

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇1

  Most of us are taught to pay attention to what issaid-the words.Words do provide us with some information,but meanings are derived from so many other sources that it would hinder our effectivenessas a partner to a relationship to rely too heavily onwords alone.Words are used to describe only asmall part of the many ideas we associate with any given message.Sometimes we can gain insight into some of those associations if we listen for more than words.We dont always say what we mean or mean what we say.Sometimes our words dont mean anything except Im letting off some steam.I dont really want you to pay close attention to what Im saying.Just pay attention to what Im feeling.Mostly we mean several things at once.A person wanting topurchase a house says to the current owner,This step has to be fixed before Ill buy.Theowner says,Its been like that for years.Actually,the step hasnt been like that for years,but the unspoken message is: I dont want to fix it.We put up with it.Why cant you?The search for a more expansive view of meaning can be developed of examining a message interms of who said it,when it occurred,the related conditions or situation,and how it was said.

  When a message occurs can also reveal associated meaning.Let us assume two couples do exactly the same amount of kissing and arguing.But one couple always kisses after anargument and the other couple always argues after a kiss.The ordering of the behaviors maymean a great deal more than the frequency of the behavior.A friends unusually docile behaviormay only be understood by noting that it was preceded by situations that required an abnormalamount of assertiveness.Some responses may be directly linked to a developing pattern ofresponses and defy logic.For example,a person who says No! to a serials of charges likeYoure dumb,Youre lazy,and Youre dishonest,may also say No! and try to justify hisor her response if the next statement is And youre good looking.

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇2

  Dear,it is raining now,can you hear it

  Dear,I am missing you now,can you feel it

  Dear,do you remember those wonderful days we spent together,I just can’t bear smiling when thinking of you

  Dear,do you remember we walked along the street that afternoon and now I can still feel the gentle wind

  Dear,do you remember?do you understand ?

  Dear,I can never request you to love me,even in hope of it

  Dear,I know I can never compare with her,I don’t have beautiful appearance and a figure of gold

  Dear,I just want you to know,what I want is very small and simple.I will be more than happy to see you and talk with you

  Dear,I just want to be your friends as usual,and we can talk about current affairs easily and even comment President Bush’s policy freely

  Dear,I still don’t know,why do you cheat me! She is my friend,my best friend,certainly I know I will give you my best wishes......

  Dear,I still remember your words,your only words: I wish you to study hard and make more progress so that you can enter Beijing normal university and your dream will come true.There will be plenty of excellent boys in that university and each one will be much better than I,I just don't deserve you

  Dear,I said nothing at that moment,but,but,only I know when I turned around,tears can’t help falling

  Dear,I haven’t seen you for two years,and now maybe my dream has come true,and I already learnt to protect myself..but why are you keeping on cheating me?

  I don’t want the world to see me,because I don’t think that they can understand

  When everything is made to be broken,I just want you to know who I am

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇3

  December 13,an ordinary day in this special year,doesn’t mean anything much to me.I went to work at 8:30am as usual,prepared for an important official meeting and called several of my business partners.My mind was filled with all of paper work stuff until I saw the calendar on my desk.Oh,no! It’s going to be the year end!

  Too many unforgettable things have happened on me that I don’t even know which I should recall first.I joined the government,went to South Africa,Hawaii,interpreted for the vice mayor of the city,met lots of foreign businessmen,divorced with Maggie and decided to leave for where I was in year 2001.

  Life is quite sarcastic,because my career journey looks like a big circle.I joined the Labor Bureau as an intern in 1997; I left for Singapore the next year and came home in 2000.I stayed in FX for 4 years and ended up resigned for Maggie (because a couple is not allowed to work in the same dept in FX).Now I came back to government.When I looked back at the road I had been walking on,I saw a big circle!

  2005,the governmental events year! I’ve experienced the Korean Week,Japanese Week,the CIEME (China International Equipment Manufacturing Expo),The CEO Forum of the World Top 500 Companies,Shenyang Utilizes Agents to get investment meeting…etc.Now I know I can make my resume more complicated but attractive!

  My marriage is considered a total failure this year! I take it as my fate and start to face my new life.It’s really hard,though! Leaving a girl who’d been with me for 5 years is not an easy-to-make decision! The lesson is costly.The wounds,cuts and whatever injures caused by my marriage will be sewed up soon.Anyway,I said farewell to her,and to the year 2005.

  Christmas is coming.The New Year is coming.It seems as if I had seen the dawn already! This winter is freezing cold,but my heart are no more frozen!

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇4

  The waterfall behind our house at the lower end of Lake Edenwold is a thundering cascade of spring runoff from the melting snows of winter.It's been a three-week drum roll leading up to today,when the cymbal will crash and the earth will arrive at that point in its orbit around the sun where it will be light for as many hours as it will be dark.

  Today is really the celestial climax to a prelude whose crescendo has been growing now for a month in the forests and lakes all around us.Beginning in late February and through the month of March on my Saturday morning hikes through the lower Highlands,I have watched spring slowly unfold before my eyes.

  A pair of hooded mergansers suddenly appeared on our lake earlier this month and I heard the unmistakable call of a wood duck.Several thousand feet overhead,an enormous,migratory flock of Canada geese undulated like strands of limp black thread suspended against a steel gray sky; their wild honking clearly audible in spite of the flock's altitude.

  Just a little more than one week ago,as I came to a place in the woods where the forest suddenly yields to what is a wild flower meadow in the late spring and summer,the bare trees were filled with hundreds of red-winged blackbirds,their cacophonous chatter filling the otherwise still morning air.It was an eerie harbinger of spring,reminiscent of the Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds." Later that same afternoon,a small flock of cedar waxwings,another migratory species of songbirds stopped for a rest in a nearby tree only two blocks from our house.

  Man has always been fascinated with the arrival of spring.King Solomon weighed in on it when he wrote these words from his "Song" in the Old Testament: "See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,the cooing of doves is heard in our land.The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance."

  The arrival of spring has always marked a rebirth of sorts,not just for nature but also for us humans.It is a time of awakening,a time to forget the old and to embrace the new.

  For most kids it's simply a time when they can play outside longer,riding their new bicycles and skateboards or shooting hoops in driveway basketball courts.For some adults it can be a serious time,a release from the seasonal depression caused by the reduced hours of sunlight during the dark months of winter.

  But for most of us,it is a release from the mundane things that after three months have added up to the point where we are all just ready for a change.You know: things like having to wear layers of heavy clothing,white-knuckle drives to work on icy roads,and leaving home mornings in the dark only to drive back home again in darkness later the same afternoon.

  The crocus and daffodils will soon start peeking their heads above last year's pine bark nuggets and what's left of the winter snow still piled in the beds under the white pines out by the road.

  They are yet another prelude to the appearance of more flowers and birds: the warblers and the tanagers that will shortly appear in the trees around my home.

  I can't wait to inhale the aromas of things like the warming earth,new mown grass,and fresh piles of damp cedar mulch.And I am looking forward to that first morning when I can sit outside on my deck with a cup of coffee and feel comfortable without having to don a fleece or a heavy woolen shirt.

  Whatever your passion in life,take time like the busy King Solomon to pause from it for a moment over the next few weeks and just sit and watch and enjoy the spectacle of spring unfold before your eyes.

  And give thanks.

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇5

  It was supposed to be my first day on job today,cause I was told by one of the leaders from the Foreign Trade & Economy Bureau to get to work at 8:30am this morning.And I did as she told me so.

  It was 8:05am when I reached the mansion,which is an old building,built around 1990s’.Seeing nobody in the office,I could only stand at the end of the corridor and take a smoke.It was pretty embarrassing for me cause I only did that when I was a salesman in Singapore.I never like the feeling of waiting for somebody alone! I still remember the old times when I hided myself on the fire-corridors and did nothing but taking cigarettes.That is absolutely the worst way to kill time!

  Back to the point,Mr.Liyang,one of the vice directors of the bureau finally approached me and we had a conversation about 10 minutes,regarding on the bureau’s background,duties,privileges,and whatever I concern about.Then I knew I was going to join a really busy bureau,cause I would have lots of work to do everyday.Fortunately,I will still have weekends.And I was told seldom we would work over time.

  However,there is one thing that I still worry about.What if the director of the bureau does not allow me to get on board,or he just prolongs the probation period?Even though I have strong confidence on myself these years,I feel a bit nervous,cause I really want to be a member of the bureau.Who knows what the hell I was thinking of.Anyway,I said yes to him and that was a confirmation which proves my joining in the bureau.Then I know I would have a monthly payment no more than RMB2000.And I will get that amount until I retire! Is that terrible?

  Mr.Zhang,my ex-boss,told me that I am too young to be a government officer.He said I would have to clean the office,take care of the flowers and get hot water for the leaders everyday.He was afraid that I could not bear it for long in the government.Anyway,I am optimistic on my career life and I know I'm gonna make a great difference up there!

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇6

  For Your Information Only

  I can not cook,despite the fact that I've been living abroad for years,believe it or not I don't possess any of the following kitchen essentials,neither pan nor knife nor cooking oil.You name it and I definitely do not have it.Don't get the wrong picture though,it has got nothing to do with laziness,I have tried,believe me!

  My cooking days started when I first went abroad,with the intensive one month cooking training I had with my parents just before I left home.I cooked with enthusiasm.

  Every so often,the people I lived with would all cook some food individually and we would share them together.The comments such as "Delicious!',"Yummy!" had always been the comments for someone else's cooking,whereas mine would be "Hmm..interesting!","Ahh....fascinating" or something along those lines,all alternatives for "I didn't know food could be so tasteless." Bless them!

  Just in case you asked,I didn't like my own cooking much myself.Since I was not a fussy eater,as long as I was not in starvation mode,no complaints,but somehow I cooked less,a lot less.The reason for that didn't have much to do with the discouragements I had recieved.The truth was I had never really enjoyed cooking,I mean all the preparation berforehand,the actul cooking itself and the clearing up afterwards,I thought it was a waste of time.Plus in my case,after all that effort just to produce something no one appreciated,including even myself,can you see the point in that?Well,I don't blame you.

  When I was living with one of my exes,it didn't take him long to find out I was a terrible cook,but it didn't bother him that much,I mean,come on,with a sexy gorgeous girlfriend like me,who gives a damn about my cooking skills?(That was a joke)

  Anyway,there was this one time,his friends came over and it just happened that the day before a girl friend of mine metioned to me how she made popcorn on her own and how easy it all was.Just put in some butter,then add corn and finish with sugar.I could do that! So I gave it a go,but somehow as soon as I put the corn in,a huge amount of smoke came out,it went out of control and within seconds,the fire alarm in the house went off.Well,that was pretty impressive,but not in the way I had planned.

  "Damn it Woman! Just keep away from the kitch will you!".,of course my then boyfriend didn't really say that,but that's exactly what I did afterwards,I stayed away from the kitch.(Mind you,I was NOT banned from the kitchen)

  A year ago,a friend I've known for more than ten years came to visit me from across the Atlantic.I had aways liked him since we were in school,as he had to live in my place for 2 weeks.Before he came,the girls I lived with taught me all their specialities,and when he finally came,Surprise! Surprise! I cooked with perfection.(To this day,my cooking performance there still remains a mystery.)

  But then I suppose I had changed so much over the years and somehow I was not the girl he had once remembered.So at the end,my cooking was probably the only thing he liked about me.How ironic!

  Since then,I gave up cooking compeletely.

  Sometimes when I say to people that I can't cook,they would often say "But you are Chinese!",what's that got to do with anything?You know,sometimes I do think it's a shame that you can't shoot people for their stupidity.

  Anyway,this is for your information only.After all,they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach,so while I'm still on the market,it's only wise to keep it hidden.I knew you would understand,Thank you!

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇7

  Modern Technologies

  We’re all enjoying the conveniences and happiness brought by modern technologies.We use telephones and mobile phones to call,emails to write and vehicles to drive; we go to another country by air planes; we see what is happening in the world by TV programs and Internet,and we even watch sports games on live.Nowadays,without these technologies,I can’t imagine what my life could be.

  I used to read an article describing the modern lives of human beings.It says we will have many phone numbers if we want to search for one person; we send emails and cell phone messages to our friends in stead of visiting them.More and more people would rather sit in front of a computer than a TV.And we seldom go to libraries to check information now,because the Internet would do all the jobs.

  We use digital cameras,scanners,photocopiers,blue teeth technology and digital signals for our cell phones… It seems as if we were living in a real digital world.Actually I guess we are,though.Since we are so developed and advanced,why we are less civilized?

  We are easily mad with our broken computers; we fed up with things we don’t like; we call our lovers to say “farewell and good-bye” and we are afraid to face the facts which are cruel and real.We’re led to a trend that there will no more face-to-face communications.I would rather chat with my friends with OICQ and emails these years,instead of seeing them in reality.

  I hide myself inside my car so that I can flee away from dirt,air pollutions,robberies,thieves,winds,rains and snows.However,I could not taste the spring rain and the winter snow either.The nature is fleeing away from me too!

  Should I thank modern technologies or blame them?I wonder if you have got the right answer.

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇8

  The only thing legible on the torn envelope was the return address.I opened the letter and saw that it had been written in 1944 — almost 60 years ago.I read it carefully,hoping to find some clue to the identity of the wallets owner.

  It was a "Dear John" letter.The writer,in a delicate script,told the recipient,whose name was Michael,that her mother forbade her to see him again.Nevertheless,she would always love him.It was signed Hannah.

  It was a beautiful letter.But there was no way,beyond the name Michael,to identify the owner.Perhaps if I called information the operator could find the phone number for the address shown on the envelope.

  "Operator,this is an unusual request.Im trying to find the owner of a wallet I found.Is there any way you could tell me the phone number for an address that was on a letter in the wallet?"

  The operator gave me her supervisor,who said there was a phone listed at the address,but that she could not give me the number.However,she would call and explain the situation.Then,if the party wanted to talk,she would connect me.I waited a minute and she came back on the line."I have a woman who will speak with you."

  I asked the woman if she knew a Hannah.

  "Oh,of course! We bought this house from Hannahs family thirty years ago."

  "Would you know where they could be located now?" I asked.

  "Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home years ago.Maybe the home could help you track down the daughter."

  The woman gave me the name of the nursing home.I called and found out that Hannahs mother had died.The woman I spoke with gave me an address where she thought Hannah could be reached.

  I phoned.The woman who answered explained that Hannah herself was now living in a nursing home.She gave me the number.I called and was told,"Yes,Hannah is with us."

  I asked if I could stop by to see her.It was almost 10 p.m.The director said Hannah might be asleep."But if you want to take a chance,maybe shes in the day room watching television."

  The director and a guard greeted me at the door of the nursing home.We went up to the third floor and saw the nurse,who told us that Hannah was indeed watching TV.

  We entered the day room.Hannah was a sweet,silver-haired old-timer with a warm smile and friendly eyes.I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter.The second she saw it,she took a deep breath."Young man," she said,"this letter was

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇9

  Any FPS fans here?I am playing Call of Duty 2 a lot these days.It is such an awesome piece with realistic sound and visual effects.The somke part is breath-taking,it is like you are watching a WW2 blockbuster rather than playing a PC game.You have a range of mean weapons to grab and fight with,as MP 40,MG 42,Kar98k,Lee Enfield,Scoped Springfield...you name it.Just these names are enough to arouse me;)

  MP 44 is my favorite gadget,and since you can only play the Allied side,I often discard Thompson or M1 Grand for it.They say MP 44 is actually the forebear of all modern assault rifles like Kalashnikov and M16,they can't be much wrong.

  Another drawing factor is you are fighting with a squad,with soldiers throwing himself between you and the whizzing bullets,knocking off machine gunners so you can venture out your cover,and disabling armored vehicles when you think death is hovering around you.Instead of taking from the gaming experience,it is a more truthful design showing respect to the fact you seldom act alone in a major operation.

  Lock and load,boys,give the enemey hell!

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇10

  My Girlfriend is Cat---- By smellycatty

  We knew each other on the forum of New Oriental School.That time,we both had been hurt,drifting in a lonely city for a long time,yearning to fly,and craving for true and forever love.

  I studied GMAT by myself in a rented small flat,she was working hard to go abroad as a post-doctor.Studying for the test,writing her emails,and having long talks over the phone late at night became a habit as well as the happiest moments of my otherwise boring and lonely life.Before long,I found myself attached to the sweet voice and the gentleness of the girl I had never met.

  One night,before I hung up the phone,a sadness and romance surged up in me.And I said to her: “I want to sing a song to you.” I used to be a big music fan in college.I listened to music as a way of dealing with the bland school life.And I also liked to yell some tunes in the corridor or on my way back to my dorm at night.Some people labeled my style “street singer” who’s from the suburb of Hong Kong.

  The song I sang that night is the original Japanese version of an old song by the name of “Half Full Moon(月半弯)”.As I already said,I sang it thousands of times on the street,in corridor and Karaoke Bars.But my performance has never been that good this time.I didn’t know or wasn’t sure what kind of person she would be in my life.Maybe a friend on the Internet,maybe just an ordinary friend,or even my future girlfriend,I had absolutely no idea.She was some girl I hadn’t met,so I just treated her as a listener to my heart.

  What happened later was an abrupt twist.One dark and windy night,our friendship became a love caught on fire because of my not bad singing.On an impulse,I whispered to her,“Tell you the truth,all my life,I am looking for someone,with her,we could become happy for the rest of our life.”

  On the other end of the phone,she choked up and started sobbing.All of a sudden,I realized that both she and I wished to bring the other happiness.

  From my past experience and instinct,I thought that I should do something immediately.So a few days later,driven by curiosity and passion,I decided to visit her.My surprise visit indeed shocked her.It seemed to me that she still wanted to keep on our relationship by telephone and Internet.Later she told me that this gave her lots of romance and fun for imagination.

  Urged by my pleading and threatening,she showed up,a small girl with embarrassment and excitement all over her face.I was more than one head tall than her.Walking beside her,I turned my head and couldn’t see her.Her hairs were blown up by wind,brushing against my face and making me very itchy.I was trying very hard to figure out some topics,suddenly my hand was in her hand.

  This could be the greatest embarrassment of my whole life.Never before had my hand been hold by a girl first.In a second,I felt like that I became a girl walking on the street with hand hold.We walked and walked.A long time passed,we tried to loose each other up by talking about some funny things.She was much easy-going than I thought she would be.But I was much shyer than I used to believe.

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇11

  Many Chinese believe that for China to be strong its trade account must not be in the red.It must have a trade surplus to grow prosperous.So if we look back at 5000 years of Chinese history,it would be surprising that the time China’s trade was in the red was also just when the ‘middle kingdom’ was at its peak during that dynasty.

  For example,during Han Dynasty,China ran a trade deficit for centuries with neighboring countries,and it was also the time China became the center of the Asia.Another obvious example is the Tang and Song Dynasty (from 7th century to 11th century),when China was again in a trade deficit with nearly all its neighbors.China was then experiencing shortages of gold,silver or even bronze,but none of this had blocked the red dragon from being the strongest nation at that time.But at the end of Song Dynasty,just decades before the Chinese were invaded and defeated by Mongolians,China became the main exporter in Asia and it was one of the several periods when China was weak.Historians cannot simply conclude this as coincidence.

  Recent history tells the same story.The end of 19th century was a nightmare for the ancient nation.Many blamed the trade deficit that resulted from opium trade as the plague which caused the weakness of China’s economy in the late Qing Dynasty.However,if we put opium trade aside,China was still a large exporter in the world while it imported little from the outside world.At some point,China’s trade partners had to use opium as a way to pay for their trade deficit with China.Earlier,in the middle of the 18th century,China could produce enough opium for domestic market and also become an exporter in normal definition,but it didn’t help China to be a stronger nation at all.When China launched its first industrialization campaign,it’s trade soon turned into red again,but this happened during the last struggle of Qing Dynasty in its dying years.

  After its opening-up in 1978,China was in the red again for eleven years,with the exception of 1983.The government is implementing of a strategy of stimulating exports initially from China’s opening-up.It is a reasonable policy for a post-communism economy which is lack of an efficient fiancé system and a minimum-required foreign currency reserve.

  Since 1990,China has been chalking up trade surplus with the exception of 1993.In 2004,the trade surplus of China amounts to $70 billion,of which $58.6 billion from Sino-US trade.With its expanding of trade surplus,its economic rapid growth continues for decades.At the same time,Chinese factories are famous for dumping cheap goods from advantages of its low-cost labors and poor environment standard.After all,China is developing,much faster than EU,US,Japan or any other major power of the world.There is no doubt that China is regaining its strength and will be a major economic power in the 21st century.

  What will China bring to the globalization of economy?Even for a country of 1.2 billion population and 960 square kilometers,there is no unlimited supply of cheap labor or unlimited tolerance of environment pollution.However,the demand of the 1.2 billion population market in a fast-growing economy could be the powerful engine of the global economy in human history.Some of Chinese key officials and scholars has turned to pro-deficit attitude on this debate and more and more people realize that China has no responsibility to supply the world with cheap goods while the living standard of Chinese people are below average level.While those booming Chinese companies have shown their appetites for raw materials on the global market,the extravagance of Chinese wealthy family in cities has given hopes to global manufacturers.

  Most of the pressure to grow imports comes from China’s trade partners,especially US and Japan.A strong wind calling for the revaluation of RMB has been blowing since the beginning of 2003,and some even criticize China as an exporter of deflation.At the same time,huge amounts of hot money flow into China despite capital controls that strictly limit money flows into this country.Chinese officials have openly refused to revaluate RMB under pressure and some even say that its a conspiracy to sacrifice China’s economy without bringing benefits to the global economy.But those strong words against the revaluation of RMB were more or less for internal politics.The government then began to boost the imports to ease the pressure on the currency.

  Domestically,there are more and more criticisms against the stimulating-export policies,especially the tax reimbursement policy.The tax reimbursement to exporters has aggravated the fiscal deficit of the central government.The government has paid 125 billion RMB and 115 billion RMB for tax reimbursement.This appropriation was far from the amount incurred every year and up to the end of 2003,the tax reimbursement in arrears reached to 340 billion RMB ($41.06 billion).The profit margin rates of many exporters are below the reimbursement rate.As the default of payment accumulated year-by-year,some exporters have fallen into liquidity problem while waiting for the payment of tax reimbursement in arrears.

  So China should not be afraid to become red in trade,like it has during many periods of greatness.If the dragon becomes be red for years or even decades,the most foreseeable consequence is that RMB will be an international currency.To support an international currency,China should build ‘a stable macroeconomic environment,an efficient market mechanism and a healthy banking system’ as Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao mentioned as the preconditions for a revaluation of RMB.It is easy to say what’s good but it is difficult to identify the problems and solve them.When the growth is still enough to sustain the system,who will be brave enough to cut the mess behind the rise?China should not be afraid to become red again.

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇12

  Fate is determined by character,and character is determined by knowledge,desire and habit.If a person wants to change his fate,he has to change his character first; and if he wants to change his character,he has to change his knowledge or his desires and habits.Complaining to other people or the environments makes no sense.

  Actually,everybody in this world will know about the meaning of life.It’s just the matter of time.A worker,who had just lost his job,met a university professor one day.He admitted that he didn’t love to study when he was a student.He just hated to study no matter what and how his father asked him to.When he got a job and became a worker,he realized how important to have knowledge in this world.But,it was too late…

  There are no parents who don’t think studying is important for their children,and all the parents tell their children to study hard.We,however,still have so much difference on different children,on the results,that we finally will know it’ is the matter of self-control.

  When we are kids in a primary school,we see no difference from each other.We just know somebody is good at Chinese,Math or Sports.We just know that the teacher likes him or her.Nowadays,we differentiate our classmates by their parents.We say: oh,god,his father is the vice mayor,his father is very rich; his mother is the dean of the biggest hospital….This is definitely not a good sign for China and the Chinese people,because it makes no competition for the youngsters,who are having China’s future in hand.

  The poor always hate the rich,because they see the rich driving all the luxury cars,living in condominiums,villas and spending money like they are countless.And the poor see the rich always on vocations,always so relaxed and enjoyable.So the poor are jealous and they wonder how can the rich be so rich and the poor are so poor.Well,the poor obviously forget one thing: When the rich are working hard and smart to collect money,the poor are lying somewhere and making complains.

  Make your fate and success in control; you can make a difference in the future,unless you want to a poor person,both mentally and physically.

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇13

  Minority youths are more likely to face trial as adults

  A WHITE KID SELLS A BAG OF E at his suburban high school.A Latino kid does the same in his inner-city neighborhood.Both get caught.Both are first-time offenders.The white kid walks into juvenile court with his parents,his priest,a good lawyer-and medical coverage.The Latino kid walks into court with his mom,no legal resources and no insurance.The judge lets the white kid go with his family; he s placed in a private treatment program.The minority kid has no such option.He s detained.

  There,in a nutshell,is what happens more and more often in the juvenile-court system.Minority youths arrested on violent felony charges in California are more than twice as likely as their white counterparts to be transferred out of the juvenile-justice system and tried as adults,according to a study released last week by the Justice Policy Institute,a research center in San Francisco.Once they are in adult courts,young black offenders are 18 times more likely to be jailed-and Hispanics seven times more likely-than are young white offenders.Discrimination against kids of color accumulates at every stage of the justice system and skyrockets when juveniles are,tried as adults,says Dan Macallair,a co-author of the new study.California has a double standard: throw kids of color behind bars,but .rehabilitate white kids who commit comparable crimes.

  经典的英语文章阅读 篇14

  Please forgive me because I’m not talking about the popular song here.I really love that song,though! What I want to bring to you people here is something I’d like to discuss with.

  Love is indeed a big concept.Thus it makes some people confused or feel blur.As I have mentioned before in this forum,I don’t even differ “love” from “like” sometimes.Can you?

  I know nobody who doesn’t want his life filled with love.One is/has been/will be receiving love from his parents,relatives,friends,colleagues,lovers and whatsoever living creatures,including animals.Fully enjoying love from around me is what I always long for.How happy and joyful I would be if I could have love everywhere in this planet!

  Love conquers everything in human’s world.The more civilized and developed a country is,the more love you will see in there.I saw many charity organizations in Singapore and Canada,and I believe there must be many in other developed countries.There is,however,so few in China.Even though there are some similar organizations in China,I’m afraid they are not doing their jobs.

  The most popular case we can see in China is Leukemia.I have all along been donating money to those patients,since I was a student.I just feel that’s the only way I can use to help them.

  The other case is raised by baggers,who are wandering in the streets all the time.They are everywhere in the cities.They are annoying sometimes,because they would even pull your pants to hold you back if you refuse to give them cashes.I pay more respect to those who would rather go collecting rubbishes at nights than being criminals to steal or rob,or commit whatever bad things against the local citizens.Once a 80 over years old woman was seen lying on the side of a road.I saw her too,for several times.She seldom bagged for money,she wanted foods and clothes more than cashes.Each time I passed by,I would give her 10 Yuan,not for pitying her,but do what I could to be of help.She died one year later.I was sad when I heard the news because I couldn’t imagine what kind of children she had would abandon their parents! She must be very sad and desperate when she left her home; she must be tough and strong to survive in such a big cold city alone for years; she must be thinking about something before her death; she must be…

  If there is another life for this wretched poor woman after her death,I hope she would have a much better life by then.May her soul rest in peace.