

  描写台风的英语作文 1

  "Crash" crash crash crash out constantly send out the voice of be agitated, timid I zheng big eyes looking at the white ceiling, "shout shout shout" hiding in the quilt, I fear to fall asleep quickly, but a close your eyes will see tree uprooted, overturned cars, floating in the air of the tiles... "Ah!" I opened my eyes, and looked around big pink curtains, boxy desk, hanging in mid-air, droplight. I patted his chest, opened the electric light. Bright lights let my heart calm a lot, finally can sleep without fear.

  Just to sleep soon, his throat like a fire pushed my body "of thirst!" I walked down the bed took up the bed kettle "yi! Empty. Cant so unlucky" I opened the corridor lights was about to go down, just think of mom and dad "mom and dad will also does not have water, I also help them to fill a bit" I gently walked into my parents room. I thought that they who did very well, and water bottle is empty, Im excited go downstairs. All of a sudden "pop" originally in a flash becomes pretty bright corridor. Now I understand what happened, but as it cant control myself to calm, feeling that is forgotten by the world, no one know my existence, the world as if I was the only one person...

  "Wake up slightly, slightly," I slowly opened my eyes, the world goes back to the original appearance, smiled and closed his eyes.





  描写台风的英语作文 2

  When I was ten years old, I met a typhoon. It really was a frightening typhoon. That evening was so dark. I still can‘t forget it. It was a rainy day. Although it was early, the sky was very dark. I was walking in the street with my mother. We were going home. The wind blew more and more strongly. We felt the difference. We started to run fast in order to go home in no time. But the wind was still faster than feet. Suddenly, lots of litter was blown away. The typhoon blew up.

  We couldn‘t hold the umbrella. It was raining heavily and we were all wet. Cold and fright went through our bodies. The big trees began to shake. Leaves fell down. We couldn‘t breathe. The wind blew in our face.

  It was so sharp. I was afraid I would be blown away, too. I held my mother tightly. We tried our best to run. But we couldn‘t.I was excited because we were near our home. A few minutes later, we arrived home. I am still alive, I said to myself happily. I saw the big typhoon through the window. How strong the typhoon is! I want to be strong, too.

  描写台风的英语作文 3

  Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to Taiwan in summertime or fall season. They Are great wind storms; when they strike land they may do great damage. However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way. He will send out warnings about.

  People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time. In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also, we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity. Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.

  描写台风的英语作文 4

  At about 8 p.m., a strong typhoon of category 16 "Weipa" hit Wenzhou. My heart was about to jump out.

  At about 2 a.m., a roar woke me up from my dream. Ah, a terrible storm is coming! The brave father had already taken the miners lamp to the fourth floor for inspection. Only my mother and I trembled in the "dark world".

  There were bursts of "rustling" and "rumbling" outside. The relentless storm is getting bigger and fiercer. Its like thousands of black war horses running together. The sound is like a mountain collapse and the earths anger, which makes it difficult for the earths mother to rest. My heart was pounding, my mood was getting more and more nervous and scared, "WEPA" seemed to see me trembling, so it became more rampant and blew the window trembling. I was anxious: "Mom, will the house be dangerous? When will the terrible magic wind stop?"

  "I dont know!" Mother held my little hand tightly.

  Another noise interrupted my thoughts. I was like a shrinking turtle. I quickly hid myself in the quilt and kept shaking. After a long time, the wind outside seemed to be less, and I timidly came to the window. Take a look at the situation outside by the rain light outside. Suddenly, I cheered: "its full of water! Its full of water! " At this time, my father came back. Seeing that I was so happy, he picked up the miners lamp and looked outside to see the flood with me“ Its late. Go to bed first and watch it tomorrow. " Mother picked up her cell phone, looked at the time and said. As soon as I lay in bed, I fell into a sweet dream in my mothers arms.

  The next day, I got up early and saw a vast ocean outside. I immediately put on my clothes and ran downstairs. When you look at the bathroom, it will become a urinal swimming pool! I went to open the gate again, and the outside was even more "spectacular": oil stains, leaves, bags... Full of. However, there are still some people wading in the water, some people washing, some people sweeping... As soon as I saw this scene, I also went downstairs and rolled up my trouser legs to join them and played with them. Ha ha, thats interesting!

  Typhoon is really dangerous, but full of water brings me infinite fun!

  描写台风的英语作文 5

  The typhoon is a category of tropical cyclones. In meteorology, press the world meteorological organization definition: tropical cyclone center sustained winds up to 12 level.


  The typhoon in recent years the typhoon happened according to relevant data show that the typhoon happen rules and characteristics of main have the following: a seasonally. The typhoon (including tropical storm) commonly occur in summer, the earliest between happened in early may, the late happen in November. 2 it is the typhoon center landing sites difficult to accurately forecast. The typhoon subject to change the direction of the wind, often ChuRenYuLiao, typhoon center landing sites often and forecast of outsiders. Three is the typhoon has sex. Rotating The landing of the first commonly after north south. Four is of serious damage. To weak buildings, all kinds of lines, trees overhead, ships at sea, and the sea, and the sea cages fish such as a destructive crops. 5 typhoon is often accompanied by heavy rain, the sea happened tide, big tsunami. Six is strong typhoon occurs, the force majeure, easy cause casualties.


  描写台风的英语作文 6

  At least one child was killed and millions were affected as typhoon Morakot slammed into Chinese provinces on the eastern coast on Sunday, destroying houses and inundating farmlands.

  Morakot landed in the coastal areas of Beibi Town, Xiapu County in Fujian Province, at 4:20 p.m., packing winds up to 118.8 kilometers per hour in its eye, the provinces meteorological bureau said.

  The sky turned completely dark in Beibi and people caught in rainstorms staggered with flashlights on. Many trees were uprooted, with some even breaking apart in strong winds.

  Farmers were trying to recapture a sizeable quantity of fish flushed from mudflat aquafarms by uprising waves.

  In Fuzhou, capital of Fujian, 34 domestic flights were cancelled and 20 delayed because of unfavorable weather conditions. The city also suspended most passenger bus services.

  描写台风的英语作文 7

  At night, our family went to the supermarket to buy things together, ready to meet the arrival of tomorrows typhoon.

  As soon as I got to the supermarket, I found everyone in it walked in with baskets in their hands, and there was no cart left. When we go to the food area again, it is a sea of people. Everyone is in the rush to buy food, even weighing the table in front of a long line. The supermarket shelves were robbed of only a few packets of biscuits. Its not easy to squeeze out of the cashier when weve finished buying food. I think it is so severe that there are so many things to prepare. So I asked my father curiously, "where did the typhoon come from? Is it so powerful? " "This is typhoon Maria 8. It forms a typhoon circle from the Pacific Ocean. It comes to Zhejiang and Fujian all the way. It has a level of 12-14. The wind is very strong. It is likely to blow down the trees, the house will collapse, and there may be heavy rain, which will cause the local area to be full of water." I was surprised and scared after I heard it.

  Back home, I raised my ears and listened to the wind whistling, which seemed to be a ghost, very harsh. I ran to the window and looked out, there was no one on the road, only a few cars had been driven occasionally. Trees on the side of the road were bent, and the thin sand seemed to bow constantly, so I was worried that they would break. It was raining so much that it crackled on the window. And wind, leaves sound together like a chorus.

  In the middle of the night, I lay in bed, listening to the terrible chorus, and I couldnt sleep. I had to go to my father to accompany me, and then I fell asleep. I hope the typhoon will pass quickly and everyone will be safe and peaceful.

  描写台风的英语作文 8

  Yesterday my teacher told us that there was atyphoonand I was so scared of it. After dinner we prepared some candles and lighters in case there was no electricity. And then we were just sitting in the living room and watching the news about the typhoon.

  In the middle night, the wind blew harder and the rain came down harder, too. The trees outside were blown by the strong wind and bent a lot. The sounds outside was very loud and scary. Sometimes I could hear an ambulance driving by. I hope it was not someone hit by an object.

  This morning the typhoon had already left. My grandfather and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Some trees fail down, some cars were damaged and some houses were damaged, too. But my fathers car, my house and my family are fine.

  Thank god!

  描写台风的英语作文 9

  Typhoon is one of the natural disasters, and it is also one of the most frequent and most serious natural disasters in the world. So, how do we prevent typhoon approaching? Some of the following methods are important.

  First, we should pay close attention to the latest developments of typhoons and make all preparations for their arrival. Secondly, we should prepare flashlights, rechargeable treasures, compressed foods, drinking waterand commonly used medicines in advance for urgent needs. Thirdly, we should close the doors and windows, check whether the doors and windows are strong, and at the same time, check whether the electrical circuits, fires, gas and other facilities are safe.

  In a word, we should not panic whentyphoon comes. We should pay attention to Typhoon news while taking precautions.

  描写台风的英语作文 10

  A few days ago, we were playing after class. Suddenly, teacher Zhan came and said to the students to be quiet. Just now I went to a meeting and said, "there may be a typhoon passing through our city today, so Ill go home from school today. I dont know whether to read or not tomorrow, because the superior leaders havent said that if it rains tomorrow, you can call." Then he picked up the chalk and wrote it on the blackboard. At this time, the classroom began to stir up. Some said, "Oh, the typhoon is coming, the typhoon is coming." Some said, "I havent seen what a typhoon looks like for a long time." The classroom is becoming more and more lively.

  After school, we were so excited that we forgot to line up. On the way home, I talked and laughed with some good friends. They all thought it was good to have a typhoon. In the evening, my grandmother and I lie in bed watching TV. TV reported: "there may be a gust of 9 ~ 11 tonight. Please be prepared for power failure." Grandma and I listened. We hurried to collect our clothes, take the flowerpot, connect water, charge, and go back to bed after doing all the precautions. But we worried all night and nothing happened.

  The next day, my grandmother told me that the typhoon turned a corner on the way, so it had little impact on our city. Hey, what a false alarm. However, I believe that all children like me must be very happy about the coming of "WEPA".

  描写台风的英语作文 11

  Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to Taiwan in summertime or fall season. They Are great wind storms; when they strike land they may do great damage.

  However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way. He will send out warnings about. People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time.

  In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also, we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity. Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.

  描写台风的英语作文 12

  The unexpected silence made our captain feel uncomfortable. He knew it was not over. After a short while, huge waves struck our ship again.

  The Nanshan was just like a small leaf floating helplessly on the huge waves. All the crew on board and the Nanshan itself were caught in a very dangerous situation. However, no one was going to give up. Instead, all the crew began to fight bravely against the hurricane under the command of our captain. Several times, the ship nearly sank due to the tons of water that crashed onto the deck.

  Fortunately, the hurricane blew the ship onto the beach. Although the ship was seriously damaged, we lived through the terrible hurricane.

  描写台风的英语作文 13

  Typhoon is one of the natural disasters, and it is also one of the most frequent and most serious natural disasters in the world. So, how do we prevent typhoon approaching? Some of the following methods are important.

  First, we should pay close attention to the latest developments of typhoons and make all preparations for their arrival. Secondly, we should prepare flashlights, rechargeable treasures, compressed foods, drinking waterand commonly used medicines in advance for urgent needs. Thirdly, we should close the doors and windows, check whether the doors and windows are strong, and at the same time, check whether the electrical circuits, fires, gas and other facilities are safe.

  In a word, we should not panic whentyphoon comes. We should pay attention to Typhoon news while taking precautions.

  描写台风的英语作文 14

  Today, my mother and I went out to go swimming. When we were walking on the road, someone told my mother and I: "there is a typhoon today. We cant go swimming, or we will drown." When we got to the seaside, we saw that the big screen showed that typhoon "Davy", No. 10 of this year, landed at Rushan tonight. There are 7-9 typhoons. Please dont go swimming in the sea. On the seashore, few people go to the sea. People blow the sea breeze on the beach. Only few brave people dare to go to the sea and fight against the wind and waves in the sea.

  The wind is so strong that our clothes are blown up and our hair is pulled up. I use a shovel to carve words on the sand. The words are mylittle name, Liddy. When I was having a good time, the bucket was blown away by the wind. It ran so far that I chased it back and made my mother laugh.

  描写台风的英语作文 15


  After school, we went to the school gate, many small raindrops were countless, and they fell from the sky. Suddenly, the rain grew bigger and bigger, like a basin of water pouring down from the sky. At home, I look out of the window, the road is full of puddles on the ground, rain falls, splashing one after another.


  In the evening, when I was writing my blog, there was a roar of typhoons outside. It was like a tiger. Im not afraid at all, because I stay in a warm and safe home.

  描写台风的英语作文 16


  Today, there was a typhoon. My mother said that this time it was 9-11.


  The typhoon roared like an angry lion, banging the windows. Some of the plants in the yard fluttered in the wind, some were pawing, some were rocking. Mountains and fields are covered with heavy rain.


  After the typhoon, the street was in a mess. The stream turned into a torrent of Yellow River. The muddy river was running down with branches. The magnolia trees by the river were all uprooted. It was said that more than 100 trees had been blown down in a school.


  How merciless the typhoon is!

  描写台风的英语作文 17


  Since last night, "sea anemone" typhoon is close to Zhoushan. The stronger the wind blows, the louder the noise comes from the cracks in the door and window. I saw the little flowers and grass planted on the balcony of my neighbors house, which were so crooked by the wind that I was afraid it would flash. Grandmas screens were also blown open by the wind. The rain also followed, slapping on the glass. I was too scared to go out. I could only watch TV at home, but after watching for a while, the signal was gone. This is all caused by typhoon.


  Wake up the next day, wind, rain, or so big. On the road, there are almost no pedestrians on the road. Because of the wind and rain, grandmas balcony is also leaking, we are busy mopping and draining. The typhoon cut off the electricity. I didnt watch TV all day. My eyes were itchy.


  Typhoon ah, you have brought us a lot of trouble, you hurry to go!

  描写台风的英语作文 18

  Last night, the wind was so strong that I knew it was a typhoon. The windows and doors of my house were clanging with the wind. The window was buzzing. Suddenly, a few drops of rain fell on the window. The dogs at home heard the wind and rain outside the window and all came to my room to take refuge.

  The next day, I got up as usual and waited at home to see if I wanted to go to school. I couldnt wait for the news, so I went downstairs to prepare for class. When I just got downstairs, my friendcalled and told me that I didnt need to go to school, so I went home again.

  This typhoon makes me busy!

  描写台风的英语作文 19


  There is a typhoon night, the glass keeps ringing, the door is also drinking, squeaking. Sing a terrible song. Go downstairs, listen to the music from the typhoon, make me afraid, I seem to enter the horror film "ghost knocking on the door" scene!


  How terrible the typhoon is! Tonight will be a sleepless night. The chorus will make me unable to close my eyes and fall asleep with fear.


  In the middle of the night, people go to sleep, but I lie waiting for the dawn!

  描写台风的英语作文 20

  Recently, due to the influence of typhoon, the wind and rain are mixed. When the strong wind blows, I can see a layer of transparent waterfall slanting down.

  This may be the second big typhoon in my impression. When I stay at home and close the window tightly, I feel the wind blowing on my body through thick robbery. Today, I went out to eat alone. When I went out, I was blown back. The wind was so strong that I dare not go out. But I put on my mask to fill my stomach and went out.

  The steamed buns you eat are hot. I dont know if its a typhoon or an encouragement to yourself~~

  描写台风的英语作文 21


  The next day, I saw the pond downstairs was full of leaves and dirt.


  I saw other peoples umbrellas were about to be blown away. Many branches downstairs of my house are broken. I see the tree is "thin", not as it used to be. When I was watching TV, the wind closed my door. I was so shocked that I couldnt sleep at night.

  描写台风的英语作文 22


  Last night there was a typhoon. My mother and I couldnt play in the square, so we went to aunt peffins house.


  When I got to her house, I would find two elder brothers to play chess with me. I didnt expect that both brothers would practice writing, and they would have to practice until ten oclock. I cant play chess with them.


  At first, aunt Peifen saw such a big typhoon, rain and night. For the sake of safety, she didnt want to take them to practice writing. Wei Fan said he didnt want to go. Later, my uncle said that he would take them on motorcycles. If he didnt go tonight, he would not go later. My mother also said, "its easier and safer for two adults to carry two children." Brother Weifan still said he didnt want to go. My mother said, "we must insist!" After mothers repeated advice, aunt and uncle took two brothers to practice writing.


  We had to go home early. But I was still in a good mood because I saw that both my brothers insisted on practicing writing. I know its all about persistence!