

  描写老鹰的英语作文 1

  The eagle is a kind of high in the blue sky on the fly as birds.

  After the mother gave birth to the baby,after days repeatedly,to begin to train them to fly,began training,his mother put each baby eagle launched their nests,and see which one baby eagle can fly high in the process of falling,if the baby cant fly,in the process of falling will be dashed to pieces!Dead baby eagle mother eagle will not be too sad for them,because the winner wont be eliminated,the loser will be eliminated,it is the survival of the eagle rule.

  An eagles eyesight is very good also,it can see a few miles away in mice and rabbits.If I were an eagle,I could fly high in the sky,but also to see whether the distance of the deep sea is I most want to see sword fish.

  Really want to become an eagle!





  描写老鹰的英语作文 2

  One beautiful summer morning, a farmer went to check his animal traps. In one tap, he found a beautiful eagle. At first, he thought that he would hill the eagle and eat it. But then he thought to himself, “This is a beautiful and special bird. It often catches rabbits and mice that eat my crops. I’ll let it go.” He opened the trap, and the eagle spread its wings and flew up into the blue shy. The eagle was very grateful to be free again. It continued to live on the farmer’s land and catch mice and rabbits. Later that summer, the farmer was building a wall. It was high and made of large stones. Suddenly, the wall started to fall, but the farmer did not notice. The eagle, flying above, saw that the farmer was in danger. It flew down and grabbed the farmer’s hat off his head. The farmer shouted, Hey! Bring that back!” The eagle flew a short distance and then dropped the hat. The angry farmer picked up his hat and walked back. He saw that the stone wall had fallen. The farmer smiled and thought, “The eagle repaid me when I most needed help.”

  描写老鹰的英语作文 3

  In mid-November 3,000 to 4,000 Bald Eagles gather along a 10-mile stretch of Alaskas Chilkat River to feed on spawning salmon. Once threatened with extinction in the lower 48 states, our national bird has been making a slow comeback, thanks to conservation efforts.

  1. The bald eagle is not really bald; it actually has white feathers on its head, neck, and tail. Bald is a derivation of balde, an Old English word meaning white. The eagle was named for its white feathers instead for a lack of feathers.

  2. Bald eagles may use the same nest year after year, adding more twigs and branches each time. One nest was found that had been used for 34 years and weighed over two tons!

  3. The bald eagle can fly 20 to 40 mph in normal flight and can dive at speeds over 100 mph.

  4. Bald eagles can actually swim! They use an overhand movement of the wings that is very much like the butterfly stroke.

  5. More than 80% of the bald eagle population in the southeastern United States is concentrated within the state of Florida.

  Bald eagles are a very important part of the environment. By eating dead animal matter, they help with natures clean-up process. Bald eagles are also hunters, so they keep animal populations strong. They do this by killing weak, old, and slower animls, leaving only the healthiest to survive.

  描写老鹰的英语作文 4


  Today, in PE class, the teacher took us to play games.


  The teacher asked us to stand in a team. The teacher was a hen, our students were chickens, and one student was an eagle. The teacher said, "students are ready for work! The game is about to start! " The students are busy preparing.


  The rules of the game are: eagles are not allowed to catch hens, chickens should hide behind hens, chickens in the house, eagles are not allowed to enter, eagles can only fly in the prescribed place, and catch chickens.


  The game begins. The eagle swoops to catch the chicken under the chicken mothers wing. Fortunately, the chicken dodges smartly. Its almost caught by the eagle. Its very dangerous! The eagle decided to make a quick decision. The chicks dodged left and right. They were so tired that they were out of breath. When the chicks didnt pay attention, the eagle caught a chick. The eagle took advantage of the victory and continued to swoop over. But this time, the chicks dodged. The eagle was unwilling to catch them again, but we were very happy.


  "Bell..." After class, the bell rings, and the game continues. Everyone runs, chases, laughs, and is immersed in laughter

  描写老鹰的英语作文 5


  In the afternoon, the teacher took us to play the game of Eagle catching chicken.


  The game begins, the chicks are hiding behind the hen, the Hawk screams to a chicken and pours at it, the hen stares at the Eagle and keeps the Eagle away from the chick. The Eagle wants to bypass the hen to catch the chick. However, wherever it goes, the hen will follow where it goes, which is not reliable Close to chicken. So the first plot of Eagle was discovered. At this time, the Eagle looked for the opportunity and rushed to another chicken. The hen spared no effort to protect the chicken. Just as the Eagle was ready to pounce on the chicken, the hen suddenly appeared in front of the Eagle, spreading her wings and blocking its way. In this way, the second attack of Eagle failed again.


  How happy the students are!

  描写老鹰的英语作文 6


  One Saturday morning, my good friends Wang Tingfang, Zhang Jiale, Li Shuo and I played the game of Eagle catching chickens together.


  The game began, they only listen to me blow a whistle, and then play. Before I was ready, the eagle began to catch the chickens. The chickens shouted and shouted. Interesting!

  描写老鹰的英语作文 7


  On Sunday, my neighbors children and I went to the grass to play the game of Eagle catching chickens.


  I am a chicken mother, neighbors children are eagles, and other children are chickens.


  The game began, the eagle flew to the chicken, I quickly spread out my hands to block the eagle. The eagle ran left and right. The chicken dodged left and dodged right under the care of its mother. It didnt get caught for a long time. The eagle was angry and left angrily. I was just happy. I saw the eagle swoop over and the chicken scream. I had no time to resist. A chicken was caught. I lost, so I rearranged the characters. In this way, play until everyone is tired before rest.


  The game of Eagle catching chickens is really fun. I had a great weekend.

  描写老鹰的英语作文 8

  In every persons childhood, they will play some classic games, such as hide and seek, which has been popular among children around the world. For Chinese children, the game Eagle Catches Chicken is very classic. It is very suitable for a group of children. One child will play the role as a eagle and one child will be a hen, then the rest of the kids are chicken babies. The eagles task is to catch all the chicken babies and the job for the hen is to protect the babies.

  The exciting moment is when all the children run in line to avoid the eagles attack. It is a funny game for every child.


  描写老鹰的英语作文 9


  Hello everyone! What games have you played? Im sure you play a lot of games. My favorite game is eagle catching chickens.


  We must be very familiar with the rules of the game, that is, first choose a classmate to play the fierce eagle, then choose a classmate to play the kind mother chicken, and finally choose a few cute chickens.


  The game began, only to see the "Eagle" rushed to the "chicken," chicken "are scared to hide, afraid of being" Eagle "caught. When I was a chicken, my heart was beating like a rabbit. I thought: if I was caught by an eagle, wouldnt I become its delicacy? So I screamed. "Chicken mother" seems to understand my mind, he looked at me, as if to say: "dont be afraid, the eagle is just scaring you, you need to be strong. "Im getting fresh again.


  Fierce "Eagle" left rushed right, but "mother chicken" left covered right block, always "chicken" well protected. Despite the eagles efforts, a chicken failed to catch it. The panting Eagle blushed and stamped. All of a sudden, the eagle had an idea and said to himself, "why dont you use one of the thirty six tactics of the art of war?" He said to do what he wanted, only to stamp his feet to the East. The chickens were all frightened and at a loss. The mother chicken and her children hurriedly retreated to the West. Unexpectedly, the eagle ran to the West unconsciously. Then he bent his body, slipped under the wings of the mother chicken, and grabbed a chicken back The "home" meal has gone. Now, he really seems to be a triumphant king.


  Ha ha, I think its fun when I think of "Eagle" and "beat the East with the west". Students, whats your favorite game?