the second day I went to change the water for mung beans, I also saw a few small mung beans, grew a small tail, lovely and very interesting, there are some small mung beans laugh belly burst, as if the mother is holding her own children, but the mother must be very happy, because the mung bean baby grew up.



  最新的植物的观察日记中英 12

  I remember when I went home last spring outing, I asked my mother to buy me a few packets of flower seeds to take home to plant, this time just can be used to observe.

  A few days later, I went to observe the seeds. But the seed did not move at all, he asked his mother curiously: "Mom, we planted seeds why did not germinate, is it cooked seeds?" Mother said: "The seed depends on sufficient nutrients and water to grow, have to wait patiently."

  A few days later, I went to see the seeds again. I found that there are some seeds brown skin bulging, and then carefully look at a few grains also grew out of a small white bud, so small a little. This little bud has made my heart indescribably happy.




  最新的植物的观察日记中英 13

  Today, the teacher took our planting group to Hoe Garden to observe the three fruit trees adopted by our class. First of all, it is the persimmon tree, which grows a lot of persimmon flowers, which is much more lovely than the previous persimmon tree, and the red persimmon flowers also add beauty to the hoe garden, so that the persimmon tree becomes eye-catching. Then, it is the pomegranate tree, after the gardeners hard cultivation, the pomegranate tree has a lot less worms, but do not know why, the pomegranate tree always does not bloom, the whole tree looks very "lazy", I looked at it, disappointed with a sigh. Finally, we came to and saw that there was a lot of fruit on it, but the fruit was still very small and could not be eaten.

  I poured some water on plum tree, pomegranate tree and persimmon tree, hoping they can grow up quickly.



  最新的植物的观察日记中英 14

  This Monday, the teacher asked us to write about plants or plants. When I got home, I asked, "Mom, are beans plants?" The mother replied, "Beans are not plants. Sprouts are plants." I couldnt wait to ask again, "How can I get sprouts?" The mother replied, "When the beans grow up, they grow sprouts." I said happily, "I want to plant beans!"

  I asked my mother to take some beans and red beans, and then put them in a cup, then I put some water, and finally I put it on the briquettes.

  The next day, I went home to see that the beans had changed a lot, the beans had peeled, and I saw the inside, and I poured the water away. In the third, fourth, fifth or sixth days, the sprouts of the beans grow very long. First there were roots, and then there were sprouts.

  I hope the sprouts turn to green leaves soon.





  最新的植物的观察日记中英 15

  October 19th Saturday fine

  Today the teacher assigned us a composition - plant observation diary. I am ready to observe the growth process of garlic, in the morning I went to the kitchen to pick a few full garlic particles, I took out a plastic pot from home into the inside into a lot of soil, and then the garlic clove into, only exposed a head, and finally poured some water, so that the garlic is planted. With excitement, I waited for them to sprout quickly.





  最新的植物的观察日记中英 16

  Today, my fathers friend sent a pot of prickly pear to my home.

  It has many spines, like those on a hedgehog.

  From a distance, it looks like a small green ball, standing there quietly. Look closely, it is covered with thorns, like a small pompom.

  The other day, the prickly pear actually blossomed. The flower is white and looks like a trumpet. The petals are layered and spread out around them as if they had a head, and the stamens are connected to the inside of the flower by a thin filament. The flowers have no smell, but they are beautiful.

  The book says the prickles of a prickly pear are its leaves. Because desert areas are dry and water evaporates easily, cactus shed their leaves and form thorns to avoid evaporation. So, our prickly pear doesnt need much watering.

  Prickly pear is a common plant that does not need people to take care of it. It is always unknown standing in the corner, but can open a beautiful flower. I like my prickly pear.







  最新的植物的观察日记中英 17

  There is a new guest in my house. Her name is Sijimei.

  The leaves were fresh green, and after a few days, the leaves grew up and became dark green, shaped like a boat. Those leaves green like jade, a breeze blowing, a tree leaves like butterflies dancing in the branches, very beautiful.

  Four plum flowers are also very beautiful. The pink petals like a little girl, head down, red face, quietly standing there. In the morning, with the dew of four plum in the sun, like a pink transparent borneol, incomparable beauty.

  Four plum has been open flowers, it has a tenacious vitality. It shows the most beautiful side to us, brings us a lot of joy, I love my familys four seasons of Mei!





  最新的植物的观察日记中英 18

  There are many flowers in my grandmas yard, such as lily, jasmine and peony, but my favorite is orchid. At this time, it is full of flowers, waiting for me to enjoy.

  I like orchids because they are quiet and elegant. In the pale green peduncle, there are dozens of long turquoise leaves. Exudes a light fragrance, makes people want to be drunk, Qinling.

  I like orchids because theyre not competitive. It will not be more gorgeous than the peony, nor will it be more fragrant than the jasmine, it has always been calm and open. It never intended for more bees to admire and pay attention to it.

  I like orchids because they can purify our air. In the morning, as soon as I went out, I asked about the fragrance of orchids, which made people relaxed and happy.

  I like the beauty of orchids, but I also like the calm character of orchids. I think: I also want to learn the character of orchid, to be a modest gentleman!






  最新的植物的观察日记中英 19

  The fragrant vine in my home has grown a new tender stem, and it has grown a lot of flowers, some flower buds, some have opened, exposing the yellow stamens, and some are still growing. Some flowers are pink and white, some are red in the pink, and some are pale pink.

  The leaves of the fragrant vine were small and bright green, and felt very soft when touched. Now, the leaves have grown twice the size of the small leaves, growing very fast! It had turned a dark green, and it didnt feel as soft to the touch as before, it was hard and felt a little rough. I am so happy that there are new flowers growing, but a few days ago, I was wondering: "Will it bloom again?" As a result, until now, it is still like a child to enjoy "playing"! I do not know when I can rest, but the strong strength of the fragrant vine really makes me feel deeply!



  最新的植物的观察日记中英 20

  I have a Brazilian turtle at home thats as big as the palm of my hand.

  It had a dark green shell with scales as hard as armor, a soft little head, and four small claws like dragons.

  The small Brazilian turtle has a particularly high water temperature, and the water around 25 degrees is the best way for it to survive. If the water temperature drops below 25 degrees, it will hibernate!

  Brazilian turtles also like to be around people. Every time you put it in your hand, it will naturally relax and then all four little PAWS will come out. If you give it a little while, the little thing will fall asleep. Its so cute! Brazilian turtles are also sensitive to sound. When it hears a bad sound, it tucks its head into its shell and sleeps. But when the Brazilian turtle hears my voice, it sticks out its head and looks at me with kind eyes.

  I love Brazilian turtles!




