

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇1

  Smoking cigarettes is very harmful to our health. Studies show that smoking can cause cancer and other health problems. Smoker should give up smoking.

  In addition to health problem, there are other reasons to give up smoking. First, cigarette is very expensive. It is estimated that a smoker will at least spend more than $400 a year. And ,smoking leaves an offensive odor. Non-smoker don’t like to be at around the smoker. Further-more ,smoking is a source of pollution. These are all good reasons to give up smoking .

  Of course ,it is not easy to give up smoking ,but it can be done. First ,a smoker may list the disadvantages of smoking ,which will be very helpful for him to give it up. Then ,the smoker should get support form his relatives or close friends. Last but not least ,the smoker should habit ,such as fishing and reading ,which will take the smoker’s mind off smoking.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇2

  Great days to be remembered seldom come, but small ones surround us daily.  I do not have a Roman holiday, but I have a non smoking day instead.

  Today a nc-smoking sign easily hooks up my interesting and rewarding experience on the world non smoking day a few years

  As a high school student, I, together with my friends, volunteered on a campaign to discourage public smoking by persuacling people in public places to extinguish their cigarettes and put the cigarette ends into our metal boxes. And we would in return give them a memorial sticker bearing patterns and words voicing the theme of the non smoking day.

  The first step is never a fast step. After hunting for quite a while, we set our target on a young man who was enjoying his cigarette at a bus stop. Embracing the philosophy of "nothing ventured, nothing gained", we summoned up all our courage,walked up and asked, "Sir, would you please not smoke in public places?" "It is none of your business! Why are you so busily engaged in such things? Go and mind your own exams!" He was great, I believed, for he was able to drag on his cigarette while at the same time not giving his tongue a break. And I further found out that for this man, such words as "good for your health" or "good for common courtesy" had long lost their appeal. Maybe such kind of situation should call for some other policy. I managed a smile, blended with sweet words and tried to dilute his resistance. And when we put the sticker on his clothes, he was lingering over the joy of having done us "a big favor."

  Now you see, maybe flattery should be vindicated, for to please is a great step toward persuading and a smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

  Our work ran smoothly when things began easy to handle in the afternoon. But don't worry. Troubles are just around the corner. The second hard rock we met was a middle aged man who appeared to be more of a smoking addict than a smokingenthusiast. Nothing seemed to be capable of extinguishing that cigarette. Even the wind seemed to be powerless. We showed him the cigarettes filled metal box. We spotlighted the hazards of public smoking. But all was in vain.

  Mark Twain was right, habit is habit, not to be flung out of window by anyone, but to be coaxed downstairs one step at a time. I then tried to peel the stubborn onion one layer at a time."Ok, I know how you feel. But do you know how other people around you feel?" "You see that child? Actually he smokes more of your cigarette than you do!" "In fact, you are extinguishing one cell of lung cancer when you extinguish your cigarette. You are extinguishing one cell of the disease of selfishness when you extinguish your cigarette." It is that maybe that constant drops do wear the stone. At last he extinguished our words by extinguishing his cigarette.

  As the sinking sun tinted the horizon, we began to count the cigarette ends, savoring our little victories.

  That day saw me toiling for 6 hours, inviting loads of troubles, collecting 57 cigarette-ends,savoring hundreds of potential second hand smokers and developing for myself some sense of responsibility toward society.

  Though it was a little depressing to realize that those people would naturally pick up their "tradition" just where they had temporarily laid it down, yet how far can we estimate our actions would travel! And besides that, I was rewarded in another day.That is, the experience dawned upon me the significance of care and consideration for other people. Since then, I have been as cooperative as possible whenever I am asked to improve my public behavior and I am always ready to get involved in such volunteer work.

  In a sense, the highest reward for ones toil is not what they get from it but what they become by it.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇3

  Smoking is harrnful to health. Medical science has now proved that smoking cancause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema. Your chances of having a heartattack also increase the more you smoke. Smoking is dafinitely a health hazard.

  Getting rid of the smoking habit is not easy. Many inveterate smokers are never able to quit completely. Those who try to quit often experience depression, severe headaches, and sometimes get a lot of weight as they turn to food as a substitute.

  In order to protect non-smokers from being affected, measures must be taken to reduce the chances of smoking. Children must be warned about the dangers of smoking. Cigarette companies should not be allowed to advertise on TV or radio, or in newspapers and magazines. Remove cigarette vending machines. Raise cigarette prices by adding higher tobacco taxes and use the money for antismoking campaigns.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇4

  One afternoon, my mother and I took a bus home, not many people on the bus, my mother and I found a seat to sit down. The car moved smoothly all the way, tired of playing I almost fell asleep, at this time, I smelled a choking smoke, a closer look, the original is sitting in front of me a passenger in smoking. "This is too bad," I thought. I want to stop smokers this uncivilized behavior, but just stood up, I hesitated, because the young man strong, in case he turned his face but scold me a meal can do?

  I have to figure out a way to get him to put it out. So I deliberately said loudly to my mother: "The car interior decoration is nice, but the no smoking sign is too small." As I said this, I winked at my mother. She understood what I meant and said, "People are very conscious now. They don't need a sign to remind them." The man looked back at us, touched his head and threw his cigarette on the floor. I was pleased, and said to my mother: "Mom, you just said that a person casually threw a cigarette butt results caused a fire?" The young man looked back, smiled awkwardly, and threw the cigarette into the trash can. I made it.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇5

  Yeah! May 31, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, is coming. The reason I like that day: "World No Tobacco Day". I believe that, on that day, the world will greatly reduce the number of people smoking. If they were still smoking on that day, I'd have a gizmo.

  The invention: the smoking Punishment machine.

  The instructions on this machine say: This is a game machine, players can play with this game, if the player wins, will give him some good cigarettes, if the player loses, the machine will ask for a lot of cigarettes back. In this, there are two players do not know the secret: one is: the console gives the smoke will be sprinkled with chili powder; The other is that it's a punishment machine. I'm gonna use this video game to punish people for smoking.

  Finally, I would like to explain why I don't like smoking. First, nicotine in cigarettes is harmful to health. Second, nicotine also lowers our academic performance and damages our brains. Smoking has so much harm to us, let us work together to resist smoking!

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇6

  The saying "Smoking kills" is true, and backed by sound science. Smoke contains more than 20 kinds of cancer-making substances, especially 40~50 years old people smoking the most easy cancer, could have lived 80 years suddenly shortened the teens, finally only live 5, 60 years old, and some teenagers also smoke, you know, minors are in a growing stage, so it may affect bone development. According to statistics, about 20% of the world's people smoke, there are nearly 1 billion people suffering from cancer is caused by smoking, and can live to 100 years of age most do not smoke, on the contrary, only live to 50 or 60 years of age most smoke. But I still don't understand why smoking is so attractive. Because only 10 percent of smokers actually quit smoking.

  Smoking is like chronic suicide, perhaps smoking and did not feel the harm to their own smoke, but when you lie in bed because of cancer I do not know how much hate smoke, alas! In this world what medicine is no regret medicine, in short, smoke is not a good thing, smoke can cause lung disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, has an effect on intelligence, but also cause osteoporosis, can be said to be harmful!

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇7

  Some time ago, Dad was out of breath in the middle of the night, only to wake up -- he began to quit smoking! I checked the Internet for him to quit smoking method: drink juice. Every day I would come home and "pat him down" to see if there were any cigarette boxes, tobacco batting or anything like that.

  Dad consciously bought juice concentrate to drink. I couldn't be happier. Those days, hardly saw dad smoking, guests offered him cigarettes, he politely declined, waving his hands to refuse the cigarette.

  I'm also trying to help Dad quit smoking. However, disappointingly, quit smoking did not quit for five days (five days is the period of addiction), and could not help but put the fire on the cigarette end.

  Alas, it should be Zhou Libo that sentence: "Quitting smoking is always the beginning." At first I was ecstatic, thinking that I was going to be free from the smoky world, but within a few days of this clean air world, the terrible smoky world rolled up again.

  Ladies and gentlemen, smoking is harmful to health. Please pay attention to the words on the cigarette box when you smoke. Give up smoking, don't be like my father.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇8

  My father is a power plant driver, has been working night shift, come back late, work very hard. But he was so open-minded that he could eat and sleep, and he was fat. Dad and I, hair is very long, big eyes, how, my father is very cute!

  My father has many advantages, but he has many disadvantages, especially smoking. Mother said: "Quickly quit smoking, I smell along the nose is uncomfortable, and smoking is harmful to the body has been recognized in the world." But dad always said that after this, the next time never to smoke, but he always promise, keep smoking. Alas! What a hassle.

  The smoke is really bad. Once, I played in the piano room, he even smoked three cigarettes, smoke suddenly floated into the piano room, mother very uncomfortable, open the window to let the smoke smell floated out, after a long time, the smoke smell of the room gradually dispersed...

  Alas! Why can't Dad quit smoking? Give home a healthy environment! I'm looking forward to it because I love my dad.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇9

  Cigarette is one of the most harmful things to human body, but in recent years more and more men and women are smoking. Streets, buses, shopping malls, squares, and other public places are full of the smell of burning tobacco, this smell is harmful to human health, so do not smoke as much as possible.

  Smoking is harmful to health. This is a truth that many people know. It is not only harmful to themselves, but also affects others. And it is the burning of tobacco that has caused air pollution in recent years. So it's not like we don't know about the dangers of tobacco. In such a dangerous era, we should try our best to avoid the vicious cycle caused by tobacco, we should be healthy ourselves, we should reject the harm tobacco brings to our body. Every year because of smoking lung cancer people are very much, but there are still people keep smoking, for their own family, but also for the environment we live in, we stay away from tobacco. We should have a healthy and positive outlook on life. We should take good care of our bodies. Don't let tobacco rob us of our health, and don't let tobacco harm our homes. Each of us do our part, one less person smoking can return home a healthy.

  Teachers teach us from childhood, don't smoke; Parents are also from childhood education, do not smoke. Tobacco is very harmful to our body, so we for their own health, stay away from tobacco! Cherish every minute and second of life.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇10

  May 31, is a special festival: World No Tobacco Day.

  The World Health Organization (WHO) made a decision in 1987 to set May 31 as World No Tobacco Day. It warns people that smoking is bad for their health, urges smokers around the world to stop smoking on this day or quit forever, and urges all merchants not to sell cigarettes on this day. In 1990, the World Health Organization chose No Smoking among youth as the theme for this year's World No Tobacco Day. On the third World No Tobacco Day symposium held in China, some experts called for: smoking control should be started from young people, but also stressed that youth smoking control should start from a young age; The education department should make full use of the educational position, strengthen the management of students, must absolutely prohibit primary and secondary school students smoking. According to newspaper reports, the smoking rate among Chinese teenagers has been on the rise in recent years. If left unchecked, the total number of people dying annually from smoking will rise from 100,000 today to 2 million by 2025. According to a survey, youth smoking has become a social problem that not allowed to be ignored in our country. More than 70% of smokers in our country begin smoking when they are between 15 and 25 years old. In order to promote the further development of our country's smoking control work, we must eliminate the phenomenon of youth smoking. Smoking too much will cause physical discomfort. Such as: cough, breathing discomfort... It can also cause a variety of chronic diseases. Such as: pneumonia, cancer... Some people, friends meet to smoke, festival gifts also buy cigarettes, smoking has become a tool of communication. Cigarette box clearly engraved smoking is harmful to health six characters, I do not know some loyal smoker friends have seen.

  In a word, smoking is harmful to health. Quit smoking, everyone!

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇11

  May 31, today is the 34th World No Tobacco Day, this day is more special ah, because tomorrow is Children's Day.

  Smoking is the biggest harm to children, second-hand smoke in my opinion is the most hateful, because second-hand smoke will harm the health of those who do not want to smoke, and children, poor immunity, if some children inadvertently inhaled second-hand smoke and gave birth to what disease, it is not more miserable than cardamom?

  Mention smoking slogans, we may think of a lot, like "smoking is bad for your health". But if really let those who smoke to quit smoking, it is difficult to climb the sky, some things will be addicted, may, at the beginning, a person does not want to smoke, just too much curiosity, want to try what is the taste of smoke, so, out of control, finally became a "smoker".

  A child will not smoke, and the environment has an inseparable relationship, a father, and smoke all day "never abandon", then his children, self-discipline point is good, if not self-discipline, my father smoked, why can't I. Here, I want to thank my father and mother, they are not smoking.

  Chinese smoking population is located in the first place in the world, besides our overpopulation, there is an important problem, is our smoke-free efforts are not enough, we should strengthen the anti-smoking propaganda, let people realize the harm of smoking, through the law on smoking, to protect the interests of others.

  I will not smoke, a lifetime is impossible, here I want to appeal to those who smoke, smoke less or even do not smoke, I know, it is difficult to break a habit, especially bad habits, but quit smoking, not only to protect their own health, but also to ensure the interests of others.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇12

  Saturday, May 31, is no Smoking Day. This makes me so happy, finally can have a reason not to let dad smoke! In the morning, dad to work in the weaver, I can only let him off. At lunch time, Dad came home. As I expected, as soon as dad came down, he picked up a cigarette and was about to light it. I immediately asked aloud: Dad, what's the date today?

  May 31 ah dad replied impatiently. Apparently, my old fuddy-duddy dad doesn't know what's going on. Check on the computer to see what day it is. Dad saw me do mysterious look, reluctantly put down the cigarette to open the computer. After a while, dad said nothing and put the cigarette in the box... After a long time, dad finished busy things, picked up today's newspaper and turned over the cigarette. I quickly said: today no smoking day oh! Dad smiled sheepishly and put the cigarette in the drawer.

  Then a very familiar uncle to the company to find dad dad affectionately greet him under the seat, and habitually take out cigarettes to entertain guests. I am anxious to shout: smoke a cigarette less, can donate a pen for the disaster area children! . But this time dad did not put the cigarette back, and gave me a vicious eye. I shut my mouth miserably. On my way home, I felt the smell of smoke around me seemed to be a little stronger than usual and cigarette butts on the ground seemed to be more than usual; The white perspiration on the head of the cleaner seemed thicker than usual; The sky seemed more gloomy than usual...

  I really wonder, is the establishment of this no smoking day just a decorative vase? I really want to loudly tell every smoking person: although no smoking day is only one day, but it tells us that smoking is not only bad for the body more affect our living environment. If no smoking day can be really smoke-free, if we are a smoke-free day that how good!

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇13

  My childhood was spent in the smoke and fire, there is a breath of fresh air almost in my childhood.

  On the bus, there was not a middle-aged man without a cigarette in his hand, they in front of me, like showing off the same smoke. The smell of gasoline and smoke hit me and I couldn't breathe. I could open the window and let in the air, but the people outside were smoking, too. I put up with the smoke, get out of the car, hand feebly support the trunk, two feet like penetration? Yes. If I smell bad, the smoker can't put himself in my shoes. How can smoking be comfortable? I'm confused.

  At home, whenever dinner, my father always picked up a cigarette, I protested many times, but my father always said: after a cigarette match live immortal! I was confused again.

  On my way to school, someone often strides past with a cigarette in his mouth, and I smell the smoke and cough again. I was completely confused.

  Later, I saw such a report in the newspaper: a club in France, held a smoking competition, the champion smoked 60 cigarettes at a time, died on the spot, other competitors are critically ill. Moreover, there are specific scientific reports that three cigarettes can kill a mouse, and forty cigarettes can kill a cow. Smoke is not only harmful to lower animals, but also great harm to people, put three cigarettes of nicotine into the vein for three minutes, can kill a person. Then smoking cigarettes, is tantamount to slow suicide. So why do so many people still smoke cigarettes?

  May 31 is the 21st smoke-free day in the world, as a contemporary primary school students, we should start from their own, cherish youth, love others, don't let us in the first bloom of time, let the smoke flooded our life! Let "create a smoke-free environment, enjoy a healthy life!" It's not a slogan, it's a reality.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇14

  "A cigarette after a meal is better than a living god!" I believe this sentence we must not be unfamiliar, it comes from the smoker's "famous sayings". But students, you know the harm of smoking to our human body?

  Smoking is the main cause of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and chronic lung disease itself increases the risk of pneumonia and heart disease. Smoking also increases the risk of high blood pressure. A person who smokes 15 to 20 cigarettes a day is prone to lung cancer, mouth cancer, larynx cancer, esophageal cancer, bladder cancer or heart disease. Smoking kills as many as 2.5 million people worldwide every year.

  Smoke is the number one killer of mankind. A distant uncle of mine, who smoked two or three packs a day at ordinary times, got asthma because of long-term smoking, his face turned blue and he never stopped coughing. Not long ago to the hospital examination, found that it is early lung cancer, just did lung resection operation. It's all smoking! My distant uncle turned a deaf ear to the family's bitter advice, but now he finally got the bitter taste. The most effective way is to let distant uncle from now on completely away from cigarettes, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!

  Smoking not only harm their own health, if smoking at home, make the whole room smoke, choking smoke, miasma, so that the family is forced to smoke "second-hand smoke", silently bear the smoke infestation. According to the 2008 China Smoking Control Report, about 15 million young people now smoke, no less than 40 million try smoking, and 65 million are exposed to second-hand smoke.

  May 31 is the world No Tobacco Day, the students, in order to health, we should jointly resist the habit of smoking, improve the social awareness of smoking harmful to health, to establish a healthy, clean, smoke-free good social environment.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇15

  Every time you walk down the street, people will pass a cigarette when they meet someone they know. It's probably the etiquette of old friends. I am disgusted with my father's behavior. Don't foreigners regard it as impolite to offer cigarettes when they meet? Whenever my father came home, I would advise him to quit smoking, he always said that this is adult entertainment, there is no way. Several times to persuade are not successful, I had to discuss with my mother, must put the father to quit smoking in the end.

  I bought some magazines about the dangers of smoking and gave them to my father as a present on his birthday. Dad saw the gift, immediately understand my meaning, or casually said: "Smoking is harmful to the body, but this is chronic, no big harm ah! In fact, eating fried food is also harmful to health! You should quit too, ha ha ha!" "Baba said casually.

  In recent days dad did not touch those magazines, or a smoke, I was anxious, but I did not give up, and ran to my father, frowning and said: "Dad you love us? Love us to quit smoking!" Dad promised: "Yes, yes, yes, is to listen to my daughter's words, for my wife, daughter, I decided to quit smoking!"

  At first, Dad could not resist the temptation of cigarettes. However, my father's addiction to smoking, face are distorted, I am very sad, but smoking cessation continues. After a few days, my father's face was like a frosted eggplant. I came up with a brilliant plan: take out my father's favorite snacks. Dad saw the delicious food, his face was as bright as the sun, and he did not care about smoking. My plan is going to work!

  A few days later, Dad still could not stand the temptation of cigarettes, and began to smoke a cigarette. Although this will "quit smoking in the end" action did not succeed, but I will let my father to quit smoking in the end!

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇16

  On May 30, Ningshan County organized a publicity campaign for the 29th World No Tobacco Day around the theme of "Preparing for paperback cigarette packs".

  In the activity, the county's twin founding, health care Office, education and sports Bureau, health and other units in the county center square set up a publicity station, widely carried out publicity activities; County TV station, tobacco Bureau, CDC, Health Education Institute, Jiangkou Health Center and other member units organized tobacco control into the campus activities, focusing on middle and primary school students to carry out the harm of smoking publicity, guide, education students refuse to smoke. The education and Sports Bureau of the county went to Jiangkou Town and organized the students of Jiangkou Middle School and Jiangkou Primary School to take an oath of tobacco control, reading out the declarations of "Refusing to smoke the first cigarette, becoming a new generation of non-smoking", "Staying away from tobacco, Cherishing life", "staying away from tobacco, building a beautiful Ningshan". Qi Zhiping, president of Jiangkou Health Center, gave a lecture on the health knowledge of "The harm of tobacco and How to Control Tobacco". 500 questionnaires were distributed and all teachers and students were organized to sign tobacco control activities on the two banners of "Refuse to smoke the first cigarette, Be a new generation of non-smoking", "Stay away from tobacco, Cherish life" and "Stay away from tobacco, Build a beautiful Ningshan".

  On the day of the event, two banners were hung, 40 posters were printed, six display boards were displayed, 300 brochures and 500 leaflets were distributed, 500 pens and notebooks printed with tobacco control slogans were distributed, more than 500 aprons and environment-friendly bags were distributed, 20,000 messages were sent by mobile phones, and 200 bottles of 84 disinfectant were distributed. And in the central square of the county on the big screen to play tobacco control propaganda video, to guide the broad masses of people deeply understand the harm of smoking, so as to control smoking, refuse to smoke.

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇17

  Every year on May 31, is the World No Tobacco Day, this year 2020, is the 33rd no tobacco day, but there are still many people around smoking.

  Tobacco contains 69 harmful components, including nicotine, carbon monoxide, ammonia, tobacco tar, hydrocyanic acid, acetone and butane. A cigarette has at least 69 kinds of carcinogens, among them, lung cancer risk.

  My uncle likes smoking very much, every time I go back home, I will see my uncle in the 'smoke', the house is full of miasma, smelly, as long as he smoked, no one dared to close to him, even the chicken running all over the ground also walk east shake west shake, left shake right swing. Remember once, I told my uncle: "Uncle, you don't smoke, this cigarette box is written 'smoking is harmful to health'!" My uncle would not listen to my words, said: "That may be false, deceptive?" My uncle, but I had to borrow my mother's mobile phone Baidu "tobacco harm to the human body". After I found out, I immediately showed it to my uncle, who read it with me: "When you seem to enjoy a kind of fun in the smoke, have you ever thought that smoking will be a threat to your health and life?" After reading the introduction, we searched for some of the "smoke lung" pictures, my uncle looked at these disgusting pictures, hurriedly threw the mobile phone to me said: "don't suck, don't suck, too terrible..." I couldn't help but secretly rejoice that my purpose had been achieved. Although my uncle still smoked a few cigarettes now and then, it was obviously less than before. I believe my uncle will be able to quit smoking in the near future!

  Smoking is harmful to health, please don't think that only in the "no smoking day" just don't smoke, only you have faith in your heart, can understand for the sake of their own health, then please remember: every day can become a no smoking day, hope smoking uncles and aunts, for your health, for the health of all of us, please don't smoke! Let's make a small contribution to the world environment!

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇18

  Smoking control is a good thing for the whole world. Tobacco smoke currently kills 5.4 million people a year worldwide. The use of tobacco products will directly threaten the lives of about 1 billion people in the 21st century.

  Six of the eight leading causes of human death are related to smoking or second-hand smoke, including ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, lower respiratory tract infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, and trachea, bronchial and other lung cancers. Our school arranged the production of tobacco control record activities, this activity mainly tells us: smoking is harmful to health, harmful to the body. I also did a calculation on the computer: a person about 50 years old, assuming he smoked for 20 years, a pack of cigarettes a day, 20 yuan per pack of cigarettes, if compounded, his cigarette consumption is 483,290 yuan. Don't know, a calculation is really surprised, so much money can help how many people ah, also can buy a car and a house oh!

  If only people knew how great it would be to save and improve their lives.

  Everyone should have the responsibility to make their body healthier, life belongs to us, we can treat it well, or waste it, but there is only one life, we should be responsible for life, because it belongs to themselves alone, no one can rob. After this activity, I know: Smoking is equal to chronic suicide, so smoking is very bad, you feel very comfortable when you smoke, but you do not know in this process you will experience a lot of pain, and serious will threaten their own life, so here I remind everyone to smoke less, drink more exercise, because this is not only a threat to your life, It's a threat to all your family and friends. When the addiction comes back, I have a useful reminder: "I've been trying to quit for a while. It's a temporary impulse to stop smoking, and then I can enjoy the benefits of quitting." Because even one cigarette can lead to a return to smoking later in life, and it can lead to even greater smoking. May 31, soon to the world No Tobacco Day, now we will publicize, mobilize, promote smoking cessation together, let us return to the air is fresh, the sky is clear, life is a beautiful world to go!

  世界无烟日的英语作文 篇19

  As is known to all, smoking is harmful to health, but many smokers are "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, biased to the tiger mountain travel", is to joke with their own lives! They not only smoke themselves, but also let the people around them also smoke "second-hand smoke", really harm yourself!

  My uncle was a smoker for more than ten years. You can imagine how difficult it is for him to quit smoking. But because of a close contact with death, let him deeply understand the harm of smoking, and finally he successfully quit smoking.

  One day of summer vacation, the sun is shining outside, but my home is shrouded in black smoke, everywhere. My uncle is crossing his legs, leisurely "smoke". My parents and I were forced to breathe second-hand smoke. Dad frowned to Uncle said: "Little brother, you don't smoke, or as soon as possible to quit smoking." Uncle said with a smile: "Every day to smoke some cigarettes, happy game god ah!" Seeing my uncle like that, my heart was angry and worried for him! Last year, my uncle got asthma from smoking for a long time. His face turned blue and he could not stop coughing. My parents were very worried, and hurriedly sent him to the hospital. The doctor rescued him and finally saved him, but it cost thousands of yuan in medical expenses. Unexpected uncle discharged from the hospital but good scar forget pain......

  I was thinking of God, suddenly heard the father panic, anxious voice: "little brother, you how? Answer me!" The original uncle suddenly fainted, dad immediately called 120. After the doctor's examination, uncle emphysema, half of the lung has been completely contaminated, must be operated on immediately. During the operation, the blood vessels were covered with too much dirt. The doctor accidentally cut the blood vessel and stopped the bleeding. His heart almost stopped beating. After nearly three hours of rescue, the doctor finally turned the corner.

  A week after the operation, my uncle's condition improved. When we went to visit him, he threw a cigarette and a lighter into the wastebasket in front of us. Puzzled, I asked, "Uncle, why did you throw them all away?" Uncle said deeply feeling: "After this close escape, I understand the harm of smoking how much, really regret not at the beginning!" Then, my uncle said to my parents: "Big brother, sister-in-law, I will give up smoking. If I smoke again, you can send me to a smoking cessation center."

  Just like that, Uncle really quit smoking! Now my uncle's face grew rudder and rudder, just like a new man! Through this incident, I also have a deep understanding. I solve the harm of smoking, but also learned from my uncle to correct and not afraid of difficulties!